Spirent CyberFlood's most valuable features include traffic generation and call flow functions, crucial for minimizing network monitoring tasks. Users appreciate its user-friendly interface, the flexibility it provides, and its excellent scheduling capabilities. A standout aspect is its impressive testing compliance and product testing features. These elements are particularly effective in identifying unauthorized file transfers, showcasing CyberFlood's strengths in supporting a range of testing needs.
- "The testing compliance feature is particularly impressive."
- "The testing compliance feature is particularly impressive."
- "CyberFlood is flexible."
Spirent CyberFlood needs improvement in several areas. Users desire more ports, increased speed, and additional gigabytes. Language options and frequent updates are sought after. Accessibility and multi-browser support require enhancement. Error reporting could be clearer, and the hardware module should allow for external hardware. The user interface presents challenges, with a preference for a streamlined navigation that allows users to easily return to the main screen. More pre-coverage for new protocols and applications is needed.
- "The initial setup is not straightforward and can be quite challenging."
- "The user interface could be improved to facilitate easier navigation."
- "Sometimes, when you configure parameters the hardware can't run, it will get stuck at those points without telling you what happened. It would be helpful if the error reporting provided more details about why the test setting is not running. It would be nice if there were a space in the hardware module for you to add some external hardware for more rigorous testing."