AWS Application Migration Service provides live, block-to-block replication, ensuring data integrity. Users highlight CloudEndure for its simplicity and user-friendly interface. It is cost-effective and requires minimal maintenance. The service scales efficiently and is stable and reliable. Live Migration and test options are praised, with free availability. AWS Application Migration Service simplifies VM sizing, supports various workloads, minimizes downtime, and incurs no additional costs, enhancing operational efficiency.
- "AWS Application Migration Service allows us to perform migrations with minimal downtime, which is crucial for our operations."
- "AWS Application Migration Service makes it so you don't have to take an image of your VM on-site and find the right equivalent compute instance within AWS. It does that automatically in the background."
- "Stability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten...Scalability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten...I rate the solution's support a ten out of ten."
AWS Application Migration Service could enhance disaster recovery features, live migration targets, logging details, and system navigation. Customers prefer not to pay for both lightweight and target instances. Integrating AWS Cloud Migration Factory's refactoring, dependency mapping, and cost optimization would be beneficial. Enhanced reporting and dashboards are desirable improvements. Reducing disc sizes in live migration setups and simplifying the creation of launch templates for various systems would improve the overall user experience.
- "There are some features in the Migration Factory that could be integrated directly into AWS Application Migration Service."
- "Navigating around creating launch templates when you have several types of systems can be cumbersome."
- "I think it is important to have more logs, and more details would be great because we have just logged on the client's side, but there weren't many details on the cloud."