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Prominent pros & cons


Efficient asset management, enabling users to easily track and manage all connected devices and software
Strong integration capabilities, seamlessly connecting with various IT and security tools to automate processes
Enhanced cybersecurity posture by providing comprehensive visibility into device compliance and vulnerabilities
User-friendly interface that simplifies complex asset management tasks and improves operational efficiencies
Robust reporting features offering detailed insights and analytics to aid in strategic decision-making


Challenging initial setup and integration process with some environments
The interface can be complex and overwhelming for new users
Steep learning curve due to advanced features and configuration options

Axonius Pros review quotes

Jul 19, 2024
The solution's technical support was good...The product's initial setup phase is pretty straightforward.
Jul 2, 2024
The automation capabilities in Axonius have streamlined our security operations.
Leo Frank - PeerSpot reviewer
May 24, 2024
he best feature I found in Axonius is that it shows us the duration of eCheck, and it shows us what device is down and in which part of the system life cycle or the checking part the system is down in.
Learn what your peers think about Axonius. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Alexander Bershtansky - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 22, 2024
I like that the tool has a user-friendly interface. It helps organizations and big companies improve business requirements and control processes.

Axonius Cons review quotes

Jul 19, 2024
For us, the product's deployment phase was a little challenging because we had to deal with other departments and business units.
Jul 2, 2024
We can have fetch cycle issues.
Leo Frank - PeerSpot reviewer
May 24, 2024
Regarding the improvement of Axonius, it goes halfway for both the tool and the user. If we set it up quickly from our end, and if the AD groups and all other groups assigned to tag the assets have been tagged correctly, Axonius could not show an error.
Learn what your peers think about Axonius. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Ashok Gunnia - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 28, 2024
For Axonius, I would suggest supporting more ticketing platforms and enhancing API integration directly into the platform rather than just the connector. This would allow for better integration from different systems, possibly into workflows, which I think is currently lacking.
Alexander Bershtansky - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 22, 2024
Adding more detailed descriptions or YouTube videos about specific features would help improve the application.