Grafana Loki is a powerful log aggregation and analysis tool designed for cloud-native environments. Its primary use case is to collect, store, and search logs efficiently, enabling organizations to gain valuable insights from their log data.
You can use the free version of Grafana Loki on-premises.
My company doesn't need to pay for the licensing cost of the solution.
You can use the free version of Grafana Loki on-premises.
My company doesn't need to pay for the licensing cost of the solution.
Seq is a log storage, analysis, and monitoring tool that has gained popularity among users due to its efficient and intuitive interface. It offers powerful search capabilities, making it an essential tool for troubleshooting and debugging. Users have praised its ability to handle large volumes of logs and its integration with platforms such as .NET and Docker.
The most valuable features of Seq include its powerful log searching capabilities, efficient error analysis and debugging tools, customizable dashboards and metrics, intuitive user interface, and seamless integration with various programming languages and frameworks. Users also appreciate the scalability and performance of Seq, as well as its support for collaboration and team workflows.