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Network Administrator at CHR Citadelle de Liège
Real User
Makes it easier to troubleshoot, to get a view of my network's health
Pros and Cons
  • "I always have the Skylight dashboard on one of my screens... Now you can create your own dashboard, specific to an application, specific to a server, or to something else."

    What is our primary use case?

    We are a hospital and we have a lot of external consultants and a lot of external programs. When we have a performance problem with a program, generally the response of the consultant is, "Oh, it's your network, your infrastructure, your server." With Skylight it's easy to prove that the problem is not our infrastructure and, in most cases, the problem is the application.

    We use it to improve the performance of the database tables as well as for our Citrix solution.

    How has it helped my organization?

    I do a lot of troubleshooting with Skylight, troubleshooting network speed and application performance. It's really good because we have all the metrics, and it's very easy to find a direct route to the problem.

    For example, one month ago we had to change a lot of servers in a laboratory. Before the change of the infrastructure, we took a snapshot of the network infrastructure and the performance. After the replacement of the servers, we took the same snapshot, the same picture of the network and the performance. We could see if the network was better and if the server performance was better than the old server. It was easy for us to see if the replacement of the hardware was good or not; or, after the virtualization of a server, if the performance is better or not. Without Skylight it would be difficult to compare because we would not have any measurements.

    My work is easier with Skylight. It's easier to troubleshoot. It's easier to get a view of my network's health.

    It has also helped to improve the interaction between our network, data center, and application teams. I can generate a report, for example, of database status or health. It makes it easier to discuss with the database administrators, to explain where a problem is. It's much easier to explain issues and to discuss them with the correct guy.

    It's very important for us to have it. We save a lot of time when we have a problem. It's very easy to point to the problem and to get to the solution, whether it's a network problem, an application problem, or a server problem. It's very easy with Skylight.

    In addition, it has improved productivity for sure. Regarding improvements in downtime, it's difficult to evaluate because we had a lot of other sensors to help us know if a server had a problem or if there was a database problem. If it was a big crash, for example, we had that information before we started using Skylight. If the issue is a degradation of an application or a service, Skylight is very useful because we see it on the main dashboard. We see all the applications. It's a critical application. If we have a green, and after that it's orange and then red, we know we have a problem. It's easy.

    What is most valuable?

    All the features are valuable. I am a network engineer, so I principally use the network sensor. 

    I always have the Skylight dashboard on one of my screens. The dashboard used to be very simple, a fixed dashboard, you couldn't change anything on it. But there has been a lot of improvement in the new version. Now you can create your own dashboard, specific to an application, specific to a server, or to something else.

    The UI is very comfortable, it's very useful. It's very simple to use. It's very simple to explain to someone who doesn't know what a network is.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    More than five years.
    Buyer's Guide
    Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance
    September 2024
    Learn what your peers think about Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
    801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    It's a very stable application. I have never had to reboot the server, other than after an upgrade. And to upgrade it takes about ten minutes.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    The product is very scalable.

    We have two internal data centers and two external data centers; one for production and one for the development. We have about 200 access switches. We have Citrix farms and about 200 servers with Windows and Linux. We have a mainframe. It's a large environment.

    We have had no issues with scaling.

    How are customer service and support?

    Technical support from the Skylight is very good. When we have a problem with deploying or configuring something, it's very easy to contact technical support and they are very good. In general, within one hour, we have the response to our problem. It's the quickest support I see, and I use technical support from Cisco, from Palo Alto. Skylight support is very fast.

    We had to escalate an issue one time. They redirected me to R&D and I had a response in one or two hours, with the correction I needed.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    We didn't use anything before Skylight.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup of Skylight is very easy. It takes about ten minutes. In ten minutes the server is running and it's collecting information. That ten minutes is when you have a physical version. For a VMware version it takes about one hour to deploy it, but it's very easy. 

    The initial deployment is easy, but for the rest, day-to-day, there is work: To configure the zones, the critical networks, critical applications, it's day-to-day. The initial setup is easy, but afterward, I worked on it for about an hour every day. The configuration is ongoing.

    What about the implementation team?

    I deployed it directly.

    What was our ROI?

    It has clearly saved us money. For example, when we have a problem with an external application and we meet with the distributor of the application, they will say, "Okay, the problem is the performance of the server." The distributor will suggest we get a new server with more capacity, more disk, more memory, more everything. We can prove, with Skylight, that the problem is not on the server. We can prove that the problem is not on the network. We can prove that the problem is due to the database's structure. When we put the diagram in front of the distributor he says, "Ahh. Okay." And the database administrator can say, "Okay. Just add an index here, an index here," and after that, the product is good to go. So we have saved a lot of money there.

    Before we had Skylight's analysis, the people who use the application would spend a lot of time in the application and would lose a lot of time waiting for it. After we proved that the problem is the application, and after fixing the problem, its speed improved a lot.

    It's difficult to quantify the money we have saved with it, because it's money for a server, it's money for the time of the people involved with the application, it's money for the time of our networker equipment, etc.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    Pricing is a little bit expensive.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    I tried SolarWinds before, but it's more expensive.

    What other advice do I have?

    I used the first version, it was called Secure Active. After that, its name was Performance Vision. And now it's Skylight.

    With each new version of Skylight, there are a lot of new features.

    I am the principal user of Skylight. When anybody in the service - about 20 people - has a problem, they come to me and I generate the reports. But I'm the only one who uses SkyLIGHT.

    We don't have any plans to expand usage as of now.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    Freelance IT Consultant at SPW (Service Public de Wallonie)
    Helps us identify where a bottleneck is and has significantly reduced our MTTR
    Pros and Cons
    • "Capturing traffic [is very interesting]. Currently, with our configuration, we don't capture the payload of the packets, just the header. But when we want the body, the payload of the packets, we can do a PCAP, and then analyze it within Wireshark."
    • "It's a bit slow. When I execute a query, something general with a short timeframe that covers one month, for instance, and I do not specify the IP source or IP destination, it can take ages because it has to query the whole database."

    What is our primary use case?

    We use it to troubleshoot application issues. For instance, when an application is slow we can identify where the bottleneck is in the chain.

    How has it helped my organization?

    In terms of network troubleshooting, we had an issue with an application, that it was slow for certain users. We didn't understand why. We started to investigate and, thanks to Skylight, we were able to see that the application was very chatty. It was fetching lines one-by-one. That meant it had to do many transactions to get the full bundle from the host. Skylight helped a lot in this case because we could see that there were 1,000,000 small transactions instead of just a few.

    We didn't have a tool before to investigate end-to-end performance issues. Thanks to Skylight we have a tool for this kind of investigation. When business users are complaining about application problems, we are able at least to identify where the bottleneck is. Of course, if the bottleneck is on the server itself, we will use tools other than Skylight because it is more for network investigation than on the server side. With Skylight we can identify that most of the time is spent on the database or on the proxy or on the application server. It has sped up investigations a lot. Before, we had to spend more time to identify in which block the bottleneck was found. Now it's much faster. It has reduced our mean time to respond by at least 50 percent.

    In addition, sometimes users complain that they are not getting the data they want. Thanks to Skylight and the PCAP functionality, we are able to capture the traffic and to confirm whether the data was transmitted or not. It's quite important in terms of proof.

    Skylight has helped to improve the interaction between our network data center and application teams. The server people are now aware of the possibility of investigating the traffic. Thus, when a technical team is facing an issue, they always think, "Okay, maybe I can get more information thanks to Skylight."

    What is most valuable?

    The application modules are quite interesting. I mainly use a CTP module, but I also use a SQL module as well to note the queries sent to the database. We are going to use another module for Active Directory.

    What is also very interesting is capturing traffic. The solution generates a PCAP and after we can view the PCAP in Wireshark. Currently, with our configuration, we don't capture the payload of the packets, just the header. But when we want the body, the payload of the packets, we can do a PCAP, and then analyze it within Wireshark.

    The UI is quite straightforward. We can easily identify the menu we need to get specific statistics. It's okay. We are not yet using the dashboarding, which is a recently added feature.

    What needs improvement?

    It's a bit slow. When I execute a query, something general with a short timeframe that covers one month, for instance, and I do not specify the IP source or IP destination, it can take ages because it has to query the whole database. That is a bit slow. It can take two or three minutes to get the results. It would be helpful if they improved the way the database is optimized. To improve on this, we have purchased an appliance with disk. Up until now, we used mechanical disks. We are going to change our Skylight architecture and use an SSD disk with the appliance. We are tackling this issue with a new architecture.

    Another negative point is the fact that we don't know where the retention of data occurs. But the more we go into the past, the less data we get. And it's not crystal clear at what point we are losing data. For example, if I take the data from one week ago, it's less detailed than data from one hour ago. We don't know at which point we are losing the granularity. We need to be aware that if we are looking for data from two days ago, we only have granularity of one hour. If we are looking for data from one hour ago, we have granularity of one minute. This is not indicated in the application. It's not mentioned.

    One other issue is that it is not so easy to get the binaries from the website, for updating. Once we know where to find the binaries, updating easy.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    One to three years.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    Skylight is very stable. I do not remember having an issue with it. It can be slow when we are running big queries on a large timeframe, but if we do small queries it's fast. I don't remember any crashes. It's quite stable.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    Scalability is our issue. We are collecting more and more data but we are still on mechanical disks. That's why we have decided to go with a new appliance with a local SSD disk. We expect to have better scalability with the new architecture. This is something to keep in mind with the product: The number of flows, the type of disk, and the amount of data.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    Technical support is good but we are going through our partner. They are responsive. They answer quite fast and usually with the right solution.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    We are using PRTG and Nimsoft. These are more general monitoring tools, not specialized in network analysis. We are also using a network tool for latency.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup was straightforward. It was a fast installation. The deployment took less than five days.

    We had to identify where to put the probes because we could put them on a physical connection or on virtual connections. We have a network which is quite complex, with more than 200 sites and two data centers. So the first question to answer was where to put the probes. After that was decided it was easy. We put the appliance in the rack and we asked the network team to cable the connection with the router. It was simple.

    The setup required one person from the external consultant and we dedicated one network engineer for a couple of days. After installation, maintenance of the solution requires half a day per month; maybe four or five days a year. It's minimal. And when there is an update, deploying it is quite straightforward. It's not a big deal, it takes one hour.

    What about the implementation team?

    We used an external consultant to install the product. They helped us a lot with the setup for a reasonable price. It was matter of days to get everything working. In addition, they gave us support in terms of training. When we ask questions they're quite responsive.

    What was our ROI?

    It may have saved us money but it's difficult to quantify. But if we are able to demonstrate that we can identify where a problem is, that's already something positive. Before, we struggled a lot to say, "Okay, the problem is on the database or the problem is with the application server." But thanks to Skylight, we can say, "Okay, the problem is there," and we can investigate more within that specific block.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    It's not for free, clearly. But on the other hand, it offers very interesting functionality. We pay around €100,000.

    Maybe they should have a price for public sector organizations. I don't know if they differentiate between public and private sector organizations.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    We are a big organization with around 10,000 people and 200 sites. So we are considering other APM solutions that are highly rated in industry reviews. We are considering Dynatrace, but we have not yet purchased that product. We are still with Skylight.

    What other advice do I have?

    It provides a better view of your infrastructure. You know better when the big flows are going through. It gives us a better picture of where the pain points are. For instance, if there is big traffic between 9 pm and 2 AM, that's due to the backups. It gives a better overview of how the data flows are working.

    We have VMware onsite but we are not using an external cloud so we are not using it for performance and traffic monitoring of a cloud environment.

    We currently have four people using the tool: me and two people on the network team and one person on the end-user computing team, because sometimes people complain that their PC is slow.

    People are already aware that it exists within our organization. The next step is to extend it to a few people. There is a notion of the privacy of the data. We can't give the tool to everybody. Otherwise, they will see that Mister X is surfing on this website, etc. It's very important for our organization to have this under control. So maybe there will be two or three more people using it, but not 100 people.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    Buyer's Guide
    Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance
    September 2024
    Learn what your peers think about Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
    801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
    Senior Tachnical Lead at a tech vendor with 5,001-10,000 employees
    Top 10
    Stable, easy to use, and has a helpful and responsive technical support team
    Pros and Cons
    • "What I like most about Accedian Skylight is that it's a UI application, so using it is easy. I also like that the support for Accedian Skylight is helpful."
    • "The Accedian Skylight user interface still has room for improvement."

    What is our primary use case?

    My company has many customers and needs to collect the performance stats of the devices, which is an Accedian Skylight use case. My company works with different Accedian solutions, such as Orchestrator, Sensor Flow, etc., and uses Accedian Skylight for device discovery.

    What is most valuable?

    What I like most about Accedian Skylight is that it's a UI application, so using it is easy.

    I also like that the support for Accedian Skylight is helpful. For example, when my company needs help with installation, Accedian helps out.

    What needs improvement?

    The Accedian Skylight user interface still has room for improvement.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I've been working with Accedian Skylight for three years.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    Accedian Skylight is a stable product.

    How are customer service and support?

    Accedian Skylight has a helpful technical support team. Whenever I need support, I receive quick responses. Accedian support is excellent, so I'm rating it nine out of ten.

    How would you rate customer service and support?


    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    My company went with Accedian Skylight because Accedian fixes the products. Accedian also secures and addresses customer needs.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup for Accedian Skylight was easy. Anybody can install the solution because the excellent documentation makes life easy.

    Deploying Accedian Skylight takes a maximum of four hours. The process can take one hour, but if something goes wrong, it could take four hours.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    I don't deal with the financial side, so I have no information on Accedian Skylight pricing.

    What other advice do I have?

    I'm working on the 20.4 or 20.5 version of Accedian Skylight.

    My customers use Accedian Skylight on-premises.

    In my company, ten people use Accedian Skylight.

    My company is an Accedian partner.

    I'd recommend Accedian Skylight and other Accedian products to potential customers.

    My rating for Accedian Skylight is ten out of ten because it's an excellent product.

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
    PeerSpot user
    it_user172716 - PeerSpot reviewer
    Network Manager with 51-200 employees
    Performance Vision is our primary tool for troubleshooting; there are many cases in which it gave us a clear diagnostic.

    We had already invested in network & application performance monitoring a few years ago, but our team felt that it was critical to enlarge the scope of analysis of our existing solution, get better retention times and adapt our tooling to a datacenter which is now mostly virtualized. It was also important for our team to rely on a solution which would be able to cope with the volume of data of our datacenter and offer a much more intuitive access to troubleshooting data.

    With the experience we already had, the objectives were clear:

    • Be able to troubleshoot reactively (with relevant data on past degradations)
    • Analyze usage and performance trends through time
    • Get an instant overview of the status of the critical applications
    • Provide other teams (systems, application) with relevant data to optimize performance
    • Help migration and changes with clear network usage information to facilitate the configuration of network devices (firewalls and filtering in the datacenter)

    This need became urgent and we decided to take a new look at the market and realized that we could get a much better service than the one rendered by our Visual Performance Manager tools, at a much more favorable rate. We went into a test phase to look at different products in parallel and Performance Vision cumulated many advantages compared to its competitors.

    The decision has been easy to recommend to our management as, on top of all these advantages, Performance Vision could do much more for much less budget. The TCO of the migration remained way under the cost of maintenance of our former solution.

    We use Performance Vision on a daily basis. We have a monitoring screen which displays the performance status of our critical applications and network links. With the simple color code, we know immediately if an application gets degraded.

    Performance Vision is our primary tool for troubleshooting; there are many cases in which it gave us a clear diagnostic, which we would not have achieved without such a tool. We fixed many configuration issues on the name resolution service: as an example, one server was requesting the same DNS resolution 40 thousand times an hour to access its database server; we had the DNS cache configuration fixed and improved its performance dramatically.

    We also use Performance Vision to help our team make better decisions, based on actual facts; as an example, we had a certificate issue with Google Chrome. This was not an issue at the time we launched a service, given the small market share of this browser. With Performance Vision, we have been able to show our development team that it became an issue given the share of this user agent among our actual users.

    After a few months of use, our feeling is strongly positive. I would recommend Performance Vision to any IT manager in charge of a critical architecture. It improves our efficiency, helps deliver better service every day and guides us to the right decision. Furthermore the Post Installation Follow-up Service, we get from SecurActive’s partner, iBO Solutions, is excellent, and brings the adequate support to extend the use of Performance Vision; we can confirm that the training and certification of their integrators is rigorously done and translates into good service. We also appreciated receiving a new major version (with no extra cost) with great new features no more than 3 months after the integration of the solution. Performance Vision’s HTTP performance module has a very strong value and this confirms that we made the right choice by switching to Performance Vision and that we shall benefit from the continuous improvement of their solution.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot has made contact with the reviewer to validate that the person is a real user. The information in the posting is based upon a vendor-supplied case study, but the reviewer has confirmed the content's accuracy.
    PeerSpot user
    it_user172728 - PeerSpot reviewer
    ICT Manager with 51-200 employees
    Beyond the savings of the IT team’s productivity, the reduction of the performance degradations has helped save money.

    Despite their ability to monitor availability and resource consumption (CPU, RAM, Disk…), our SNMP monitoring tools (Microsoft SCOM) did not provide any useful information to deal with user complaints. “Wireshark”, which we used to use for firefighting operations, could not provide us with an easy way to understand the origin of an issue. 

    First, we felt the need to monitor proactively our IT usage, as well as the performance of both our network and applications. In case of complaint, we wanted to be able to quickly qualify:

    • Which application was impacted? Which users were impacted? When?
    • Was our WAN network overloaded? By which applications?
    • Was there any abnormal behavior on our network (virus or worm)?

    Second, due to the limited WAN capacities with a maximum of 10Mbps per connection, we needed to fully understand our network usage: which application was using which capacity and when? The objectives were to be able to anticipate congestions and their nasty consequences on our users and to get the right information to optimize our network and its usage.

    Our IT infrastructure partner, AB Network, presented Performance Vision from SecurActive, which seemed to respond to our requirements. To validate its capabilities in a real life environment, we organized a proof of concept with AB Network. The conclusion was fully positive!

    Each collaborator of the IT team has a full access to the solution. Each of us looks at the information he needs to execute his tasks: two developers, two people in charge of the infrastructure administration, one person in charge of the relationship between industrial engineering and IT, and myself:

    • Our developers use Performance Vision to troubleshoot performance issues on our http applications which are critical for our users located across all our sites to access to our databases. A good example is our planning software: this application is accessed from several sites by users from different companies within the group. It connects to several ERPs to consolidate planning information for several countries. Performance Vision helped optimize its performance by providing a clear understanding of how the application chain works.
    • The administrators in charge of the infrastructure monitor specifically the WAN usage and the bandwidth consumption. A recent example was the identification of a malfunction inside our antivirus architecture: in principle our antivirus system is composed of servers located on each of our four main sites. A configuration issue made that some clients communicated with the antivirus server of a different site and overloaded the WAN network.
    • My team access to the data from the three probes distributed on our main sites through a single graphical interface, which is particularly intuitive.
    • There are many examples of diagnostics run thanks to Performance Vision: without this tools, these incidents would have had strong consequences on our business. With Performance Vision, our administrators have been able to quickly pinpoint the origin of the issue and to solve it:
    • Citrix Performance degradation: some time ago, we received a growing number of complaints from users based on Poland trying to connect to our central applications. We could quickly identify that the performance was degraded for the Citrix flow only and not for the applications themselves. We identified that the slowdown of the Citrix flows was due to the configuration of our PDM/PLM application, which was using too much bandwidth during office hours.
    • We have a file synchronization software which runs over multiple sites. Our sites have different bandwidth available depending on the number of users present on each site. Thanks to Performance Vision’s reporting, we tuned the configuration of this software to manage this synchronization on all our sites, without any harm to our daily business operations.

    Our team is currently working on a degradation that appeared on a customized application which relies on VB6 to query our SQL databases. I have no doubt that we will find the necessary elements to solve this problem in a very short timeframe.

    On my end, I read a daily report to validate that our response times (application, network, and bandwidth) are fine. Automated, these reports represent no additionally workload for my team and allow us to share an objective history of our network & application performances and usage.

    After 15 months of use, our feeling is strongly positive. I recommend Performance Vision to other IT directors on a regularly basis, to have a good visibility on the network and to diagnose or optimize the performance of their IT. It is a key element to help our teams to efficiently collaborate both at the development and infrastructure levels.

    Beyond the savings gained on the IT team’s productivity, the reduction of the performance degradations for the business users, the monitoring of our bandwidths and the optimization of our applications, Performance Vision also helped saving the money we would otherwise have spent in the upgrade of our WAN network.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot has made contact with the reviewer to validate that the person is a real user. The information in the posting is based upon a vendor-supplied case study, but the reviewer has confirmed the content's accuracy.
    PeerSpot user
    it_user172719 - PeerSpot reviewer
    Network Manager at a local government with 51-200 employees
    No more than half a day, and we were getting relevant information that was fully intuitive.

    Our team is in charge of the network routing and quality of access of the different applications. As part of our mission, we need to visualize the flows towards our datacenter and to monitor the response times of all applications for each of the 300 remote sites.

    In 2011, we started to look for a tool capable of addressing our needs. We selected a few products and tested them intensively on our datacenter: some proved to be good at protocol analysis but way too complex to manage for our needs; they would have required more dedicated resources than we could afford. All reports had to be created from zero and were not available “out of the box” (reporting was indeed an important feature for the Police Headquarters). Other solutions only covered a portion of our needs, because they were based on active QoS /compression devices and were not rendering the necessary diagnostic and analysis capabilities.

    In the end we selected Performance Vision based on its strengths which fit well with our needs: In no more than a half day, we were getting relevant information and could use the product; The drill down access to information was fully intuitive; The tool was adapted to all our team (including punctual / light users); The network context (geographical and IP addressing plans) was perfectly translated into the interface and reports.

    Moreover, Performance Vision offered an easy way to automate the distribution of graphical response time reports to all our IT staff located on each remote site; the information provided was easily understood by them and required little additional information from our team.

    For diagnostics, Performance Vision outperforms our previous sniffer solutions and Netflow collectors!  We started by making an assessment of all applications to understand their respective behavior: we pointed out a certain number of conception defects, which had a negative impact on users despite good server and network performance. We also built a baseline and determined the normal behavior of each application. We also implemented a daily reporting on our most critical applications to check that their performance andbehavior remained in line with the baseline.

    Secondly, we proceeded to a large "house cleaning" operation: we got rid of large volumes of DNS errors, corrected the configuration of many workstations (which were using bad URLs or IP addresses for updates), as well as the one of certain servers relying on IP addresses instead of domain names, etc…

    Performance Vision is an easy-to-use product; its administration requires very little time. Of course, Performance Vision provides data which has to be interpreted (e.g. one of our critical applications has very good response time per transaction but it involves a large number of transactions per user). The training is a key element in the project: as far as we are concerned, it got delivered in our context, on our own data. It has been very efficient and has quickly put us in a position where we can efficiently understand the information we are getting.

    Overall, our experience has been brilliant: we consider Performance Vision as a very good product which fits our initial wishes. It is simple to use, provides a lot of relevant information. Upfront, it is very easy to use for network administrators and provides well designed reports for other IT staff members. We keep on enriching its configuration and using it on a daily basis. We have the project to extend its coverage through an additional virtual probe to analyze network traffic on remote sites (to analyze the application flows which cannot be viewed from our datacenter and diagnose local issues on remote sites)”. 

    Disclosure: PeerSpot has made contact with the reviewer to validate that the person is a real user. The information in the posting is based upon a vendor-supplied case study, but the reviewer has confirmed the content's accuracy.
    PeerSpot user
    Senior Tachnical Lead at a tech vendor with 5,001-10,000 employees
    Top 10
    Preforms well, detailed documentation, and helpful support
    Pros and Cons
    • "The performance of Accedian Skylight is better than other vendors."
    • "The UI interface of Accedian Skylight could improve."

    What is our primary use case?

    The solution can be deployed on the cloud or on-premise.

    What is most valuable?

    The performance of Accedian Skylight is better than other vendors.

    What needs improvement?

    The UI interface of Accedian Skylight could improve.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have used Accedian Skylight for approximately 10 years.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    Accedian Skylight is a stable solution.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    The solution is scalable.

    How are customer service and support?

    I have used the support from Accedian Skylight and they are helpful.

    I rate the support from Accedian Skylight a ten out of ten.

    How would you rate customer service and support?


    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup of Accedian Skylight is simple. Anyone can complete the implementation because the documentation is detailed.

    When upgrading a customer's production network, typically it takes approx eight hours, though it may be as little as two or three hours depending on the customer's requirements.

    What was our ROI?

    The solution is worst the money. We have received a good ROI. If did not receive a good ROI we would not have been using it for 10 years.

    What other advice do I have?

    I would recommend this solution to others. The solution provides good support and we have not experienced any problems. The support typically resolves issues within 24 hours.

    I rate Accedian Skylight a ten out of ten.

    Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
    PeerSpot user
    it_user192357 - PeerSpot reviewer
    Network Engineer at a financial services firm with 501-1,000 employees
    It permits me to quickly identify the source of performance slowdowns, saving precious time analyzing.

    What is most valuable?

    The Performance feature is the one I use the most because it permits me to quickly identify the source of performance slowdowns.

    How has it helped my organization?

    Performance Vision saves time diagnosing performance problems. It also anticipates where investment is needed by pointing to the infrastructure limitations.

    What needs improvement?

    The licensing of the virtual pollers is problematic because they are attached to the physical ESX on which they are installed. An ESX fleet can quickly become overloaded with data so we do not see everything all the time. It still lacks integration with a RADIUS server so we have to do without creating local accounts.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have worked with the SecurActive solution for six to seven years (first as NSS then Performance Vision).

    What was my experience with deployment of the solution?

    No, the deployment is very simple.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    Not to date. It does it’s job.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    We have not had big changes with our system in recent months.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    Customer Service:

    It is very good. We have had quick access to developers in case of problems.

    Technical Support:

    It is very good. We have had quick access to developers in case of problems.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?


    How was the initial setup?

    The initial configuration is very simple. There is a little information you need to understand to render the solution operational, only the time it takes to receive traffic, but it still requires a good mastery of the infrastructure to customize the product and analyzse the data.

    What about the implementation team?

    The product was implemented with the aid of SecurActive who have a good level of expertise with the solution.

    What was our ROI?

    It is difficult to evaluate, but what is certain is that the solution saves precious time in analyzing our slowness problems.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    I do not know the cost of installation as it was installed on my arrival. The cost using it is difficult to determine as the product mainly saves time. You do need to keep up to date with the product, approximately half an hour per month.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?


    What other advice do I have?

    It is important to customize the product so that the data that is provided is relevant.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
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