For data to be useful, you first have to see it
Help your IT teams put the power of data access right where it is needed most—in the hands of the user. CONNX data visualization solutions help people view their data in a meaningful way whether they want to use the desktop to handle their own queries or visualize key business metrics on a mobile device.
While accessing your data sources is the first step to making business decisions, how you visualize and assess that data is vital to making those business decisions meaningful. Put your data into meaningful, actionable views and reports tailored to the unique needs your audience using CONNX KPiSync, CONNX Add-on for Excel and CONNX InfoNaut.
Help your users visualize key business metrics on any smart phone, tablet or PC in real time with KPiSync. The CONNX Addon for Excel allows people to view and report on all their data
sources using the popular business intelligence tool, Microsoft® Excel. They can build and manage their own queries and reports with InfoNaut, an enterprise desktop querying and reporting tool. Don’t forget, you can also opt for the reporting platform of your choice or grant web access to your enterprise data with CONNX DB Adapters that can provide access to virtually every legacy, relational, non-relational, big data and cloud data source out there.
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