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Gloo Platform pros and cons

4.0 out of 5

Pros & Cons summary

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Prominent pros & cons


Enhances application performance by optimally managing microservices traffic and load-balancing
Provides robust security features, including fine-grained access control and encrypted communications
Highly customizable and adaptable 
User-friendly interface
Strong community and support


Complex initial setup 
Learning curve can be challenging for new users
Limited documentation and resources available for troubleshooting
Performance issues noted, particularly with large datasets or complex integrations

Gloo Platform Pros review quotes

Gaurav Saini - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 5, 2024
You don't need many frameworks or other things to run Glue.

Gloo Platform Cons review quotes

Gaurav Saini - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 5, 2024
I sometimes face issues with integration.

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