Discover the top alternatives and competitors to NetIQ Access Manager based on the interviews we conducted with its users.
The top alternative solutions include Symantec Siteminder.
The alternatives are sorted based on how often peers compare the solutions.
Symantec Siteminder offers comprehensive security features, while NetIQ Access Manager excels in integration capabilities. In comparison, NetIQ Access Manager provides competitive pricing and ease of deployment. Symantec Siteminder's robust security protocols come with high setup costs, offering solid ROI.
Symantec Siteminder has a higher setup cost compared to NetIQ Access Manager, which offers a more affordable initial implementation. Symantec Siteminder's pricing is aimed at larger enterprises, while NetIQ Access Manager caters to smaller budgets.
Symantec Siteminder has a higher setup cost compared to NetIQ Access Manager, which offers a more affordable initial implementation. Symantec Siteminder's pricing is aimed at larger enterprises, while NetIQ Access Manager caters to smaller budgets.