SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) by Microsoft. The product's main purposes are to store data and retrieve it as requested by other software applications - on the same computer or on another computer across a shared network. The solution is built on top of Structured Query Language (SQL), which is a standardized programming language used for relational database management.
It has the easiest licensing.
This is a downside of enterprise Microsoft products.
It has the easiest licensing.
This is a downside of enterprise Microsoft products.
MariaDB is an open source relational database created by the original founders of MySQL. It is considered one of the most popular and trusted database servers throughout the world. MariaDB is a valued component found in most cloud offerings and is the default in many Linux tools. It is also widely used by Wikipedia, WordPress, and Google, among other well-known sites. Maria DB easily melds data into concise information from a vast array of applications, such as banking, online shopping, websites, and more.
The price of this solution represents a very good compromise between the cost and what it offers.
It's an open-source solution.
The price of this solution represents a very good compromise between the cost and what it offers.
It's an open-source solution.
They are competitive and honest (compared to how peer firms approach licensing conversations).
Compared to Oracle, it is so much cheaper.
They are competitive and honest (compared to how peer firms approach licensing conversations).
Compared to Oracle, it is so much cheaper.
Citus is a distributed database that extends PostgreSQL, allowing you to continue using all the powerful Postgres features while still scaling.
Citus Data is an open-source product.
Citus Data is an open-source product.
Tibero by TmaxSoft bridges the gap between legacy relational databases and the new paradigm of running workloads in virtualized data centers and the Cloud, allowing enterprises to fully leverage their investment by embracing a simple, true utilization licensing model.
The overall costs are very low compared to Oracle.
The price of Tibero is cheaper than that of Oracle.
The overall costs are very low compared to Oracle.
The price of Tibero is cheaper than that of Oracle.