Old school Security Awareness Training is static. It’s a one-time event without follow-up. KnowBe4's Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training starts with a baseline test to show the actual Phish-prone percentage of your users. Then it steps users through effective, interactive, on-demand browser-based training. As step three, you send frequent simulated phishing attacks to your employees to reinforce the training. This last feature, frequent simulated phishing attacks (we recommend at the very least once a month) really creates a change in behavior.
I rate the product pricing as four out of ten.
It's about five dollars a seat per month.
I rate the product pricing as four out of ten.
It's about five dollars a seat per month.
More than 80% of all cyber-incidents are caused by human error. Enterprises lose millions recovering from staff-related incidents – but traditional training programs usually fail to achieve the desired behavioral changes and motivation. Understanding what lies behind any learning and teaching process helps to build an effective educational program. Our programs not only deliver knowledge, but – more importantly – change habits and form the new behavior patterns that are the real goal of awareness training.
Although the price is acceptable and somewhat competitive, it would be better if it were cheaper.
The more users there are, the cheaper the product is.
Although the price is acceptable and somewhat competitive, it would be better if it were cheaper.
The more users there are, the cheaper the product is.