Get the Enterprise Architecture Management Buyer's Guide and find out what your peers are saying about UNICOM System Architect, Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect, erwin Data Modeler by Quest and more!
UNICOM System Architect is the #26 ranked solution in top Enterprise Architecture Management solutions. PeerSpot users give UNICOM System Architect an average rating of 6.0 out of 10. UNICOM System Architect is most commonly compared to Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect:
UNICOM System Architect vs Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. UNICOM System Architect is popular among the large enterprise segment,
accounting for 70% of users researching this solution on PeerSpot. The top industry researching this solution are professionals from a
government, accounting for 17% of all views.
As of March 2025, the mindshare of UNICOM System Architect in the Enterprise Architecture Management category
stands at 0.5%, down from 0.6% compared to the previous year, according to calculations based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Enterprise Architecture Management
Key learnings from peers
Valuable Features
"It has good end-to-end metamodel interrelationships."
"It is useful for creating build-outs and architecture views and for publishing reports and stuff like that for different programs."
Room for Improvement
"They need to add reports that show the enterprise architecture perspectives, and the dashboards should be comfortable for the senior enterprise architects so that they can view the complete landscape."
"I don't use the tool or know a lot. It is going to have some shortcomings. When it comes down to publishing, we just found out this week that they actually have a publisher add-on. So, what we were trying to publish was not giving a detailed report about the architecture, views, etc. I just wish they had sent these to UNICOM and contacted them about add-on features for the publishing part of the tool."
"I don't remember the price. It is a different cost for just buying it, and then you have a maintenance cost, which you need to renew every year."
These insights are based on the in-depth reviews provided by peers to help you make a better buying decision.