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Vicarius vRx pros and cons

Vendor: Vicarius
4.4 out of 5

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Vicarius vRx automatically downloads and deploys patches for third-party applications, simplifying the update process.
Its ability to patch third-party software is highly valued for enhancing security.
Virtualized patching and severity prioritization are among its most valuable features.
Vicarius vRx is cloud-based, which helps protect applications against zero-day threats.
Patchless Protection secures vulnerabilities in software that may not yet have patches, monitoring and analyzing software activity to prevent nefarious actions.


Current manual patchless application requires improvement.
More scripting and filtering capabilities, such as filtering details in the operating system, are needed.
A virtual environment to test patches in real-time before deployment would be beneficial.
Network device vulnerability scans could be improved by enabling SSH or SNMP for updates.
Agent-based approach is less effective for devices like switches, routers, and printers where agent installation is impractical.

Vicarius vRx Pros review quotes

Jul 18, 2024
Agent-based scanning is the most valuable feature.
MichaelCortez - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 19, 2024
Patchless Protection helps protect us from vulnerabilities that may not yet have patches from the manufacturer. I've used it for a piece of software that we don't have a patch for. It monitors that software, analyzes it, and makes sure nothing nefarious is going on when it's vulnerable.
Jun 4, 2024
We can easily deploy patches for third-party applications. It automatically downloads the patches for you. You do not have to download them, upload them to the solution, and configure your own scripts or anything like that. It is all automatic.
Learn what your peers think about Vicarius vRx. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 24, 2024
The most valuable features of vRx would be virtualized patching and severity prioritization.
Jeremy Herman - PeerSpot reviewer
May 31, 2024
I also like how easy it is to use. We instructed some companies on how to use it, provided them with an account, and gave them the ability to deploy and patch. They could quickly figure it out. We can spend an hour in the office showing someone how everything works, and they're good to go. It's the same with our customers.
StevenSmith2 - PeerSpot reviewer
May 30, 2024
While other vulnerability scanners overwhelm us with a huge list of problems after a scan, Vicarius vRx goes beyond that.
Michael Sutherland - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 21, 2024
Vicarius vRx's ability to patch third-party software is particularly valuable for us.
Billy-Turner - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 1, 2024
Third-party software patching is the most valuable feature.
Navdeep Saini - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 15, 2024
I like that vRx is cloud-based. It protects the health of applications against zero-day threats.

Vicarius vRx Cons review quotes

Jul 18, 2024
Unlike previous vulnerability management systems that relied on network scanning appliances to discover and assess endpoints, Vicarius' agent-based approach is less effective for devices like switches, routers, and printers where agent installation is impractical.
MichaelCortez - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 19, 2024
They do have a search function for device names. They already have a list of all our devices, however, if I'm looking for something, sometimes the name does not come up at the top of the list.
Jun 4, 2024
There can be more scripting capability and more filtering capability. We should be able to filter more granular details in the operating system such as whether it is a service, application, executable, or something like that. For the most part, we are satisfied with what we are able to filter.
Learn what your peers think about Vicarius vRx. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 24, 2024
The network device vulnerability scans can be improved. It would be helpful to be able to mitigate those vulnerabilities using SSH or SNMP to get those those updates out to those devices. I don't know if that is possible because it doesn't run an agent. But at the very least, having that CPE information relative to network devices would be incredibly helpful.
Jeremy Herman - PeerSpot reviewer
May 31, 2024
Another complaint we've gotten is that the portal doesn't remember your username and password. You tell them your email, and it sends an invitation. You need to click that, and it takes you to a new portal, where you can finally log in. Maybe it's a security precaution, but it seems like a lot of extra steps to log in.
StevenSmith2 - PeerSpot reviewer
May 30, 2024
While I appreciate the automation of vulnerability management, Vicarius vRx's current manual patchless application is a point for improvement.
Michael Sutherland - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 21, 2024
I would like to see a way to build a virtual environment where we can test patches in real-time before we deploy.
Billy-Turner - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 1, 2024
The multi-tenant portal has room for improvement.
Navdeep Saini - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 15, 2024
I don't like logging in. The portal could be a better process. You could use some third-party push notification rather than sending an email, waiting for the link to generate, and clicking on it. That would be good. It's somewhat frustrating when I need to log in.