Looking for comparison data on Juniper TOR switches providing 3.2Tb/s or above throughput.
Also, looking for market segmentation data on Ethernet Switches. For example comparing Data Center deployments vs. Campus vs. Private Clients like Hotels, Restaurants, Churches, Community Centers, etc
I personally recommend to go with Juniper TOR switches
In comparison to Cisco DC Solution the Switching Architecture is completely different, Ie if we are looking at Top of Rack comparisons I would assume the NEXUS2000 would be in the picture. As a switch it is only and extension of the NEXUS 5000/7000 Switches. So if we look AT THIS SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT Cisco would have a "Top of Multiple Rack" Switch in either the 5 OR 7. but in this day and age the options are endless but for pure grunt, I would assume the collaborative Engines provided by Cisco would cover more ports and therefore win in the throughput stakes.