We use Micro Focus Asset Manager for tracking the whole life cycle of IT assets. To some extent, we also track software asset management, e.g. the usage of our software products, so we reduce or procure products in Asset Manager. We also combine data from different systems about the usage of the software products and now build reports. We are focused on tracking and inventorying IT hardware assets, material assets, including software assets.
IT Asset Management (ITAM) solutions are instrumental in managing Hardware, Software, and other IT assets. These assets are the center of your organization’s IT Infrastructure, and their lifecycle management requires improved control over inventory, tracking, and maintenance.
We use Micro Focus Asset Manager for tracking the whole life cycle of IT assets. To some extent, we also track software asset management, e.g. the usage of our software products, so we reduce or procure products in Asset Manager. We also combine data from different systems about the usage of the software products and now build reports. We are focused on tracking and inventorying IT hardware assets, material assets, including software assets.