I do everything with this product. I categorize and test. It can be online on the cloud in the lab, allowing us to see what the data conditions are. It has an automatic extracting level.
I use most of the high end digital scopes that I like, because they have a lot of features for software user interfaces, captures, or shared transit control. The user friendliness of these boxes is very useful.
When you have a very high-level interface (test boxes), you can do extractions in any format. Then, externally, you have all these math labs solving for mathematical software. Afterwards, you can take it beyond. That is what the box does for you, it obtains the signal. Then, you can search for other things in the signal that you want beyond the scope, e.g., spectral stuff with the data.
We like that Tektronix offers a user interface and data acquisitions in formats which we can take to the next level.
When we connect Tektronix through our test boxes, that is the internet of things, because I have reached the Internet through the box. My engineers are not in the lab all the time, so they just hook it up, then we go to the office. We are reaching our test sites through the boxes where we extract our data while staying in the office doing our analysis.
I could access a customer domain in Asia and show them the signals. They don't need to be in my laboratory. In the past, I had to invite my customers to my lab. Now, I can take my lab to customers. It is a different reality.