Amazon Web Services offers a highly scalable, low-latency, globally distributed architecture. Amazon Pinpoint is built on this architecture, allowing you to send messages to your customers through multiple channels with confidence. You can use these channels to send messages to recipients all around the world.
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Marketing Management Buyer's Guide and find out what your peers are saying about Amazon Pinpoint, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Marketo and more!
Amazon Pinpoint is the #9 ranked solution in
top Marketing Management solutions. PeerSpot users give Amazon Pinpoint an average rating of 7.0 out of 10. Amazon Pinpoint is most commonly compared to Salesforce Marketing Cloud:
Amazon Pinpoint vs Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Amazon Pinpoint is popular among the large enterprise segment,
accounting for 65% of users researching this solution on PeerSpot. The top industry researching this solution are professionals from a
financial services firm, accounting for 22% of all views.