Data masking is consistently appreciated, especially for data privacy and protection in non-production environments. Users value its ability to mask sensitive information like national IDs and credit card numbers. Data archiving and data growth features help manage databases efficiently. The tool's flexibility and user-friendliness are noted, and it supports both legacy and non-legacy systems. It also allows for efficient test data environment setup, management, and generates useful metrics for data management.
- "The solution can be used on both legacy and non-legacy systems."
- "The platform's ability to generate metrics is the most valuable feature for data management. It is a user-friendly and easy-to-use tool."
- "I like the features compared to other tools. This tool is more flexible to use than other tools like an Oracle product or SAP product. I think IBM tools are more flexible, and this tool is also a good product."
IBM InfoSphere Optim Test Data Management (TDM) needs to improve data masking by integrating extraction, masking, and insertion into a streamlined process. It lacks synthetic data generation and data reservation features found in other tools such as CA TDM, making it hard to meet testing requirements. IBM prioritizes non-production environments lower, leading to delays in resolving issues. The interface could be more user-friendly, licensing less restrictive, and the installation process simpler and more secure. The test data generation and report efficiency also need enhancement.
- "TDM's efficiency in terms of generating reports needs improvement. It could work faster."
- "I think it could be more secure. I don't have experience with the security aspects concerning PII data, but I think it can still be streamlined a little more. It could also have some more features, and the initial setup could be more straightforward."
- "I would like to be able to combine different masking functions on the same column map, making more complex masking without the need of writing an Lua procedure."