A good example in my organization (insurance sector) is that we can implement public, customer, and distributor portals for many countries with different requirements, in many different languages (including Greek or Arabic, flipping the full page reading).
Business people can manage the web content/pages and targeted campaigns including SEO for different user segments. This is possible by implementing custom components to guide the final clients through the purchase funnel to buy insurance policies. It can also provide customer tools, such as accident party reporting, and capture new leads to send them to the CRM system.
In our company, each country can have different backend solutions for CRM, IAM, quotation engines, etc. All these combinations are well supported by Liferay as a front-end solution including responsive design, tracking actions, analytics, etc.
Another good point was the acceleration around the built solutions. We created a reusable internal marketplace to share "Functional Assets" defined by the business, with many countries, adapting a few things like translations.
With this approach, any country is able to launch new features on their web sites with less cost, by just reusing the functional assets from other countries where they want to generate new opportunities.