We use Cyberoam just like a VPN, usually as a VPN channel.
I like the reliability and the price. But sometimes, my customer asks for cheaper solutions, though I propose we focus on reliability.
Aside from that, the port forwarding is good. Sometimes you hold some servers on-premise, and then you can have someone access another country or anywhere. The VPN is also good.
The blocking needs to be improved. Sometimes we need to block YouTube, Facebook, or something like that, and then we need to optimize our Internet. The Internet in the Philippines is very bad, and it's kind of expensive if you want a high-speed connection. We're getting to the next generation, but we must improve our Internet. We then have to make policies where users cannot access certain websites to optimize the Internet because sites like YouTube take a lot of latency, especially on HD. But sometimes Cyberoam doesn't work like that, and we must use another third-party solution like Trend Micro. Trend Micro does the job, but Cyberoam should be the one that does the job because it's the firewall itself. Cyberoam needs to improve that kind of security blockage.
I have used Cyberoam UTM for three months.
The firewall doesn't need any maintenance. We just have to leave it in the data center in a very cold environment. I have never experienced a firewall failing, and I have been working for almost 12 years. We can pay for maintenance since it's already included in the service.
It's not scalable, but that depends on the budget and hardware. The firewall does scale between 100 to 200 users, but that depends on the model.
The service could be improved here in the Philippines. We don't have a lot of problems with the US team for Cyberoam.
The initial setup is very easy because the GUI is easy for me to use.
Deployment is very easy, we just have to connect to the ISP we have, set the support load balancing, and then we just have to connect to our core switches. Then we have to distribute it to any of the other users. The deployment can be done solo because there is a setup wizard. We can configure the settings and then put a static IP address through the ISP, but it's very easy.
With good security, you can expect it to be expensive. Cyberoam's pricing depends on the services you subscribe for. Most firewalls right now, especially UTM, focus on services and stagger all the services. If you want a particular service, you pay for it.
We don't have a lot of problems with Cyberoam. We don't face any issues if the IT or security administrators have a lot of experience. We can easily configure any firewall or security solution without any bugs. But I'm sure I won't encounter any bugs, unlike with Cisco.
I cannot recommend Cyberoam because navigating the graphical user interface is very difficult. It's not so familiar. I'm not gonna recommend it unless there's someone who already knows how to use firewalls. I used to focus on Cisco firewalls, but the Cisco firewall is much harder than Cyberoam. If you're going with Cyberoam, that's good because every security administrator or any information technology manager knows how to recommend the latest trends. Cyberoam is not the top trend in the Philippines.
I rate the solution a seven out of ten.