The biggest area of improvement that I would suggest is in the upgrade process. We started 2015 with uDeploy 4.7, and in order to get the latest version, we had to upgrade first to version 5, which was introduced for the IBM branding. That was straightforward enough, but the jump from version 5 to version 6.1.2 was enormous. We had to focus on testing the security model because it was completely new. We documented and tested it in a production environment. Once we did the upgrade, we found another big change in the version implemented, which we didn't anticipate and which caused problems in our production environment. We re-architected the implementation and there were 4-5 failings we had to work through. Future upgrades probably won't be this difficult, but this one was tough. In terms of functionality, the reporting could be improved a bit. It seems like the new version has better reporting capability, but data visualization would be nice to have.