Our company utilizes Zoho Recruit for the recruitment process, which is integrated with Zoho People to handle onboarding and other steps. This is an internal system.
From the very beginning when we post a job, we are able to integrate with multiple platforms, such as LinkedIn, through Zoho Recruit. When a potential candidate clicks on the post, they will fill out the Zoho Recruit forms and all their data will be stored in our system. We have multiple modules, such as the interview module and job posts, that help us to hire. We can also filter out CVs based on keywords, such as software engineer and database engineer, depending on the job posting.
Zoho Recruit offers an all-in-one onboarding solution from start to finish. The solution provides the ability to integrate with other Zoho apps, allowing us to automate the hiring process. This can include sending job offer letters and creating IT tickets, as well as integrating with Zoho People for onboarding new hires. On their first day, employees can easily review all relevant documents, welcome notes, and more. Zoho Recruit's flexibility makes it the perfect solution for any onboarding needs.