ABACUS is an Australian product that provides its users with the ability to model different types of enterprise architectural approaches, e.g. Zachman and more. They've got so many models within their product, that depending upon your expertise or experience, you can use this product to do BPM (business process management) modeling to various types of models, roadmaps, etc. It's an enterprise architecture platform.
Because I'm focusing on the Zachman framework or the Zachman ontology, and everything else is basically a hybrid of Zachman, I've been using the Zachman approach, the Zachman framework, but it's not really a framework: It's an ontology, so one of the things I love about ABACUS most is that it enables users to utilize and be in touch with all the enterprise architecture models or hybrids that have come out of the Zachman ontology. Because all models or hybrids are all there, this solution provides a better understanding for where enterprise architecture has come from the spinoffs that have happened.
The product features of ABACUS are comprehensive which I also find valuable.
I suggested to them one software product development enhancement. It was a way of handling their page. If you can imagine a virtual page, everything on the page is in view when you're only using half of the page.
My suggestion to them was for the application to become more aware of page usage, so that if I'm not using the other half of the page, why keep it in context with the overall view? When I save, then only bring back up that which I've used. Don't bring up the entire page and all the blank spaces or space within it. I suggested for them to have a way of segmenting their page based on the object position and rendering that has been actually drawn out on that page, so they could make better use of the virtual page based on the diagrams or the entities that are within the page.
Whatever they're using to handle what I would call virtual page mapping with the objects that you're drawing on the page, I would have liked to see the product interface be more aware of the dimensions of the overall page that they present, and where the last position of the object that you placed on the page is, and make it go in print. I don't want to see all the free space.
For example, the right margin: If I only used half a page to put an object onto their overall page size which they've allocated virtually, don't give me the free space on the right hand side, just wherever the object is ending. Allow for that and maybe a little bit more, so that the object appears as large as it possibly can be, because it's not just one page.
A drawing can consist of multiple pages. What I want is to be able to draw on the page size set by Abacus, and when it ends up being a four by four virtual page: four individual pages, I don't want my object to go across two and a half pages out of the four pages.
When I say print, get rid of where my object on the right hand side ends or at the bottom, and only render within the page, which could initially be a four by four matrix. Only bring back in the print part of it that which my drawing utilizes, not all of the predetermined four by four matrix: the combination of pages that you provided me for drawing on. In this way, the object when it's actually rendered either in the print mode or on screen is as large as possible, as opposed to just trying to fit it within the dimension of what you predetermined a page size should be.
I've forgotten another product that actually did that quite well, and this is why I was able to suggest to them. I even suggested that they look at that particular product to get the concept. This is what needs to be improved in ABACUS.
Whether or not they've added my suggestion in their research and development life cycle, still remains to be seen. I should follow up this year, and see what they thought. They received it. They thought it was well thought out. I provided them with some samples, because I had experienced another product that did that quite well. I just thought it would be a good thing as a feature. Other than that, I love what they do within their enterprise architectural space as a software solution.
The only one that I found which I would like included in their next release was the utilization of print. Print primarily, if you have a page set up, and you have the ability to have contiguous pages going vertically and horizontally based on the size of your drawings, I would prefer at some time to be able to say that my drawing is one and a half pages as opposed to the full two pages. I would like to be able to say: "Well, hey, this is where my drawing ends."
What I'd like is for this product to fix my drawing. What would be ideal is for it to fix my page size so I'll have control over the page size after I complete my drawing, because that way, when you render it on screen, you get to control the viewpoint or the view size based on the utilization of objects on the page, as opposed to defaulting to what the product says, e.g. "Oh, you've gone onto two pages." When really, I've only used up one and a half of those pages. That's what I was trying to indicate to them. What I'd like is to be able to give you my virtual page size and I'm holding you to that.
I've been using ABACUS for two years. I've used it within the last year.
The technical support for this product was good.
They have fairly extensive support manuals built right in their product.
When I raised questions, or if there were any further concepts that I was willing to dialogue on, they were right there. I could fire off a chat if I didn't understand something from their manuals. They were right there.
Setting up this product was straightforward. It's self configuring. It also has a wonderful set of manuals that helps support its users. The examples they provided were great.
I was fairly impressed with this product. As a previous software developer, I thought it was quite nice.
As a semi-retired consultant in the industry, when I think of solutions that I've experienced: database management solutions and similar solutions I've developed in Oracle, and COTS, a few that I have experienced, they're vague now. I haven't been in that part of the industry for a while. I've been focusing on enterprise architecture, and one of the products that provide enterprise architecture which I have experience with is ABACUS.
I'm still getting familiar with this solution and all that it has available within it.
In terms of utilizing this product, I had two months to utilize it. I used it for a month and I haven't been back to it, because from a software perspective, I've been focused on enterprise architecture as a discipline without the use of a software tool. I've been more focused on the actual discipline of enterprise architecture, from a techniques point of view, rather than a tools point of view, as it's applied to understanding an organization.
The tool only helps to graphically capture information, but I haven't been focused on the tool side from a software point of view for the latter half of 2021. I've been focused on the body of knowledge of enterprise architecture.
I've been reading worldwide and studying from various mentors of this particular discipline. Right now, software is not the practiced area, even though I thought the ABACUS product was great, and you have TOGAF as well. Those are the two heavy hitters in the industry for me.
I thought that ABACUS had a lot to offer, so I chose to spend time on it, and I was looking at it from a software point of view, delivering enterprise architecture. I chose ABACUS initially. At some time though, I may double back and take a look at the TOGAF and the ADM part of what they do with ABACUS, but I'm not yet certain if that's going to be in 2022. I may definitely break it up by half a year, and take some time to actually look at TOGAF from a tools point of view within 2022.
I never really got around to acquiring the product and using it from a licensing point of view. I was evaluating the product as it related to the discipline of utilizing and supporting enterprise architecture. That was my initial interest. I never got around to actually acquiring it, procuring it, and putting it into what I call, functional use for any organization. I was a consultant trying to stay on the curve of understanding what's available to the world of enterprise architecture.
The discipline and the acquisition of a tool for an organization, I never really got into that, although I used the knowledge and passed that on to organizations as I'm practicing as a consultant. No one chose to implement an enterprise architecture tool for the entire organization. They liked the principles, the concepts, some of the road mapping that helped them out from a strategic point of view, but they never went for implementing enterprise architecture to the entire enterprise.
My advice to others thinking about implementing ABACUS is that it all depends as each practitioner will gravitate to whatever features they find best suited for the application, for the business, or for the enterprise. I don't have any hard and fixed advice for implementation, because I never really got to implement it. I saw some features that I liked, and I utilized those features to further my understanding and further my client's understanding for what they were looking for at the time, which was basically how to align things from an as-is perspective to where they think they were going, which came up with roadmaps. That's what I did as a person contracted to do, or to help strategic management understand where they're going based on where they are.
I'm rating this tool an eight out of ten. It's definitely high on my purview of tools within the enterprise architecture scheme of things, because it's more than just that. It's a communications tool as well: meaning that you can work almost like Microsoft Team.
This platform offers more than just the ability to draw diagrams across a multiple set of object management group, the BPM, etc. All those drawings that we have out there in the industry that we utilize across business and science: It has those things in it. Not only does it have that, but it has a work approach as well, similar to a Microsoft Team.
You can function like a Microsoft Team so you could be corresponding and have members of your team looking at your objects, and saying: "This is what I'm trying to do."
Another example is if you implemented an enterprise architecture approach electronically across an organization, and you are now in the real world of putting data into catalogs, and trying to look at it from an as-is point of view to potentially what you're going to work towards in the next five years, then it could function as a simulator, e.g. you could simulate what you're trying to work towards.
ABACUS is a really forward thinking product with a lot of nice features in it. It's not just all talk. It actually works.