Cisco Meeting Server brings premises-based video, audio, and web communication together to meet the collaboration needs of the modern workplace. It works with third-party devices, and provides an enjoyable and intuitive user experience. It also scales easily, and can be purchased using our all-in-one, user-based multiparty licensing offer.
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Virtual Meetings Buyer's Guide and find out what your peers are saying about Cisco Meeting Server, Webex, Skype for Business and more!
Cisco Meeting Server is the #7 ranked solution in
top Virtual Meetings solutions. PeerSpot users give Cisco Meeting Server an average rating of 8.4 out of 10. Cisco Meeting Server is most commonly compared to Webex:
Cisco Meeting Server vs Webex. Cisco Meeting Server is popular among the large enterprise segment,
accounting for 70% of users researching this solution on PeerSpot. The top industry researching this solution are professionals from a
computer software company, accounting for 26% of all views.