Get automated high-performance, secure movement of mission-critical data and files.
CA XCOM Data Transport’s reliable delivery and automated transmission recovery features help maintain data integrity throughout the processing environment while supporting enterprise security standards with robust data encryption and auditing capabilities.
WS_FTP Server is a proven, effective, easy-to-use file transfer solution. Secure data in transit whileintegrating programmable methodologies that simplify file transfer tasks andimprove efficiency. Improve control, visibility and security over file transfer activitiesby implementing safeguards against information leaks and data breaches.
MessageWay provides a comprehensive set of secure client and server protocols to align with all potential trading partner requirements including SFTP/SCP, FTP/S, AS2, AWS S3, HTTP/S, SMTP/S, POP3/S and IBM MQ.
MessageWay provides for easy implementation of loosely coupled custom processes via command line or scripts for rapid migration and deployment. Programs and scripts can be developed in any language supported by the host server’s operating system.
Oracle Managed File Transfer Cloud Service (Oracle MFT CS) enables secure file exchange
and management between the cloud and both SaaS or on premise enterprise applications.
Oracle Public Cloud provides the necessary cloud platform and infrastructure to provision
your MFT cloud environment. Together, they protect against inadvertent access to unsecured
files at every step in the end-to-end transfer of files. The MFT Console is easy to use
especially for non-technical staff so you can leverage more resources to manage the transfer of
files. The extensive reporting capabilities allow you to get quick status of a file transfer and
resubmit it as required.