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Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB pros and cons

Vendor: Microsoft
4.0 out of 5
Badge Ranked 1

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Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB offers significant scalability and performance capabilities which facilitate efficient data management across diverse scenarios.
It supports multiple data models and APIs, enhancing its versatility and ease of integration with various development environments.
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB provides auto-scaling and wide ecosystem support, making it suitable for various use cases and simplifying database standardization efforts.
Users find Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB user-friendly due to its managed service model which eliminates the need to manage infrastructure.
Due to its compatibility with other Microsoft products like Power BI, Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB simplifies data ingestion and analysis processes.


SQL server should have more options, and there should be more freedom to create custom queries for non-traditional use-cases.
Integration with Databricks is not possible, and better documentation on integrating with other components is needed.
More features in the Cosmos DB API for MongoDB are necessary, as API compatibility and integration with MongoDB need improvement.
The current pricing model is complicated and not well understood, with overall high costs and limitations on obtaining all records simultaneously.
Customer support services have room for improvement, and there are delays in response times.

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Pros review quotes

Jan 3, 2023
rate Azure support nine out of 10. They respond quickly and will help you manage costs. However, they mainly give you an overview of the issue, so they'll never have an in-depth idea of what you're doing. They aren't the owners of our product, so they don't know much about it, but they can ask you generally: What are you doing? Are you doing too many updates? How can we reduce the cost?
SubodhThakar - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 26, 2023
The solution is highly scalable.
Brandon Smith - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 10, 2023
The biggest benefit it offers is scalability. It's easier to work with concurrency and updating data.
Learn what your peers think about Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Feb 20, 2024
Since it's a managed service, Azure backend handles scalability. From a user's perspective, we don't need to worry about scalability.
Nov 15, 2022
Cosmos DB makes life easier because if we want to use Mongo-type data, or Cassandra-type data, or maybe even just a simple cable storage-type data, then graph, there are multiple ways to do this.
Dec 21, 2022
The solution's read capacity and write access functions are very fast so users don't have to wait when fetching or displaying data on a screen.
MatthewSpieth - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 8, 2024
The initial setup is simple and straightforward. You can set up a Cosmos DB in a day, even configuring things like availability zones around the world.
Feb 18, 2022
Cosmos is a PaaS, so you don't need to worry about infrastructure and hosting. It has various APIs that allow it to integrate with other solutions. For example, we are using a MongoDB-compatible API for customers, which makes it easier for developers on the team who previously used MongoDB or are accustomed to the old document storage paradigm.
Apr 10, 2023
It's highly scalable and supports consistency, security, and multiple security options.
Divya Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 29, 2023
It is one of the simpler databases to work with in terms of code management, tracking, and debugging due to its straightforward data storage and retrieval mechanisms.

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Cons review quotes

Jan 3, 2023
I don't think Cosmos DB has improved our organization. People are using it, but I'm not sure it's the best solution. For one, it's costly. Also, there are other issues with it. You cannot get all the records simultaneously. You can only get it in chunks of 1,500 maximum.
SubodhThakar - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 26, 2023
The built-in integration of the solution is tight.
Brandon Smith - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 10, 2023
An improvement would be a more robust functionality around updating elements on a document, or some type of procedural updates that don't require pulling the entire document.
Learn what your peers think about Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Feb 20, 2024
There is room for improvement in terms of stability.
Nov 15, 2022
I would like to see Cosmos DB introduce a feature that would convert machine language to human-readable queries.
Dec 21, 2022
The solution cannot join two databases like Oracle or SQL Server.
MatthewSpieth - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 8, 2024
It's still new, and good training resources are harder to find. Even the most recent books on Cosmos DB are several years old, which is ancient in IT terms.
Feb 18, 2022
The API compatibility has room for improvement, particularly integration with MongoDB. You have to connect to a specific flavor of MongoDB. We'd also like a richer query capability in line with the latest Mongo features. That is one thing on our wish list. The current version is good enough for our use case, but it could be improved.
Apr 10, 2023
The biggest problem is the learning curve and other database services like RDS.
Divya Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 29, 2023
There is room for improvement in their customer support services.