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Microsoft Azure SQL Database pros and cons

Vendor: Microsoft
4.3 out of 5
Badge Leader
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Prominent pros & cons


Microsoft Azure SQL Database offers significant cost savings and flexible scalability options, which are especially beneficial during peak usage times.
It is known for its stability and reliability, providing a robust environment for database management and operations.
Technical support for Microsoft Azure SQL Database is highly valued by users for its effectiveness in assisting with inquiries and issues.
The integration capabilities of Microsoft Azure SQL Database make it simple to connect with other databases and Microsoft services, enhancing its utility and ease of use.
It provides features like automatic backup and advanced data replication tools, which are crucial for high availability and disaster recovery scenarios.


Management is entirely controlled by Microsoft, which introduces some restrictions.
Initial setup can be very complex.
Pricing is considered high by many users and could be reduced.
Technical documentation is lacking, and more training could be provided.
Support responses are often ineffective and challenging to reach.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database Pros review quotes

DineshKumar27 - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 21, 2024
The product's initial setup phase is very easy.
Jul 1, 2021
We have come from hosting on-premise for customers, or they've done it themselves with SQL. We've now taken a cloud offering for the equivalent services of standard database management and the inbuilt backup and restore offerings. The scalability is probably the biggest feature that we are benefiting from by being in the cloud.
Samuel Lambrecht - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 5, 2022
The most valuable aspect of SQL Azure is the SQL language itself. It's open and everybody can use it at my company. Also, we thought in the beginning that the response time would be inadequate, but it's actually decent. It's much better than expected. Then again, I'm not a programmer, but that's what I hear from our development team.
Learn what your peers think about Microsoft Azure SQL Database. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Raed Gharzeddine - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 8, 2022
I prefer using Microsoft SQL Server because I like the experience and the way Microsoft handles the query tuning and security.
Jul 16, 2019
What is really helpful about the Azure SQL is that when we have a problem with our sound queries, we can trade information about what indexes we should create on tables. It's really helpful for me and also for developers.
Feb 23, 2021
Cost savings are the most valuable. The DR/high availability is also valuable. The failover group with the built-in DR/high availability features is probably one of the easiest things.
Feb 22, 2023
The reason we moved to the cloud was for the convenience of not having any physical hardware to maintain.
May 28, 2021
Its cost benefit is most valuable because you are charged per data unit instead of licensing. You can easily migrate your on-premise SQL to the cloud with a managed instance. That's what it is designed to do. It is easy to take your on-premise or older SQL instance and move it to the cloud. It makes it easy to get off your on-premise SQL and start utilizing the cost benefit of the cloud.
May 31, 2022
What I like about SQL Azure is that it's similar to your on-premises SQL databases. It's not much different, so it's easy to start quickly on the solution if you know Microsoft SQL. I find its ease of use most valuable, and I also like that SQL Azure is also easily integrated with the Azure Cloud platform.
Sep 27, 2020
The solution is a fairly mature product. It provides good stability.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database Cons review quotes

DineshKumar27 - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 21, 2024
There are certain shortcomings when it comes to the stability of the product, especially if I consider the fact that there can always be some bug-related issues in the tool.
Jul 1, 2021
We haven't had any major issues that have prevented us from doing stuff fundamentally. For its implementation, sometimes, it is complicated to understand what your needs are. It would be good to have a few use cases that provide different cloud variations that match on-premise installations and show how they can be moved to the cloud a bit better.
Samuel Lambrecht - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 5, 2022
They should also simplify the security in Azure. We are using the cloud as a platform, so there is no physical infrastructure. We're using Azure components like databases and servers to create an application. Integrating those components in terms of permissions and security is challenging for us. Maybe there is a lack of knowledge on our side, but it's not straightforward.
Learn what your peers think about Microsoft Azure SQL Database. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Raed Gharzeddine - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 8, 2022
One of the nice features in Microsoft SQL Server is the SQL Server CLR, which we sometimes need to use to protect our procedures using C# or CLR. This is not available in the SQL Azure database.
Jul 16, 2019
I need something which is in one place so I can automate the Azure data factory, but it's a different tool. It's not easy and in one place, so I can't switch to the other tool and do something there, automate everything there in the on-prem infrastructure, and then have everything in the agent. I can just pick one packet and use it. However, I want to be able to click it and run it.
Feb 23, 2021
Its automation can be improved. SQL Server Agent was a very big part of the on-prem tools. While moving from on-prem to the cloud, redoing some of such tools was very cumbersome in Azure. There was a whole new set of technologies and methodologies. It should have easier automation-type features to be able to implement such tools. It should have almost a SQL agent type of substance built into that.
Feb 22, 2023
Microsoft could improve its documentation and support.
May 28, 2021
I'm not really a SQL DBA, so I can't go into the depths of the areas that need to be improved. They can maybe make it a bit easier to educate people on how to develop SQL Server in Azure. They can provide some free seminars and webinars and more training in general for easier migration. I know there is some stuff on Microsoft learning, but it would be helpful and useful to have more up-to-date content.
May 31, 2022
What would make SQL Azure better is users having the capability of managing the database solution from the cloud, instead of having to do it from an actual machine because currently, database management via SQL Azure is done on a virtual machine or a PC. The solution should have the data functionality of managing SQL databases inside the cloud.
Sep 27, 2020
From a security perspective, although their features are decent, they can always be improved upon, updated, and refined to help protect clients better.