An Enterprise Document Management (EDM) platform for creating, capturing, managing, delivering and archiving large volumes of documents and contents. Also integrates seamlessly with other enterprise applications. OmniDocs handles Scanned Document Images, Electronic Documents, Emails and Electronic Data Output from other applications with equal efficiency and ease. OmniDocs powers seamlessly collaborate, communicate and share knowledge across and beyond the Enterprise.
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Enterprise Content Management Buyer's Guide and find out what your peers are saying about Newgen OmniDocs, SharePoint, OpenText Documentum and more!
Newgen OmniDocs is the #11 ranked solution in
top Enterprise Content Management solutions. PeerSpot users give Newgen OmniDocs an average rating of 8.6 out of 10. Newgen OmniDocs is most commonly compared to SharePoint:
Newgen OmniDocs vs SharePoint. Newgen OmniDocs is popular among the large enterprise segment,
accounting for 64% of users researching this solution on PeerSpot. The top industry researching this solution are professionals from a
computer software company, accounting for 15% of all views.