What is Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Management?
The Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Management (BPM) Suite is a seamlessly integrated Business Process Management Software solution to manage the complete lifecycle of key business processes.
Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Management is the #62 ranked solution in BPM Software. PeerSpot users give Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Management an average rating of 7.6 out of 10. Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Management is most commonly compared to Appian:
Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Management vs Appian.
Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Management mindshare
As of March 2025, the mindshare of Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Management in the Business Process Management (BPM) category
stands at 0.1%, down from 0.1% compared to the previous year, according to calculations based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Business Process Management (BPM)
Key learnings from peers
Valuable Features
"Ultimus Adaptive Business Process Management has good integration with all the other tools we have been using in our company. We use the data that other tools provide in our implementation."
"Development is easy on the Ultimus platform."
Room for Improvement
"We are looking for a feature that can resign and move the process from one step to another step."
"Ultimus is not good at handling cash transactions. They should add a mobile application in the next release."
"Ultimus could stand to lower the price. Other tools are cheaper."
These insights are based on the in-depth reviews provided by peers to help you make a better buying decision.