One of the most popular comparisons on IT Central Station is AlgoSec vs Tufin.
People like you are trying to decide which one is best for their company. Can you help them out?
What is the biggest difference between AlgoSec and Tufin? Which of these two solutions would you recommend to a colleague evaluating firewall security management software and why?
Thanks for helping your peers make the best decision!
Tufin has the below limitations
Tufin had problems with VRFs and didn't understand a negated address object in a Fortinet firewall.
When choosing Firewall Management Software consider this:
The best thing to do upfront is to work out what's taking up time today:
· Evaluating and validating requests (garbage in = garbage out)
· Translating validated requirements into technical implementation plans (traversing multiple firewalls, NAT, router ACLs, etc)
· Dealing with a broad range of products and/or a requirement to do different things in different ways
· Policy risk evaluation (who decides what is/isn't allowed, how and why)
· Human sign-off / change control
· Executing an understood change plan
· Validating an understood change plan.