The product's initial setup phase was more complex than SOTI MobiControl, and I think that it should be changed and made better. The user interface of 42Gears SureMDM needs to be made better. In SOTI MobiControl, a user can create profiles and see which profiles are connected to which devices and which devices are divided into which groups. In 42Gears SureMDM, everything is done in a section or list known as jobs, so a user has one list with all the profiles and the packages, along with everything in one place, and if a user wants to change something in a job, then you have to go and skim the package for the name which is not so convenient. Once the tool is configured, it runs fine, but configuring it is a complex task since a user needs to know how to do it. The solution is deployed on the cloud. During the deployment process, first of all, you need to create a tool to enroll a device. Once the device is enrolled, which is an easy process, a user has to create jobs and specific tasks, and it all depends on the kind of configuration.