Amazon Route 53 is valued for its scalability, ease of domain registration processing, and health check capabilities. Its user-friendly interface supports DNS management and dynamic naming. It provides efficient traffic routing, fast DNS resolution, and seamless integration with AWS services. Users leverage Route 53 for various deployment scenarios, noting its reliability, high availability, and cost-effectiveness. The tool supports hosting zones, accurate routing via policies, and managing domains and certificates efficiently.
- "Amazon Route 53 is excellent for those dealing with traffic management and routing services."
- "I find Amazon Route 53 valuable for its ability to manage DNS records and efficiently route traffic with features like failover routing and geolocation routing."
- "Amazon's customer support is very good with a quick response time."
Amazon Route 53 requires improvements in handling multiple requests simultaneously, logging, customization options, and integration with on-premise infrastructure. Users find the cost structure complex and the interface less user-friendly compared to competitors. Security features and automation need enhancement, alongside better support and error tracing. Pricing, domain types, and performance monitoring options should be expanded. Increasing ease of use for non-specialists and improving initial setup and configuration options are also desired improvements.
- "There is a need for technical knowledge to use Amazon Route 53 effectively."
- "There isn't room for recommending new configurations."
- "There is room for improvement in restricting access through one website from S3 buckets, as it still seems not very obvious."