Two Factor Authentication & Access Management for Windows Active Directory.
UserLock helps administrators to manage and secure access for every user, without obstructing employees or frustrating IT.
Two Factor Authentication on Windows logon, RDP, IIS and VPN connections. UserLock supports 2FA using authenticator applications which include Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator and LastPass Authenticator, or programmable hardware tokens such as YubiKey and Token2.
Single Sign-On: Secure and frictionless access to Microsoft 365 and other Cloud Applications, using on-premise Active Directory credentials.
Access Restrictions: Using the contextual information around a user’s logon, UserLock will authorize, deny or limit how a user can access the network, once authenticated.
Access Monitoring: Track and alert on all users’ logon and logoff activity in real-time. Interact remotely with any session and respond to login behavior.
Access Auditing: Record and report on all user connection events to provide a central audit across the whole network.
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