Although a fantastic backup system, it is very complex. Installation can take anywhere from 35 - 95 min (depending on the system resources) - prior to setting up any backup sets. Disaster Recovery is one area where Asigra requires some re-thinking. At this time the procedures for Disaster Recovery are even more complex then the initial installation. The DR set up must be the same as the original Backup Setup - naming conventions, unless well documented could increase the recovery time significantly. The constant checks and re-checks, although great for data integrity, affects recovery times - once installation of the recovery system is completed a database recovery must be started and then a synchronization of data files (which can take countless hours - depend on amount of data and available bandwidth). Only after all this is done the data recovery can begin. Bare Metal backup is great and works well, although recovery of systems to dissimilar hardware is difficult IF possible. Physical to virtual (only available to VMWare) is complex and requires VMWare tools be installed and configured...configuration can be difficult. For businesses that have Bandwidth issues Recoveries are difficult as interruptions or disruptions may require restarting the recovery of all files again and again until there are no network issues. Test recoveries on secondary systems are difficult - require stoppage of backup systems. Setting up a recovery server can be difficult as at times it may require stopping backup for a day or more depending on the tests run (for Disaster Recovery). For general test recoveries run of the original setup no extra setup is required.