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CloudBees pros and cons

Vendor: CloudBees
4.1 out of 5

Pros & Cons summary

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Prominent pros & cons


Provides comprehensive visibility across various Jenkins instances
Streamlines DevOps processes 
Supports integration with existing tools
Offers detailed analytics
User-friendly interface


Complex initial setup and steep learning curve for new users
High cost, particularly for small teams or organizations
Occasional performance issues

CloudBees Pros review quotes

Jagadish Sahoo - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 2, 2024
The customer support is good. You get good representatives from CloudBees to help you and understand your requirements.
YashBrahmani - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 30, 2024
It’s a very good tool for auditing your project pipelines as well.
Aug 9, 2024
It can manage multiple Jenkins instances.
Learn what your peers think about CloudBees. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Ritesh Walia - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 2, 2024
Scalability largely depends on how the tool is set up within your infrastructure
Aaron Sarkar - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 3, 2024
CloudBees is a user-friendly tool.
Swati Priya - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 23, 2024
CloudBees operates seamlessly. Deploying to a cluster is straightforward—just one click, and the job is done.
Trevor Lacombe - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 7, 2024
The solution's most valuable feature is its flexibility.
Indian Agarwal - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 12, 2024
CloudBees's user interface is very simple and user-friendly.
Roland Sodeyi - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 23, 2024
The most valuable feature of the solution is that its GUI is quite simple.
KishoreKumar4 - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 22, 2024
The initial setup is easy.

CloudBees Cons review quotes

Jagadish Sahoo - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 2, 2024
One challenge I'd like to highlight is that with CloudBees CI growing bigger and bigger, there are limitations in terms of managing old plugins and services and upgrading them with time.
YashBrahmani - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 30, 2024
A lot of stability issues are there with CloudBees.
Aug 9, 2024
If you're logged in and working for about thirty minutes and then go idle for five to ten minutes, Jenkins will prompt you to re-authenticate.
Learn what your peers think about CloudBees. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Ritesh Walia - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 2, 2024
We did face some challenges, particularly with the infrastructure.
Aaron Sarkar - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 3, 2024
The problem with CloudBees is that when you merge it, the pipelines would randomly fail multiple times.
Swati Priya - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 23, 2024
We've noticed occasional issues with folder permissions changing unexpectedly. Specifically, permissions sometimes shift from the CloudBees user to the root user. This can cause pipeline failures, as pipelines require the correct CloudBees user permissions to execute properly.
Trevor Lacombe - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 7, 2024
To use the tool, you need to be familiar with the tool itself and with how it will be incorporated into the culture.
Indian Agarwal - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 12, 2024
I noticed that CloudBees runs too slowly because some applications run more than 50 pipelines.
Roland Sodeyi - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 23, 2024
I think a preview of the errors would be good just at the point where the error occurs.
KishoreKumar4 - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 22, 2024
To improve efficiency, they should focus on smoother label deployment.