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Automic Automation vs Fortra's Globalscape Managed File Transfer comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Automic Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Workload Automation (4th)
Fortra's Globalscape Manage...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Managed File Transfer (MFT) (13th)

Mindshare comparison

While both are Infrastructure Software Management solutions, they serve different purposes. Automic Automation is designed for Workload Automation and holds a mindshare of 6.6%, up 6.3% compared to last year.
Fortra's Globalscape Managed File Transfer, on the other hand, focuses on Managed File Transfer (MFT), holds 1.8% mindshare, down 2.8% since last year.
Workload Automation
Managed File Transfer (MFT)

Featured Reviews

Aug 2, 2024
Reliable, easy to use, and helpful for managing simple and complex workflows
It has been easy for us to manage complex workloads using Automic Workload Automation. The user interface allows us to zoom into a particular section of a complicated workflow. If we have 30 different jobs and scripts tied together in a workflow, we can use the graphical interface to work on one section of the job on our screen. We can also embed one workflow into another. If there is a complicated workflow, we can bunch it all into one workflow and embed that one into a different workflow. This way, we can manage more complicated workflows. It is easy to use. We previously had a thick client which was Java-based, and now, we have the web-based one. Both have been easy to use. Building jobs and doing the admin side of things, such as monitoring jobs, checking reports of the jobs, and checking job statistics has been easy. It is one of the easy-to-use tools. We could see its benefits immediately after deploying it. We were replacing a legacy tool with Automic. It was a new solution, and we could see all the new features in it. We have a lot of alerting features and notification features. It even has a feature to notify us when a job takes longer than usual. If our workflow usually takes two hours to run, but it is taking longer, Automic Automation can notify us. It helps to reduce the error or failure rates. Automic Automation has freed up staff to do other things more. By automating routine things with Automic, they can move on to doing other things. It surely frees up people's time. It is saving time for our staff. Automic Workload Automation helped reduce our operational costs. We used to get called often with our old tool because of more failure rates, agents going down, etc. In that sense, it is saving time for staff. If more tickets are generated, we would have to hire more people offshore. With fewer tickers and fewer job failures, we need fewer people. Automic Workload Automation has helped improve our ability to meet SLAs by being more reliable and more stable. It is a stable tool. Our jobs are not failing because technology is failing or agents are going down or not responding.
Akinwale Sekiteri - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 20, 2023
A cost-effective solution with seamless scalability making it an efficient choice for secure data exchange and management
It is a versatile tool, that enables seamless and secure daily report exchange between business partners. It can access partner systems, locate CSV reports, and transfer them to various global locations. It goes beyond basic file transfer, supporting server-to-server, server-to-client, and…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Automation helps us. It makes our lives easier. Anything that can be automated is automated."
"We use the FTP agent excessively, and the connection is easy to handle between our company and the outside."
"Customers save a lot of money when they use this product, because of things like the scheduling tool."
"Automic is perfect to work with for a lot of job loads."
"It will improve how we function. It is just meeting a functional need in a maybe more agile way; it is faster."
"It helps our efficiency because it is a batch processing tool which works without a menu."
"The most valuable parts are the scalability and flexibility, where you can do whatever you think, then you can realize it in the product and have many ways to do it."
"The solution's technical support has always been excellent."
"The most effective feature is its advanced workflow engine. Another feature is the flexibility of the code we use to create tasks."
"The High Security Module is valuable. It allows for increased security. It allows me to integrate Globalscape with our Active Directory. So, we manage all our customer accounts outside of Globalscape, and it allows us to import them with LDAP queries. It's very convenient. It also gives our customers the confidence that it's a very secure product."
"It bolsters security with features like Data Loss Prevention and seamless integration with DLP for a safe and compliant environment which enables real-time document sharing and control over file actions."
"The Event Rules functionality is a key feature. It is very simple to understand and work with. If you have a support team that doesn't know anything about coding, they can really relate to the way event rules are designed. So, I try to make them as simplistic as possible when we create file transmissions. When I first started working in Globalscape, a lot of the file transmissions were handled through Advanced Workflow, which is a similar product. We had a lot of scripts in Advanced Workflow. I moved them to Event Viewer in Globalscape because of the simplicity of building scripts and understanding how they work. It literally takes 5 to 10 minutes to set one up, but if you're in an advanced workflow, it could take an hour to two hours to understand via code what it is actually doing. It has definitely been a plus."
"It made things easier. Before, there were five to 10 different software solutions spread out over 10 different servers. Now, everything is being centralized into one location; facilitating, supporting, maintaining, training people, etc. There have been gains just because Globalscape EFT is more efficient at moving things around than our previous other applications. For instance, if I am connecting to someone over the Internet or transmitting for the client, the speed of transmitting those files through SFTP is 20% to 30% faster than our previous automated solution. Therefore, we have seen time savings."
"The fact that it is Windows-based was a huge factor for us because most of our endpoints are Windows-based. And the ability to configure it means standardization is available with the product."
"A job skeleton can be used from test to production so you don't have to build jobs from scratch in production."
"The Advanced Workflow Engine it comes with is brilliant because it allows us to create scripts and perform behind-the-scenes jobs that would otherwise require a third-party solution... You would have to create a special code on the outside to get all that other stuff done in the background. With Globalscape, we can get all of that done in one package."


"In terms of what can be improved, we are in Israel, so we work in Hebrew. Now they are starting to move it also from English to Hebrew and to support the language, but for us it has been very difficult because the Hebrew looks like gibberish. So there are language issues."
"The one big issue that we have is around passwords and not being able to update passwords through a different tool. This is not available yet."
"There are pain points, like anything else. Sometimes, things they say work, and sometimes, they don't work. You need to find out why they don't work and then go back and have them fixed."
"There were many bugs in the last version. For example, we could only use capital letters for searching for agent names. Also, we had a problem with ONE Automation where we couldn't use the PGA and SGA in Oracle Databases for resolving RAM because the last version didn't have this capability."
"Its dashboard can be improved. In version 12, they have already moved to a web-based interface from a UI. We are looking into this feature now. We are also looking for available APIs that we can use to interface the engine into our other systems. There should be a subservice facility that we can use to interface with Microsoft Teams and send out authorization on job executions. We have seen a feature like this in other products that we are looking into."
"It seems still very technical to get the full features out... Once you get to some of the leadership levels, such as myself, you don't have time to go digging into it. It would be nice to have some additional performance features such as reporting, analytics."
"I would like to see the event engine in the next release."
"There could be a better user interface for end users. They should make it more intuitive, not based on Java."
"Instead of using a fat client to access the administrator panel, where you have to install client software on any server that you need to use to access, I would like them to switch to a web-based model where you could connect from anywhere without having to maintain and install the software."
"I do have some complaints or concerns around the centralized platform for the management of file transfer operations, and I know that they're working towards a better solution there. At its core, it's a good feature, but needs some improvements. I would like to see a web interface so that there is universal support across versions, because we have test and production environments that aren't always in sync. It would be nice to have one administrative interface to access both."
"Another area for improvement is the ARM (Auditing and Reporting Module) database, in terms of accuracy and the data being logged."
"It could improve its operations by incorporating real-time collaboration features like those offered by platforms such as Microsoft OneDrive and Office 365."
"The solution lags a bit when thousands of jobs, multiple users, and multiple developers are accessing it at the same time."
"We need some capability for faster transfers and large file transfers. If we want to transfer a terabyte file, it is not capable of doing that right now. They say it is possible, but we are not able to do so with our environment."
"If Globalscape has a higher number of tasks, performance issues will occur."
"There are two ways to install Globalscape: as a standalone server or as a high-availability server, either Active-Active or Active-Standby. We are currently using standalone servers. That means if we want to upgrade the software, I shut down one of the two back-end servers, upgrade the software, make sure everything is correct, and then turn traffic back on to that one. I then proceed to upgrade the second server. With their high-availability solution, that is not a possibility. Both servers have to be shut down to perform the upgrade. We're a 24/7 shop. We don't have a window where we can have downtime."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We cannot use all the functions because they are too expensive."
"It has helped us reduce costs."
"We have received a lot of time and cost efficiencies from using the product."
"Before I joined this company, Automic had a contract with its parent company, and their pricing was very competitive. However, when we split into multiple businesses, the contract increased significantly, becoming an expensive tool."
"We came to a very good deal, but it took us three years to finalize."
"The pricing of Automic Workload Automation varies depending on the specific contract terms."
"The pricing keeps going up, which is concerning."
"There are no costs in addition to the standard licensing fees."
"It is a very good product in terms of purchase. It didn't cost that much, even with the way we had scaled and architecturally put things in place. It is definitely comparable to other products."
"It is much more competitively priced. Axway is probably three or four times more expensive than Globalscape. I like the server-based license. It's easier to manage than a seat license, which our previous product Axway had. Axway's license model is to charge by the account while Globalscape's model is by the server. It is much simpler and much easier when audit time comes."
"The on-prem licensing is very good. It's a perpetual license and I would advise others to purchase that license. That way, you don't have to pay yearly."
"The solution is reasonably priced in comparison to other products."
"We are paying around 30K per year."
"Globalscape is not cheap, but you get what you pay for. The cost is worth the value of the product. What you're getting is a good, stable solution that does a lot."
"A large factor in our decision to go with Globalscape was the price."
"Maintenance and services for Globalscape EFT have an annual price tag, and it is not cheap."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Automic Workload Automation?
It is easy to manage complex workloads and use electronic workflow automation.
What needs improvement with Automic Workload Automation?
The support has declined somewhat over the years due to various takeovers. It's not as personal as it used to be.
What do you like most about Globalscape Managed File Transfer?
It bolsters security with features like Data Loss Prevention and seamless integration with DLP for a safe and compliant environment which enables real-time document sharing and control over file ac...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Globalscape Managed File Transfer?
It offers excellent value and its pricing is straightforward, making it easy to acquire, set up, and use. While there are some areas where it could improve, such as GUI and collaboration features, ...
What needs improvement with Globalscape Managed File Transfer?
If Globalscape has a higher number of tasks, performance issues will occur. It will get hung, and then we need to restart the services. They need a robust tool to handle 5000-6000 jobs at a time.

Also Known As

Automic Dollar Universe
Globalscape GlobalSCAPE Managed File Transfer

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ING, Adidas, 84.51, ESB
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Find out what your peers are saying about BMC, Redwood Software, Tidal Software by Redwood and others in Workload Automation. Updated: August 2024.
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