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Automic Automation vs Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Automic Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Workload Automation (4th)
Red Hat Ansible Automation ...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Release Automation (3rd), Configuration Management (1st), Network Automation (1st)

Mindshare comparison

Automic Automation and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform aren’t in the same category and serve different purposes. Automic Automation is designed for Workload Automation and holds a mindshare of 6.6%, up 6.3% compared to last year.
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, on the other hand, focuses on Configuration Management, holds 16.8% mindshare, up 16.4% since last year.
Workload Automation
Configuration Management

Featured Reviews

Bernd Stroehle. - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 21, 2023
Offers excellent functionality, reduces job and workload failure, and enhances our compliance processes
Due to Automic Workload Automation's proprietary scripting language, upgrading it can be extremely challenging, unlike other workflow automation products that offer seamless migration. This inflexibility makes Automic Workload Automation the most complex and restrictive solution in the market. Choosing Automic Workload Automation essentially locks us into their ecosystem, making it nearly impossible to switch to a different product. Therefore, I strongly advise against using Automic Workload Automation. Automic Workload Automation's AI capabilities are limited. Most traditional workflow products lack robust support for AI workflows. Airflow might be a suitable option for AI workflows. However, if real-time AI processing is required, a different product altogether is necessary. For example, in the field of genetics, if a workflow involves thousands of jobs, traditional workflow products such as Automic Workload Automation may struggle to handle such a large workload. The maximum capacity of these products might be around 1,000 or 2,000 jobs. In contrast, a genetic workflow could involve up to 100,000 jobs, requiring a completely different workflow product specifically designed for such large-scale processing. Mainstream workflow products like Automic Workload Automation offer similar functionalities and are widely used around the globe. These products typically check for process completion every second. However, in high-performance computing and emerging fields like medicine or ophthalmology, we need to control thousands of jobs simultaneously, requiring millisecond-level process completion checks. To achieve this, we can store event data in databases or perform on-the-fly checks. Additionally, we need to integrate workflow control with workload management to prevent machine overload. These requirements make it unsuitable for tasks like controlling genomic workflows.
May 8, 2024
Enables us to build new servers and updating software on servers in a very consistent way
The main benefits are reducing server configuration drift and building new servers or updating software on servers in a very consistent way. My team manages all of the server platforms. We are the middleware team. We support EAP, OpenShift, and the whole gambit. Being able to consistently configure those machines and the software on those machines so that the applications run in a consistent way, good or bad, is key. Even if it is bad, at least it is done consistently. We can pinpoint the problem, make changes from the playbook, and reapply it. We can get it corrected in a very consistent manner, and we do not actively skip a host. If somebody is manually making changes, we know where that goes. I would rate Ansible Automation Platform very highly for helping to reduce the number of steps involved in automating things. After you develop your playbook, that playbook consistently runs, and the playbooks are not difficult at all. Once you understand how Ansible works, it is straightforward. Even on a Windows platform, it is not difficult at all. However, writing new roles is a different story. I have written a couple of those. I have about a dozen or so custom roles written in PowerShell to run on Windows. Even for that, the documentation was not bad. Ansible Automation Platform can help reduce the training required to learn how to automate things. I can give somebody a playbook, and if the author of that playbook follows our standards of documentation, it eases that quite a bit. However, we have some playbooks that are pretty complicated. In those cases, they have to understand what it is doing under the covers. Onboarding to Ansible is pretty straightforward once you get the handle on what tasks are there and what to do in the pretask and the roles. Once you grasp that concept, especially the concept that every task and every playbook will run concurrently on every host which is a hard one for people to grasp, it makes a lot of sense. This reduced training has affected our operations or business. We use the platform's collection of certified content. It is very good. We can find things easily for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. If we find something for Red Hat Enterprise Linux but cannot find it for Windows, we will model the Red Hat Enterprise Linux version to create one for Windows. Ansible Automation Platform has helped to reduce the time we spend on low-value or repetitive tasks. I can give a good example of that. We are also a Dynatrace shop, so we have set up monitors for our certificates on our servers. Dynatrace is alerting us when certificates are 30 days out. We have not yet hooked it up to the automation platform, but the next step is to do that. It is going to run the playbooks that are already there to renew those certificates. After that, we are going to integrate it with ServiceNow to open a ticket when it does that and close the ticket once it succeeds. We are moving down that path, but we are not quite there yet. As an example, we have to renew every single certificate in about three months. I have one playbook that we can run across all of our servers. Regardless of the type of application that is on that server, that playbook will renew the certificate from our certificate server. We will download the certificate to the machine, implement it in Windows, export it from Windows, convert it to the format that the application needs, be it a key store or a PIM file, load it into the application store, and then restart the process of that target application. If you try to do that by hand, you can just forget it.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Stability has been great. My team, we call ourselves "the invisibles" because things run so well that sometimes you almost feel like you have to try to break something to actually get acknowledged."
"We have a lot of governance and compliance requirements as a bank that we can fulfill with this product."
"The user interface is very simple and straightforward."
"The most valuable feature is that I do not have to wait for one job to finish, then manually click on the next one to start. Automation is the best feature."
"The reason we went with Automic is very simple. We were using ESP, which was a Broadcom product. So, Automic happened to be a natural fit. It was a much easier transition from ESP to Automic. We had familiarity with the vendor and the product."
"It will improve how we function. It is just meeting a functional need in a maybe more agile way; it is faster."
"We have seen a cost improvement from it."
"We have two nodes that are highly available. You can add new nodes if you need that. You can take a node, a total node, down and still be operating fine. It has a lot of scaling to it."
"It allows control over thousands of servers, whether virtual or physical."
"The ease of being able to use the modules and collections to define what our business processes are is valuable. We are able to give non-technical people the ability to look at a process and say, "We need a step here. Someone do something and put it right here.""
"I like the inventory management. It's a very nice, simple, concise way to keep all that data together. And the API allows us to use it even for things that are not Ansible."
"The most valuable feature of Ansible is repeatability because when you're working at the DoD, you want things to be cookie-cutter and replicable."
"One of the most valuable features is that Ansible is agentless. It does not have dependencies, other than Python, which is very generic in terms of dependencies for all systems and for any environment. Being agentless, Ansible is very convenient for everything."
"It is agentless. I don't have to think about which client system my unit has understanding in or not, because I can execute from my system. It will go and configure it, and any module that it is looking for will be shipped out."
"The playbooks and the code the solution uses are quite useful."
"The solution is capable of integrating with many applications and devices in comparison to BigFix."


"The SSH agent is missing in version 12.1. Maybe it would be a good addition to see on the web client of the next version of Atomic."
"We would also like improved SLR monitoring. There are SLR objects, but I can't define an SLR object plus one, or end days. I can only do it for one day. As we are time shifting to another day, it is not possible. This should be improved."
"There are some problems when using the new interface."
"Our recent experience with technical support has not been good, because it took a couple of months to get feedback. Traces and reports were sent, but were not analyzed for at least two months before providing feedback, and they did not give the right traces. This took two months to find out, so that was not too good."
"In talking with other customers as well, they would like to see a few enhancements done where you can pull in outside data sources to get a cumulative view from one centralized place.​"
"I'd like AI to be able to consider how to monitor volume based SLAs as opposed to time based SLAs."
"The support has declined somewhat over the years due to various takeovers. It's not as personal as it used to be."
"The hotline can take a long time. They will say, "I will take it and give it to the Level 2 support.""
"There needs to be improvement in the orchestration."
"The communication on it is not probably where it could be. We could use some real life examples where we could point customers to them and say, "This is what you are trying to do. If you follow these steps, it would at least get you started a bit quicker.""
"The solution is slightly expensive, and its pricing could be improved."
"At this time, I do not have anything to improve. What we struggle with is the knowledge base, but that is more about us having to go and find it and learn the platform on our own rather than an actual Ansible issue."
"It can use some more credential types. I've found that when I go looking for a certain credential type, such as private keys, they're not really there."
"What I'm trying to figure out, personally, is, when doing mass updates, how I can parallelize that a little bit better. It seems right now - and maybe, it's a shortcoming on my end - that I run through one set of servers, and then another set of servers, ad then another set of servers, but it seems like I could throw a lot of these checks out. Different types of servers, like web servers and DB servers, if I could parallelize that a little bit to make everything run a little bit more efficiently, that would help."
"The tool should allow us to create infrastructure. It has everything when it comes to management, but it lacks the provisioning aspect."
"Documentation could be improved. Many times, if I'm looking for something, I have to Google it in a lot of places, then figure out what the best approach will be. There are some best practices documents, but they don't give you the information."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There are no costs in addition to the standard licensing fees."
"The pricing is based on the number of servers and agents."
"Do your own proof of concept. Make sure you know what you want. Be clear about what you want the product to do for you. Go out and meet with the vendor, then test it."
"The cost of arrays is high. If you want to buy an array for an application, and see value from it, you need about half a million dollars. That is too expensive."
"The pricing keeps going up, which is concerning."
"Every time there is a task which must be repeated, the solution can reduce costs."
"This solution is pretty well-priced."
"We receive time efficiency from this product."
"Ansible Tower is free. Until they lower the cost, we are holding off on purchasing the product."
"Red Hat's open source approach was a factor when choosing Ansible, since the solution is free as of right now."
"The cost is determined by the number of endpoints."
"The cost is high, but it still works well."
"We're charged between $8 to $13 a month per license."
"I don't see the pricing or licensing features, but from what I understand, it is fairly reasonable."
"It’s an open-source tool."
"We went with product because we have a subscription for Red Hat."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Insurance Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Automic Workload Automation?
It is easy to manage complex workloads and use electronic workflow automation.
What needs improvement with Automic Workload Automation?
The support has declined somewhat over the years due to various takeovers. It's not as personal as it used to be.
What is the difference between Red Hat Satellite and Ansible?
Red Hat Satellite has proven to be a worthwhile investment for me. Both its patch management and license management have been outstanding. If you have a large environment, patching systems is much ...
How does Ansible compare to Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (SCCM)?
Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager takes knowledge and research to properly configure. The length of time that the set up will take depends on the kind of technical architecture that your org...
What do you like most about Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform?
The most valuable features of the solution are automation and patching.

Also Known As

Automic Dollar Universe

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Sample Customers

ING, Adidas, 84.51, ESB
HootSuite Media, Inc., Cloud Physics, Narrative, BinckBank
Find out what your peers are saying about BMC, Redwood Software, Tidal Software by Redwood and others in Workload Automation. Updated: September 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.