Axis Security vs Prisma Access by Palo Alto Networks comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Axis Security
Ranking in Secure Web Gateways (SWG)
Ranking in Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB)
Ranking in ZTNA as a Service
Ranking in Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Prisma Access by Palo Alto ...
Ranking in Secure Web Gateways (SWG)
Ranking in Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB)
Ranking in ZTNA as a Service
Ranking in Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Enterprise Infrastructure VPN (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) category, the mindshare of Axis Security is 3.0%, up from 1.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Prisma Access by Palo Alto Networks is 19.1%, down from 20.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Unique Categories:
Secure Web Gateways (SWG)
Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB)

Featured Reviews

MarceloMerten - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 31, 2024
Robust safeguarding of network environments with easy initial setup, seamless integration with existing infrastructure and effective access restriction capabilities
Axis Security is utilized to secure network devices and switch IPs for clients. Essentially, it enables comprehensive security for all connected network components, ensuring authentication and safeguarding against unauthorized access While the standout features in terms of user experience or…
Alikhayyam Guluzada - PeerSpot reviewer
May 10, 2023
Integrates easily with cybersecurity solutions and has been very effective in securing our environment
It helps with container security. Month by month, developer accounts in the company are increasing. Prisma Access supported and helped us very effectively in securing their workstations and working environment. Prisma Access is good for securing access and privileges. Our developers have a security background, and they have knowledge of cybersecurity. It gives us assurance that they would not be able to do anything as an insider cyber attacker. They would not be able to use their environment to jump to other servers because such functions are prevented by this solution. Prisma Access can protect all app traffic, but we classify the apps inside the company and choose the critical and the medium-risk level apps. This protection is important security-wise. On the IT side, it is important. It is also important on the business side, but they are only concerned about the price. We tried to connect with Palo Alto to get a discount on the first and second years to make the company get the maximum benefit and see the benefit of this solution. After that, they can remove the discounts, and it will be the decision of the company whether to continue with this solution or not. Prisma Access secures not just web-based apps but non-web apps as well. However, about 70% of our applications are web-based applications. If they do not get the discounts, we will only use them for critical web-based applications. Based on my experience, Prisma Access is good not only for web-based but also for non-web applications. It is effective. Prisma Access provides traffic analysis. We are also using Cortex XDR. It is Palo Alto's XDR solution that also supports us for traffic analysis. By using both of them in one environment, we have an end-to-end, more holistic, and zero-trust approach. Prisma Access provides millions of security updates per day. We are also from the cybersecurity side, so we understand that it is a new product. It has only been around for two or three years. In every new product, such updates are welcomed, but we hope that in the next few years, there will be fewer such updates and more targeted updates. Prisma Access enables us to deliver better applications on the security side but not the business and IT side. We are now more confident that our applications are secure.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The entire suite and the entire ZTNA process are very valuable."
"I would give it an A-plus for securing access to our applications, devices, and network. It does an extremely good job. Our security folks have analyzed it and tried to find loopholes, but they found none."
"The most valuable aspect is its ability to restrict unauthorized access, ensuring that only approved devices can connect to the network. T"
"The most valuable part so far has been Axis Security's ability to create identity connections to various servers, allowing users to access them. By doing so, we've managed to replace any old or existing VPN access with Axis Security. We are slowly but surely getting rid of our traditional VPN."
"The way the access connectors work is valuable."
"The Autonomous Digital Experience Management (ADEM) offered by Palo Alto is a good reporting tool. It gives insights into how things are going within the network. It takes all the data from the users' endpoints and does an analysis, and it suggests changes as well."
"The product's initial setup phase is simple."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to join your network and provide access through the VPN."
"There is a system for monitoring the traffic. You can monitor the traffic of the connected people and point out any issues on the connection part."
"The stacked policies, event policies, and routing policies are easy to understand for someone with general knowledge."
"Prisma Access protects all app traffic, so that users can gain access to all apps and that's very important because we need to be able to access everything. It also allows us to access non-web apps; anything internal that we need access to, we can access."
"It's great that we can make sure a machine meets the minimum requirements before users are allowed to log in."
"The visibility perspective is pretty cool. If I want to know how much data is being used for a specific project, I can look at how much data has been used, from which region, and which users have been connected. That visibility is very good so that I can see how many licenses we have and how many are used."


"I would appreciate more automated learning capabilities or increased integration with other security tools, allowing us to establish automation."
"I would like more detailed logging in the Axis Security interface."
"The support team should be more skilled in offering assistance."
"I would like more statistics about what's going on in terms of usage. There is little-to-no usage reporting. That's one thing we've requested, and I think they're working on it."
"They need to improve the networking and security tools a little in the troubleshooting and 'bad-actor' areas to help us analyze security threats a little better. They have some things built-in, but I would like to see more advanced tools."
"It would be nice to manage Prisma Access through the cloud instead of through Panorama. You can use the cloud version to monitor Prisma Access, but it doesn't have all the features yet, and it's not 100% done."
"The solution’s stability could be improved."
"The product's current price is an area of shortcoming where improvements are required."
"The price can be reduced to make it more competitive."
"We would like to see improvements in the licensing; currently, Palo Alto provides 500 to 1000 licenses for users, and we want to see 1500 to 2000 licenses for one version."
"The solution needs to be more compatible with other solutions. This is specifically a problem for us when it comes to healthcare applications. They have proprietary connection types and things of that nature that make compatibility a challenge sometimes."
"The tools' scalability is subject to some limitations when done on-premise due to the need for additional licenses. However, in other scenarios, increasing scalability involves expanding infrastructure to accommodate more third-party VPN access. It is scalable as long as you pay the money. Also, it needs to improve security."
"They can add some new characteristics. For example, when an incident triggers, they can automatically send a template for a particular match that is related to the policy. We don't have that right now. It is something to improve. There could be more automation for certain actions. For example, for a particular group, it can send an administrator alert to their manager. It was one of the concerns of our customers."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing is quite fair. It's better than what we gave up, which was Cisco AnyConnect."
"The pricing is very competitive from what I've seen."
"Prisma Access by Palo Alto Networks is an expensive solution, especially when compared to other solutions like Cisco. There are no additional charges apart from the standard licensing costs attached to the solution."
"Prisma Access is a little bit expensive."
"I would advise choosing your options according to your company's needs. Just go for what you want and do not pay for anything extra in terms of licensing. You need to determine how much bandwidth is required in your company network, and according to that, you should pay for the license. The mobile user license is based on the number of users who are going to use the VPN solution. You need to determine how many mobile users you are going to have in your network, and you should pay according to that. There are no other costs in addition to licensing, but if you go for the consultant services of Palo Alto networks to deliver the solution for you, then you need to pay something extra. That is not a part of licensing."
"We have to pay additional costs for maintenance and support services."
"Actually the solution is very expensive. I don't know the particulars since the purchasing team dealt with it."
"It is pretty expensive. We have to balance the cost of some features. They need to work on some of the services and products, price-wise."
"Prisma Access by Palo Alto Networks has flexible licensing models with different categories. It comes with different features which can be removed if not needed. However, its pricing is high."
"The licensing model for this product is complicated and changes all the time, making it very hard for the user to comprehend the configuration."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Healthcare Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Axis Security?
The most valuable aspect is its ability to restrict unauthorized access, ensuring that only approved devices can connect to the network. T
What needs improvement with Axis Security?
The support team should be more skilled in offering assistance.
What is the better solution - Prisma Access or Zscaler Private Access?
We looked into Prisma Access before choosing Zscaler Private Access (ZPA). Palo Alto’s Prisma Access is a secure access service edge (SASE) designed to deliver network security in a cloud-deliver...
What do you like most about Prisma Access by Palo Alto Networks?
The most valuable features of the solution are in the areas of the secure remote access it provides while also being user-friendly.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Prisma Access by Palo Alto Networks?
Palo Alto products are expensive, but they offer efficient features. We have to pay additional costs for maintenance and support services.

Also Known As

No data available
Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access, Prisma Access, GlobalProtect, Palo Alto GlobalProtect Mobile Security Manager, Prisma SaaS by Palo Alto Networks, Prisma Access

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Sample Customers

Cardenas Markets, Armis, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Visionworks
Concord Hospital, State of Colorado, Essilor International, RheinLand Versicherungsgruppe, University of Westminster, Universidade Nove de Julho, SPAR Austria, CAME Group, ZipRealty, Greenhill & Co., IKT Agder, Aviva Stadium, Animal Logic, Management & Training Corporation, Brigham Young University Hawaii, School District of Chilliwack
Find out what your peers are saying about Axis Security vs. Prisma Access by Palo Alto Networks and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
792,222 professionals have used our research since 2012.