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Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN vs Prisma SD-WAN comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Sep 16, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN
Ranking in Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN) Solutions
Ranking in WAN Edge
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Management Applications (4th)
Prisma SD-WAN
Ranking in Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN) Solutions
Ranking in WAN Edge
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) (7th)

Featured Reviews

Jul 22, 2024
A router solution with customer-friendly support but is expensive
We use the solution as a router Cisco is very secure and very fast, and its work is ongoing. They give the commands to what they want. Everything is on one disk. I need to do anything from one end. The solution could be cheaper. I have been using Cisco SD-WAN for about two months. The product…
May 30, 2023
A cost-effective and easy to manage solution
We have a single dashboard to view all kinds of analytics. If we make Prisma SD-WAN as analytics, we can only see what kind of traffic is going and how much bandwidth it is utilizing. We can also see if there is high utilization from any particular link or application. Otherwise, we can configure Prisma SD-WAN as a control mode to use it as a routing protocol and for analytics. It gives you more insights about what kind of traffic is going, how much the consumption was, how we can reduce that consumption, and how we can apply that quality of service. If one of the sites is accessing more teams, our bandwidth will be utilized as a platinum application so that most of the bandwidth will be utilized for the team. Unlike traditional networks, it is very flexible, and based on the kind of application we are using, our bandwidth will be utilized.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"This solution comes with comprehensive technical support."
"The tool is stable, and its troubleshooting capabilities are good. It helps us identify and fix any issues. It simplifies VPN setup for both side-to-side and multisite connections. This allows for easier data sharing between main and branch offices, creating a local network feel even for distant sites."
"We would recommend this solution to customers looking to implement it on a global scale. We recommend the solution, not only because of the functionality or the technical support, but also because of the delivery of the solution, and the docking and upgrading capabilities."
"With other routing protocols, we have had to send team members to perform installations and configurations. There is a lot of work involved. However with SD-WAN, once it is installed it is fully automated, and we can do all other tasks remotely. We don't have to send staff out to the client's location. It's very independent, and we can establish SD-WAN connectivity easily. It is secure as well."
"The initial setup is straightforward and easy to deploy."
"It is very stable."
"The initial setup is quite simple."
"The regular net routing is a good feature."
"I like that the integration with Palo Alto is easy."
"The security offered by the solution is pretty good."
"The dynamic routing in Prisma SD-WAN is high-speed and valuable because it quickly adjusts, so users do not realize the link is down."
"It is flexible to use the internet connection via local breakouts without going to data centers."
"Prisma's analytics provide a lot of valuable data. I like the internet health chart that shows latency, dropped packets, MOS for data quality, etc. It also runs a continuous speed test in the background. I've used it multiple times to troubleshoot internet connections when the service provider has attempted to claim nothing is wrong with the circuit. It gives me data to send them showing we're not getting the speed we should, or there is constant packet loss."
"I like the link monitoring and analytics. These are the features that set Prisma apart from other products. Prisma works well with large, complex networks. One of my clients is a top bank in the United States, and Prisma has performed well for that customer."
"When it comes to supporting large, complex, network architectures, it's a very simple architecture. The main component is the fabric. It's very easy to troubleshoot if there is an issue happening in the underlying network."
"The gateway is available on the cloud which allows you access from anywhere and still connects to your home gateway."


"It would be better if it provided more visibility. At present, we can't troubleshoot in real time."
"All of the configurations are based on templates, and we need to spend a lot of time doing the templates. It's good because that means that all of the configurations will be equal in the network. However, we need to spend a lot of time implementing the templates and doing the customizations."
"Cisco could do more to offer bundling of the SD-WAN and other solutions."
"The solution should not be so bound to ISPs."
"One area for improvement in Cisco SD-WAN is reporting. The report needs to give more visibility to the customer. The security feature in Cisco SD-WAN also needs improvement, particularly if Cisco wants to challenge other brands, such as Fortinet."
"Cisco SD-WAN's clustering mechanism needs to be improved. If there are more than five milliseconds of latency time between installations of the VM manager, the cluster automatically breaks down."
"Cisco products are a little bit complicated, so making them a little bit easier would be an improvement."
"The product's application delivery feature needs improvement."
"I'd like to see them move more towards CASB."
"The pricing model could be improved to make it more affordable for smaller companies."
"Customer support is our biggest pain point. The quality of support has gone down a little since we initially deployed this product. I don't know if this is due to turnover at Palo Alto or a lack of training. It is now taking one or two days to get an initial response that says, "Hey, we've looked into this, can you pull this data for us?" In the past, we'd immediately get a response."
"The pricing for Prisma SD-WAN needs improvement."
"Accessibility could be improved. Any new person attempting to access Prisma will have difficulty. It doesn't have CLI available."
"Event correlation and analysis capabilities do not help minimize the number of alarms from a single event. That is the problem. We are getting a lot of incidents, and there is some issue with the correlation. That is still a drawback."
"There are two parallel things that we want Palo Alto to work on. First, customers want a unified appliance that does the work of all firewalls in addition to SD-WAN. Second, the cloud presence should be completely automated. If I purchase the SASE architecture, I shouldn't worry about deployments in Prisma Access or on Prisma SD-WAN. It should be deployed in one go."
"The solution should include custom ports and group voice connections."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"This is not a cheap option but if you move from Capex to Opex, I expect you should have lower costs."
"The license model is too complex with too many flavors and options. You might not be able to see it from an end user's point of view, but from a telco point of view, their license model is too complex. They should have a flexible license model. If you want to have good pricing, you need to buy it for a two-year, four-year, or five-year license immediately. Some other vendors have much more flexible license models."
"The pricing of this solution is very expensive."
"The license consists of an annual fee."
"The costs are a bit on the high side."
"The price of Cisco SD-WAN is expensive. We pay approximately $50 monthly for the use of the solution."
"Cisco SD-WAN is more expensive than its competitors."
"It's costly. The cost is high compared to competitors."
"This solution stood out because it cost considerably less than the other SD-WAN solutions out there from Cisco."
"If you're already invested in a Palo Alto product, it would be logical to use this solution. If not, there might be some other solutions that are more viable in terms of pricing."
"It is more expensive than Fortinet."
"Prisma SD-WAN is a pretty expensive solution."
"On a scale from one to ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive, I rate the solution's pricing an eight out of ten."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Cisco SD-WAN?
When considering the most valuable features of Cisco SD-WAN, the decoupling of self-monitoring stands out significantly.
What needs improvement with Cisco SD-WAN?
Customers collaborate with ISPs and currently work with three ISPs, using options like LSM VPN and MPLS VPN to reduce line costs. They are considering moving from their current setup to an MPLS VPN...
What do you like most about Prisma SD-WAN?
The product's initial setup phase is straightforward.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Prisma SD-WAN?
Prisma SD-WAN is a pretty expensive solution. On a scale from one to ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive, I rate the solution's pricing an eight out of ten.
What needs improvement with Prisma SD-WAN?
The solution should include custom ports and group voice connections.

Also Known As

Cisco SD-WAN



Sample Customers

Doyle Research, Ashton Metzler & Associates
Open Networking User Group, Columbia Sportswear Company, Coca Cola
Find out what your peers are saying about Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN vs. Prisma SD-WAN and other solutions. Updated: September 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.