We use it for teaching online.
Docente at Educem Instituto Universitario del Centro de Mexico
Saves us time on administrative work and enables students to find bibliographic information in libraries
Pros and Cons
- "One of the features that is very good is the automation for setting trigger rules that show or hide specific class sections or assignments."
- "I would like to see better integration of the platform with Zoom or Meet so that programming of video conferences would be much more interactive within those platforms. Currently, if we have to do a conference in Zoom or Meet, we have to leave the platform because we cannot do so directly within it."
What is our primary use case?
How has it helped my organization?
The students have begun to use the platform, above all, because it also allows them to join libraries instead of searching for bibliographic references on Google. They make use of the libraries and that has facilitated academic activity. That is an area that has been exploited effectively in our university.
CYPHER Learning has saved us time on intervention strategies for students, especially those who need guidance. It has saved us approximately 30 percent compared to other methods, especially because of how intuitive the platform is.
Another benefit is the time saved on administrative work, such as grades, filling out reports, and student control. Having these things automated instead of doing them manually results in very considerable time savings. If I did those things manually in half an hour, with CYPHER Learning I do them in five minutes.
It also saves on printing costs. It enables you to do everything in a digital format. You prepare something, put it in a PDF, and send it by email. It makes things much easier for you.
What is most valuable?
We use it mostly as a repository for study materials, the tasks to be carried out, and to allow students to publish their documents, the area of qualifications, and feedback.
One of the features that is very good is the automation for setting trigger rules that show or hide specific class sections or assignments. We have it based on mosaics and it is very intuitive. We immediately find what we want. What we call "Unit Zero" is where the manuals, et cetera are located. Each unit, in turn, has another group of mosaics where units and tasks are broken down.
The adaptive learning for providing students with personalized content based on their goals and performance is also good. Because I started in online education two years ago, I am very used to it.
What needs improvement?
One area that needs improvement is the feedback box. In our case, the space for it is in the right-hand menu but with little margin width. That makes it very difficult for us to fully visualize what we are writing. It would be a great help if they would give us 150 points of width to effectively see the area where we are writing.
Also, I would like to see better integration of the platform with Zoom or Meet so that programming of video conferences would be much more interactive within those platforms. Currently, if we have to do a conference in Zoom or Meet, we have to leave the platform because we cannot do so directly within it.
Another point for improvement is the integration with other platforms, especially because students and teachers are already familiar with other platforms. Sometimes, they have a lot of material in one of those other platforms and when integrating it with CYPHER Learning, the formats and instructions do not match, and that can affect their performance levels. Integration with other file-sharing platforms needs to be exploited.
Buyer's Guide
CYPHER Learning
December 2024
Learn what your peers think about CYPHER Learning. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: December 2024.
831,369 professionals have used our research since 2012.
For how long have I used the solution?
I have been using CYPHER Learning for about three years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
So far, my impression of its stability has been positive. There have been very few crashes, and many of them have been due to internet bandwidth rather than system failures. On occasion, when refreshing the database, some content has been lost but that has been very sporadic and infrequent.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
Scaling has been handled as needed, but there is still a lot to explore because it has not been used to 100 percent of its capacity. Our requirements themselves are what make us increase our use of the solution, little by little.
It is very underutilized because students limit themselves to uploading their files to it, but they do not make effective use of it because the university was designed to be face-to-face. The vast majority of students do not accept working online, except for the delivery of files. While I have experience with it and have seen many of its functions, the students are not used to it. In that sense, the platform has been very neglected.
We have approximately 6,000 people who use it, including teachers, students, academic coordinators, campus directors, managers, and site administrators. It has not decreased the number of people we need to administrate our educational center.
How are customer service and support?
On the occasions that I have requested help, the response has been fast. It has taken approximately one or two hours.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
This is our first such solution. Because of the pandemic, we were forced to teach classes online. Our university was designed to be 100 percent face-to-face, so the platform had to be enabled to teach classes during the pandemic.
How was the initial setup?
The initial setup was complex due to its design, because it is different from other platforms. It seems complex when it is unknown, but within three hours you can learn the basics.
Our setup took about three hours. It gives us a web page with an https address and that is where the login is.
In terms of deployment and maintenance, there are three roles: one that uploads the content, one that establishes the parameters of action, and one that manages the platform.
What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?
I think it is important to maintain the 30-day trial policy. Perhaps there could be individual licenses for teachers so that they could better exploit and learn how to use the platform. If teachers were encouraged to create their own courses and given an economically attractive license, I feel that there would be an opportunity to have it used more widely. Individual teachers could be encouraged to create their own courses and not depend so much on the formal educational centers.
What other advice do I have?
The ability to communicate with students using CYPHER Learning is very poor. There is a lot of ignorance about the platform, and the vast majority of our teachers were also not used to working online. Many of them do not know how to enable or disable students, how to register them, or how to modify delivery dates. That is not a problem with the platform, it is a lack of teacher training.
CYPHER Learning provides activities to help students get engaged with their learning and develop higher-order thinking skills. However, the teachers limit themselves to a series of activities that are traditional and they have not explored the richness of the features. Most do not go beyond the common essay and the forum becomes a very mechanical database. The wikis are largely forgotten because professors are not used to working this way. They have had to force themselves to teach online without knowing how to do so. Again this is a lack of teacher training, not an issue with the platform.
The gamified learning environment for helping with teaching and learning is a positive. There are areas for improvement, especially in the feedback field, but it is a matter of site design. Overall, I am very positive about the platform. You will master it in a short period of time.
It is a product that is worth it, once you learn how to handle it. There are no limits with it. On the contrary, it gives you the possibility of opening up, increasing, and deepening student learning. You can increase the type and number of activities within the platform beyond the traditional ones used in the face-to-face system.
Foreign Language: (Spanish)
¿Cuál es nuestra razón de uso principal?
Lo usamos para enseñar en línea.
¿Cómo ha ayudado a mi organización?
Los alumnos han comenzado a utilizar la plataforma, sobre todo, porque también les permite unirse a las bibliotecas en lugar de buscar referencias bibliográficas en Google. Hacen uso de las bibliotecas y eso ha facilitado la actividad académica. Esa es un área que ha sido explotada de manera efectiva en nuestra universidad.
CYPHER Learning nos ha ahorrado tiempo en estrategias de intervención para estudiantes, especialmente aquellos que necesitan orientación. Nos ha ahorrado aproximadamente un 30 por ciento en comparación con otros métodos, especialmente por lo intuitiva que es la plataforma.
Otro beneficio es el ahorro de tiempo en el trabajo administrativo, como calificaciones, llenado de informes y control de estudiantes. Tener estas cosas automatizadas en lugar de hacerlo manualmente da como resultado un ahorro de tiempo muy considerable. Si esas cosas las hacía manualmente en media hora, con CYPHER Learning las hago en cinco minutos.
También ahorra en costes de impresión. Te permite hacer todo en formato digital. Preparas algo, lo pones en un PDF y lo envías por correo electrónico. Te facilita mucho las cosas.
¿Qué es lo más valioso?
Lo usamos mayormente como repositorio de materiales de estudio, las tareas a realizar, y para permitir a los estudiantes publicar sus documentos, el área de calificaciones y retroalimentación.
Una de las características que es muy buena es la automatización para establecer reglas de activación que muestren u oculten secciones o tareas de clase específicas. Lo tenemos a base de mosaicos y es muy intuitivo. Inmediatamente encontramos lo que buscamos. Lo que llamamos "Unidad Cero" es donde se encuentran los manuales, etcétera. Cada unidad, a su vez, tiene otro grupo de mosaicos donde se desglosan unidades y tareas.
El aprendizaje adaptativo para proporcionar a los estudiantes contenido personalizado en función de sus objetivos y rendimiento también es bueno. Debido a que comencé en la educación en línea hace dos años, estoy muy acostumbrado.
¿Qué necesita mejorar?
Un área que necesita mejoras es el cuadro de comentarios. En nuestro caso, el espacio para ello está en el menú de la derecha pero con poco ancho de margen. Eso hace que sea muy difícil para nosotros visualizar completamente lo que estamos escribiendo. Sería de gran ayuda que nos dieran 150 puntos de ancho para ver efectivamente la zona donde estamos escribiendo.
Además, me gustaría ver una mejor integración de la plataforma con Zoom o Meet para que la programación de videoconferencias sea mucho más interactiva dentro de esas plataformas. Actualmente, si tenemos que hacer una conferencia en Zoom o Meet, tenemos que salir de la plataforma porque no podemos hacerlo directamente dentro de ella.
Otro punto a mejorar es la integración con otras plataformas, sobre todo porque alumnos y profesores ya están familiarizados con otras plataformas. A veces, tienen mucho material en una de esas otras plataformas y al integrarlo con CYPHER Learning, los formatos y las instrucciones no coinciden, y eso puede afectar sus niveles de rendimiento. Es necesario aprovechar la integración con otras plataformas de intercambio de archivos.
¿Por cuánto tiempo he usado la solución?
He estado usando CYPHER Learning durante unos tres años.
¿Qué pienso sobre la estabilidad de la solución?
Hasta ahora, mi impresión de su estabilidad ha sido positiva. Ha habido muy pocos bloqueos, y muchos de ellos se han debido al ancho de banda de Internet en lugar de fallas del sistema. En ocasiones al refrescar la base de datos se ha perdido algún contenido pero ha sido muy esporádico y poco frecuente.
¿Qué opino de la escalabilidad de la solución?
El escalado se ha manejado según sea necesario, pero aún queda mucho por explorar porque no se ha utilizado al 100 por ciento de su capacidad. Nuestros propios requisitos son los que nos hacen aumentar nuestro uso de la solución, poco a poco.
Está muy infrautilizado porque los estudiantes se limitan a subir sus archivos, pero no hacen un uso efectivo porque la universidad fue diseñada para ser presencial. La gran mayoría de los estudiantes no acepta trabajar en línea, excepto para la entrega de archivos. Si bien tengo experiencia con él y he visto muchas de sus funciones, los estudiantes no están acostumbrados. En ese sentido, la plataforma ha estado muy descuidada.
Contamos con aproximadamente 6,000 personas que lo utilizan, entre docentes, estudiantes, coordinadores académicos, directores de campus, gerentes y administradores de sitios. No ha disminuido el número de personas que necesitamos para administrar nuestro centro educativo.
¿Cómo son el servicio de atención al cliente y el soporte?
En las ocasiones que he solicitado ayuda la respuesta ha sido rápida. Ha tardado aproximadamente una o dos horas.
¿Cómo calificaría el servicio y soporte al cliente?
¿Qué solución usé anteriormente y por qué cambié?
Esta es nuestra primera solución de este tipo. Debido a la pandemia, nos vimos obligados a dar clases en línea. Nuestra universidad fue diseñada para ser 100 por ciento presencial, por lo que había que habilitar la plataforma para impartir clases durante la pandemia.
¿Cómo fue la configuración inicial?
La configuración inicial fue compleja debido a su diseño, ya que es diferente a otras plataformas. Parece complejo cuando se desconoce, pero en tres horas puedes aprender lo básico.
Nuestra configuración tomó alrededor de tres horas. Nos da una página web con una dirección https y ahí es donde está el inicio de sesión.
En términos de implementación y mantenimiento, hay tres roles: uno que carga el contenido, uno que establece los parámetros de acción y otro que administra la plataforma.
¿Cuál es mi experiencia con los precios, el costo de configuración y las licencias?
Creo que es importante mantener la política de prueba de 30 días. Quizás podría haber licencias individuales para los docentes para que puedan explotar mejor y aprender a usar la plataforma. Si se animara a los profesores a crear sus propios cursos y se les diera una licencia económicamente atractiva, creo que habría una oportunidad de que se utilizara más ampliamente. Se podría alentar a los maestros individuales a crear sus propios cursos y no depender tanto de los centros educativos formales.
¿Qué otro consejo tengo?
La capacidad de comunicarse con los estudiantes que usan CYPHER Learning es muy pobre. Hay mucho desconocimiento sobre la plataforma, y la gran mayoría de nuestros profesores tampoco estaban acostumbrados a trabajar en línea. Muchos de ellos no saben cómo habilitar o deshabilitar alumnos, cómo darlos de alta, o cómo modificar las fechas de entrega. Eso no es problema de la plataforma, es falta de formación de los profesores.
CYPHER Learning ofrece actividades para ayudar a los estudiantes a participar en su aprendizaje y desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento de orden superior. Sin embargo, los docentes se limitan a una serie de actividades que son tradicionales y no han explorado la riqueza de las características. La mayoría no va más allá del ensayo común y el foro se convierte en una base de datos muy mecánica. Los wikis están en gran parte olvidados porque los profesores no están acostumbrados a trabajar de esta manera. Se han tenido que obligar a enseñar en línea sin saber cómo hacerlo. Nuevamente, esto es una falta de capacitación de los maestros, no un problema con la plataforma.
El entorno de aprendizaje gamificado para ayudar con la enseñanza y el aprendizaje es positivo. Hay áreas de mejora, especialmente en el campo de la retroalimentación, pero es una cuestión de diseño del sitio. En general, soy muy positivo acerca de la plataforma. Lo dominarás en un corto período de tiempo.
Es un producto que merece la pena, una vez que aprendes a manejarlo. No hay límites con eso. Por el contrario, te da la posibilidad de abrir, incrementar y profundizar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Puedes aumentar el tipo y número de actividades dentro de la plataforma más allá de las tradicionales utilizadas en el sistema presencial.
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
Docente Titular at Bolivian Catholic University
Makes the teacher-student relationship more transparent with feedback that helps students learn
Pros and Cons
- "Compared to other platforms, it is very user-friendly and intuitive, and both teachers and students can easily find what they need and use the functions without extensive training."
- "I would like to see an improvement in peer bonding and the possibility for students to share knowledge among themselves regarding the work that they do. That would greatly help in that it wouldn’t be a one-to-many communication format."
What is our primary use case?
Spaces are created for our subjects and courses and each teacher manages things according to their needs. I try to make content and sources of activities and actions that can be carried out by linking with other applications and I configure the grading aspect as well.
How has it helped my organization?
It has helped to make the relationship between the teacher and the student transparent in different ways. First of all, it allows the student and the teacher to know what progress the student has made. Second, in addition to the grading system, there are charts that both teachers and students can see, indicating the student's performance and their grades.
Transparency is one of the valuable aspects of the platform. I can be very transparent with students, both in terms of advancement in the subject and the production of knowledge. That is especially true in the areas of evaluations, qualifications, the possibilities for feedback and for corrections. That seems very important to me. CYPHER Learning gives me that ability and, in some cases, it motivates me to do extra work. Take, for example, a relatively mechanical quiz. Because there is an opportunity to give feedback, it makes it less mechanical and lets the students know where they were wrong and what the teacher's impression is. That seems important to me.
It has also allowed the incorporation of new tools linked to the platform. It is a day-to-day tool for me. Each step I take in the subject, whether it is virtual or face-to-face, has a corresponding feature in CYPHER Learning.
We're going through the pandemic and, with the confinement and quarantines, and even when there is a local outbreak, CYPHER Learning allows us to quickly turn to virtual education. We're embracing a type of hybrid education, and that has been fundamental during the pandemic.
It also allows me to have a source of reference for what is happening during the semester. It gives us a single record of face-to-face and virtual interactions, making it a more solid reference.
Another benefit is that it has helped save time on intervention strategies for students, especially those who need guidance. It has made that quite easy for me in particular cases. The fact that I can retrieve material from a library and upload it adaptively has saved me a lot of time and allows me to adapt to the situation.
The fact that the students have a point of reference on the platform means that classes are not fragmented. The platform allows the teacher to unify activities by focusing their students on instructions or content or activities. It creates pretty solid points of reference about the students.
It's also great that you don't have to print things. CYPHER Learning is not the only solution with this ability, as other applications allow you to do so. But we can link them with CYPHER Learning and that’s also good. The university has also included access to the international libraries and this means that students are not looking just anywhere for information but, instead, use these libraries. As a result, there have indeed been many cost savings. I prefer that students do work virtually instead of printing it.
What is most valuable?
Compared to other platforms, it is very user-friendly and intuitive, and both teachers and students can easily find what they need and use the functions without extensive training. Obviously, you need a minimum introduction to the system.
There are a lot of built-in functionalities and many more functions than we use, things that we would need to know in detail.
In terms of automation, I have dedicated myself to doing tests or qualifications in a more automated way, but I have not delved into other things.
CYPHER Learning provides a variety of activities to help with student engagement. There are some students who are very limited when it comes to what the teacher offers them from the platform, but there are other students who exploit the resources of the platform quite well. Due to the lack of skills of some students in my country, there is no possibility of exploiting everything.
It allows the integration of different pedagogical approaches. While it is true that we cannot speak of a completely virtual scenario yet, what has been done instead is an adaptation from face-to-face to virtual. Many teachers have tried to recreate their face-to-face format, mediated by virtuality, and CYPHER Learning has been a source of material and of recorded and published classes.
Some teachers have used other approaches, such as using the collaborative aspects that CYPHER Learning makes possible. That way, learning is not only via a shared class with explanations, but also includes activities that enable building and learning via collaboration. This is a leap that virtual education allows us. From my point of view, CYPHER Learning has both participatory and collaborative tools and this seems like a very good combination to me. It does not have everything, and it is true that there could be more applications adapted and included.
What needs improvement?
I wanted to use it as a source of communication with students, but that didn't work out very well. It is easy for educators to communicate with students, but CYPHER Learning is constituted as a formal communication tool. It shows what students and teachers say to each other, but for non-formal, practical notices, dialogues, and questions about what people did not understand, they use WhatsApp or Telegram a lot more.
At the level of daily communications, CYPHER Learning is not the tool they use. It is only used for things like requesting permission or communicating with the whole class. The type of communication we have is quite horizontal in general, so there is a lot of non-formal communication, and that personal communication between the students and teachers is normally via WhatsApp or Telegram.
I would like to see an improvement in peer-bonding and the possibility for students to share knowledge among themselves regarding the work that they do. That would greatly help in that it wouldn’t be a one-to-many communication format.
Another possibility would be incorporating additional applications to expand the functionalities of the platform. I don't know if they exist or not because I don't have administrator privileges, but that could be interesting.
Also, teachers do not have privileges compared to other platforms. We cannot connect applications that allow us to tune LMS or enhance it much.
Another point is that there are some jobs or tasks that cannot be seen by everybody. If someone submits jobs, I can see them but students do not have that possibility, or at least I have not discovered it.
For how long have I used the solution?
I have been using CYPHER Learning for a year and a half to two years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
I have never had any problem with its availability. I know that there are students who have experienced problems that were linked to their browsers or to the internet access they had. But no problem has ever arisen with the platform itself. It has always worked quite well.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
As an institution, we haven't tested the scalability extensively. We are a university with headquarters in four cities and the distance between them is 400 kilometers. CYPHER Learning has given us the opportunity to have a single subject with a single teacher who works in a given location and that has been a form of scalability that did not exist before. We call it "inter-branching."
We have about 20,000 students and about 2,000 teachers as well as another 500 people who are linked to other services who are probably using it. I don't know exactly how many users we have.
The university offers us this platform and all teachers and students are linked to it. Each one takes advantage of it in a different way. In certain cases and specific situations, other platforms are still used and they are not always linked to CYPHER Learning. There are teachers who prefer using other platforms for certain things.
How are customer service and support?
I have never used the technical support but it is done via the platform, either face-to-face, in a phone call, or through a WhatsApp chat. From what I understand, they usually respond very quickly.
How would you rate customer service and support?
How was the initial setup?
I have worked with other platforms, so when I saw CYPHER Learning it was very intuitive for me and I had no problems. It is necessary to invest a little time to understand certain modalities, but it is simple and friendly, once you know the environment.
It took me a couple of weeks to configure the essential things, while the more complex things took months.
As part of our implementation strategy, our university did three things. First, it called a local expert who was not from the institution or from CYPHER Learning, and he did the initial training. There was another training round for the teachers that went a little deeper, helping them to investigate and use the tool, especially in the field of evaluation. Finally, there was a course organized by an Argentine university that uses CYPHER Learning for pedagogical strategies.
What about the implementation team?
We used an integrator at the beginning and a consultant later. Some of the training was more technical, about use of the platform itself and how it works. Other sessions were more about how to exploit it pedagogically. They were two different aspects but both were very helpful.
The consultant was a representative of the Catholic University of Salta in Argentina who gave us the more pedagogical aspects related to CYPHER Learning.
What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?
If we compare CYPHER Learning with Modul, the latter is free but the problem is that the amount of time one must dedicate to the configuration of its tools is considerable. When you translate that time into money, it has economic weight. With CYPHER Learning, everything is ready, making it simple to use without having too many deep configurations or requirements for knowledge of languages or programming.
I don't know how much CYPHER Learning costs, but if you have the budget, it is worth it.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
At the beginning of the pandemic, we used a platform called Modul, which is open source, but it was less user-friendly for everyone. We also had a platform called Classroom but everything was a bit fragmented. CYPHER Learning has allowed us to unify all the teachers' and students' tasks in a single platform.
I have also used a paid platform called Docent, but with CYPHER Learning I have access to local platforms built by universities.
There are some other free online platforms and one where you have a trial version and then you can upgrade to a paid version and receive more tools. But it was very dedicated to the educational side, meaning the broadcasting of content and activities, but had very little in the way of evaluation or administrative management. In that sense, it did not provide the support we needed.
In the end, our university made CYPHER Learning the only official platform. Even if it hadn’t been mandatory, I would have chosen it anyway.
What other advice do I have?
When it comes to competency-based learning I do not know if it is fully enabled in our case. I can see that the students have badges or awards, and when they have been outstanding in one subject or another, but I have not been able to see a record of the student's performance. It is likely that it is not enabled.
In terms of the staff needed to manage the LMS, we have had to dispense with some functions and enable other functions. Some administrative management has been decreased, but the level of technical support for students and teachers has increased. Some people have had to assume the roles of technological and pedagogical advisors, while others have been able to reduce their involvement in qualifications because those processes are more automatic.
It is a fairly complete product that not only allows you to manage content and educational activities but also to manage things administratively. You can create learning communities, and it enables you to link many tools. There are also many options for accessing libraries in one place. It is suitable for a university. Other educational institutions may find it too big.
Overall, it is quite good and has the essentials.
Foreign Language:(Spanish)
¿Cuál es nuestra razón de uso principal?
Se crean espacios para nuestras asignaturas y cursos y cada profesor gestiona las cosas según sus necesidades. Intento crear contenido y fuentes de actividades y acciones que se puedan realizar mediante la vinculación con otras aplicaciones y también configurar el aspecto de calificación.
¿Cómo ha ayudado a mi organización?
Ha ayudado a que la relación entre el profesor y el alumno sea transparente de diferentes maneras. En primer lugar, permite al alumno y al profesor saber qué progreso ha realizado el alumno. En segundo lugar, además del sistema de calificación, hay gráficos que tanto los profesores como los estudiantes pueden ver, que indican el desempeño del estudiante y sus calificaciones.
La transparencia es uno de los aspectos valiosos de la plataforma. Puedo ser muy transparente con los estudiantes, tanto en términos de avance en el tema como en la producción de conocimiento. Eso es especialmente cierto en las áreas de evaluaciones, calificaciones, las posibilidades de retroalimentación y correcciones. Eso me parece muy importante. CYPHER Learning me da esa capacidad y, en algunos casos, me motiva a hacer un trabajo extra. Tomemos, por ejemplo, un cuestionario relativamente mecánico. Debido a que existe la oportunidad de dar retroalimentación, lo hace menos mecánico y les permite a los estudiantes saber dónde se equivocaron y cuál es la impresión del maestro. Eso me parece importante.
También ha permitido la incorporación de nuevas herramientas vinculadas a la plataforma. Es una herramienta para mi día a día. Cada paso que doy en la materia, ya sea virtual o presencial, tiene una característica correspondiente en CYPHER Learning.
Estamos pasando por la pandemia y con el confinamiento y las cuarentenas, e incluso cuando hay un brote local, CYPHER Learning nos permite pasar rápidamente a la educación virtual. Estamos adoptando un tipo de educación híbrida, y eso ha sido fundamental durante la pandemia.
También me permite tener una fuente de referencia de lo que está pasando durante el semestre. Nos brinda un registro único de las interacciones presenciales y virtuales, lo que lo convierte en una referencia más sólida.
Otro beneficio es que ha ayudado a ahorrar tiempo en las estrategias de intervención para los estudiantes, especialmente para aquellos que necesitan orientación. Me lo ha facilitado bastante en casos particulares. El hecho de que pueda recuperar material de una biblioteca y cargarlo de forma adaptativa me ha ahorrado mucho tiempo y me permite adaptarme a la situación.
El hecho de que los alumnos tengan un punto de referencia en la plataforma hace que las clases no se fragmenten. La plataforma permite al docente unificar actividades enfocando a sus alumnos en instrucciones o contenidos o actividades. Crea puntos de referencia bastante sólidos sobre los estudiantes.
También es genial que no tengas que imprimir cosas. CYPHER Learning no es la única solución con esta capacidad, ya que otras aplicaciones te permiten hacerlo. Pero podemos vincularlos con CYPHER Learning y eso también es bueno. La universidad también ha incluido el acceso a las bibliotecas internacionales y esto significa que los estudiantes no buscan información en cualquier lugar, sino que utilizan estas bibliotecas. Como resultado, ha habido muchos ahorros de costos. Prefiero que los alumnos hagan el trabajo virtualmente en lugar de imprimirlo.
¿Qué es lo más valioso?
En comparación con otras plataformas, es muy fácil de usar e intuitiva, y tanto los profesores como los estudiantes pueden encontrar fácilmente lo que necesitan y utilizar las funciones sin tener una gran formación. Obviamente, necesitas una mínima introducción al sistema.
Hay un montón de funcionalidades integradas y muchas más funciones de las que usamos, cosas que necesitamos saber en detalle.
En cuanto a la automatización me he dedicado a hacer pruebas o calificaciones de forma más automatizada, pero no he profundizado en otras cosas.
CYPHER Learning ofrece una variedad de actividades para ayudar con la participación de los estudiantes. Hay algunos alumnos que se limitan en cuanto a lo que el profesor les ofrece desde la plataforma, pero hay otros alumnos que aprovechan bastante bien los recursos de la plataforma. Debido a la falta de habilidades de algunos estudiantes en mi país, no hay posibilidad de explotarlo todo.
Permite la integración de diferentes enfoques pedagógicos. Si bien es cierto que todavía no podemos hablar de un escenario completamente virtual, lo que se ha hecho en cambio es una adaptación de lo presencial a lo virtual. Muchos docentes han intentado recrear su formato presencial, mediado por la virtualidad, y CYPHER Learning ha sido fuente de material y de clases grabadas y publicadas.
Algunos profesores han utilizado otros enfoques, como el uso de los aspectos colaborativos que hace posible CYPHER Learning. De esa manera, el aprendizaje no es solo a través de una clase compartida con explicaciones, sino que también incluye actividades que permiten construir y aprender a través de la colaboración. Este es un salto que nos permite la educación virtual. Desde mi punto de vista, CYPHER Learning tiene herramientas tanto participativas como colaborativas y esta me parece una muy buena combinación. No lo tiene todo, y es cierto que podría haber más aplicaciones adaptadas e incluidas.
¿Qué necesita mejorar?
Quería usarlo como una fuente de comunicación con los estudiantes, pero eso no funcionó muy bien. Es fácil para los educadores comunicarse con los estudiantes, pero CYPHER Learning se constituye como una herramienta de comunicación formal. Muestra lo que se dicen alumnos y profesores, pero para avisos no formales, prácticos, diálogos y preguntas sobre lo que la gente no entendió, usan mucho más WhatsApp o Telegram.
A nivel de comunicaciones diarias, CYPHER Learning no es la herramienta que utilizan. Solo se usa para cosas como solicitar permiso o comunicarse con toda la clase. El tipo de comunicación que tenemos es bastante horizontal en general, por lo que hay mucha comunicación no formal, y esa comunicación personal entre alumnos y profesores es normalmente vía WhatsApp o Telegram.
Me gustaría ver una mejora en la vinculación entre pares y la posibilidad de que los estudiantes compartan conocimientos entre ellos sobre el trabajo que realizan. Eso sería de gran ayuda ya que no sería un formato de comunicación de uno a muchos.
Otra posibilidad sería incorporar aplicaciones adicionales para ampliar las funcionalidades de la plataforma. No sé si existen o no porque no tengo privilegios de administrador, pero eso podría ser interesante.
Además, los profesores no tienen privilegios en comparación con otras plataformas. No podemos conectar aplicaciones que nos permitan afinar LMS o potenciarlo mucho.
Otro punto es que hay algunos trabajos o tareas que no todos pueden ver. Si alguien envía trabajos, puedo verlos pero los estudiantes no tienen esa posibilidad, o al menos yo no la he descubierto.
¿Por cuánto tiempo he usado la plataforma?
He estado usando CYPHER Learning durante un año y medio o dos años.
¿Qué pienso sobre la estabilidad de la solución?
Nunca he tenido ningún problema con su disponibilidad. Sé que hay estudiantes que han tenido problemas que estaban relacionados con sus navegadores o con el acceso a Internet que tenían. Pero nunca ha surgido ningún problema con la plataforma en sí. Siempre ha funcionado bastante bien.
¿Qué opino de la escalabilidad de la solución?
Como institución, no hemos probado la escalabilidad de forma exhaustiva. Somos una universidad con sede en cuatro ciudades y la distancia entre ellas es de 400 kilómetros. CYPHER Learning nos ha dado la oportunidad de tener una sola asignatura con un solo profesor que trabaja en un lugar determinado y eso ha sido una forma de escalabilidad que antes no existía. Lo llamamos "interramificación".
Tenemos unos 20.000 alumnos y unos 2.000 profesores además de otras 500 personas que están vinculadas a otros servicios que probablemente lo estén utilizando. No sé exactamente cuántos usuarios tenemos.
La universidad nos ofrece esta plataforma y todos los profesores y alumnos están vinculados a ella. Cada uno lo aprovecha de una manera diferente. En determinados casos y situaciones específicas, se siguen utilizando otras plataformas y no siempre están vinculadas a CYPHER Learning. Hay profesores que prefieren usar otras plataformas para ciertas cosas.
¿Cómo son el servicio de atención al cliente y el soporte?
Nunca he utilizado el soporte técnico pero se hace a través de la plataforma, ya sea presencial, en una llamada telefónica o a través de un chat de WhatsApp. Por lo que entiendo, suelen responder muy rápido.
¿Cómo calificaría el servicio y soporte al cliente?
¿Cómo fue la configuración inicial?
He trabajado con otras plataformas, así que cuando vi CYPHER Learning me resultó muy intuitivo y no tuve problemas. Es necesario invertir un poco de tiempo para entender ciertas modalidades, pero es sencillo y amigable, una vez que conoces el entorno.
Me llevó un par de semanas configurar las cosas esenciales, mientras que las cosas más complejas me llevaron meses.
Como parte de nuestra estrategia de implementación, nuestra universidad hizo tres cosas. Primero llamó a un experto local que no era de la institución ni de CYPHER Learning, y él hizo la capacitación inicial. Hubo otra ronda de formación para los profesores que profundizó un poco más, ayudándoles a investigar y utilizar la herramienta, especialmente en el ámbito de la evaluación. Finalmente, hubo un curso organizado por una universidad argentina que utiliza CYPHER Learning para estrategias pedagógicas.
¿Y el equipo de implementación?
Utilizamos un integrador al principio y un consultor después. Parte de la capacitación fue más técnica, sobre el uso de la plataforma en sí y cómo funciona. Otras sesiones fueron más sobre cómo explotarlo pedagógicamente. Eran dos aspectos diferentes, pero ambos fueron muy útiles.
El consultor fue un representante de la Universidad Católica de Salta en Argentina quien nos brindó los aspectos más pedagógicos relacionados con CYPHER Learning.
¿Cuál es mi experiencia con los precios, el costo de configuración y las licencias?
Si comparamos CYPHER Learning con Modul, Modul es gratuito pero el problema es que la cantidad de tiempo que hay que dedicar a la configuración de sus herramientas es considerable. Cuando traduces ese tiempo en dinero, tiene un peso económico. Con CYPHER Learning, todo está listo, lo que facilita su uso sin tener demasiadas configuraciones profundas o requisitos de conocimiento de lenguajes o programación.
No sé cuánto cuesta CYPHER Learning, pero si tienes el presupuesto, vale la pena.
¿Qué otras soluciones evalué?
Al comienzo de la pandemia, usábamos una plataforma llamada Modul, que es de código abierto, pero era menos fácil de usar para todos. También teníamos una plataforma llamada Classroom pero todo estaba un poco fragmentado. CYPHER Learning nos ha permitido unificar todas las tareas de profesores y alumnos en una única plataforma.
También he usado una plataforma paga llamada Docent, pero con CYPHER Learning tengo acceso a plataformas locales construidas por universidades.
Hay algunas otras plataformas en línea gratuitas y una de ellas tenía una versión de prueba y luego puedes actualizar a una versión paga y recibir más herramientas. estaba muy dedicada a la vertiente educativa, es decir, a la difusión de contenidos y actividades, pero tenía muy poco en cuanto a evaluación o gestión administrativa. En ese sentido, no proporcionó el apoyo que necesitábamos.
Al final, nuestra universidad convirtió a CYPHER Learning en la única plataforma oficial. Incluso si no hubiera sido obligatorio, lo habría elegido de todos modos.
¿Qué otro consejo tengo?
Cuando se trata de aprendizaje basado en competencias, no sé si está completamente habilitado en nuestro caso. Puedo ver que los alumnos tienen insignias o premios, y cuando se han destacado en una materia u otra, pero no he podido ver un registro del rendimiento del alumno. Es probable que no esté habilitado.
En cuanto al personal necesario para gestionar el LMS, hemos tenido que prescindir de algunas funciones y habilitar otras funciones. Se ha disminuido parte de la gestión administrativa, pero se ha incrementado el nivel de soporte técnico para estudiantes y profesores. Algunas personas han tenido que asumir roles de asesores tecnológicos y pedagógicos, mientras que otras han podido reducir su participación en las calificaciones porque esos procesos son más automáticos.
Es un producto bastante completo que no solo te permite gestionar contenidos y actividades educativas sino también gestionar cosas administrativamente. Puede crear comunidades de aprendizaje y te permite vincular muchas herramientas. También hay muchas opciones para acceder a las bibliotecas en un solo lugar. Es adecuado para una universidad. Otros tipos de instituciones educativas pueden encontrarlo demasiado grande.
En general, es bastante bueno y tiene lo esencial.
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
Buyer's Guide
CYPHER Learning
December 2024
Learn what your peers think about CYPHER Learning. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: December 2024.
831,369 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Training Manager at Troo Life
Enables student monitoring, reduces administrative costs, and helpful reporting
Pros and Cons
- "The reports are also something that's very helpful from an administrative perspective."
- "I do wish that there could be some formatting option so that I don't have to do some manual work in terms of translating the data into, for example, a PowerPoint presentation."
What is our primary use case?
Since we came from a previous LMS provider, pre-pandemic, primarily the use case was just for compliant courses. Every year, we require employees to take these courses as we are an insurance company.
We're heavily regulated here in the Philippines. We need to comply with certain regulations, and courses like anti-money laundering, data privacy, et cetera. On an annual basis, we have almost ten compliance courses that all of our employees need to complete.
We were not happy with the previous providers, so we started looking and we found this. Pre-pandemic, the plan was really just for compliance courses. Then, the pandemic happened and it was good that we started with CYPHER LEARNING which we actually launched right in April, about a month after the lockdown here in the Philippines.
The moment that we launched it, we launched it with a few compliance courses. However, the moment that we launched it, my manager told me we now need to start looking at how we'd be able to maximize all of the features to offer self-learning-based courses or virtual classes. That's how we've been using it.
We house all of our training materials in what we call a Campus, and that's something that I have also loved. We're able to create our own brand. It's where we upload all of our training materials. About two-thirds of the population of the organization is composed of salespeople deployed all over the Philippines. If they need to review products or policies or anything like that, we just tell them, "Oh, it's all on Campus. Go and check it out."
How has it helped my organization?
The effect on our service delivery is good. Primarily we service the sales team. They would come knocking on our doors, asking for training, and lately, especially last year when we've put several courses that are not necessarily compliance courses into the platform, we've been getting fewer and fewer requests for training. Initially, we thought that they didn't need us anymore, and when we checked with the head of sales, we got a report that before they actually ask us, they were advised to go and check Campus first. If it's there, they don't need to bother the training team.
What is most valuable?
There are several things that I like about the product. Although this is not something that is held by the learner, from an administration perspective, the fact that you can brand it all to your liking and the fact that people actually do not know that it's provided by a different company, is important. They thought that it was developed internally due to the fact that it would also have our color schemes, the fonts, and the logo. Our URL would not have CYPHER LEARNING in the address.
We also like the groups. People are able to be assigned to a group, whether it be a learning group or an interest group, and they can just get in there and have an open discussion freely.
Something that we also started using, but have yet to fully leverage is gamification. We really want to maximize it in our organization. We divide all of our employees into four distinct groups. These are engagement groups. We wanted them to somehow have a way to collaborate, and compete. At the end of the year, we can assign points or badges to them, and then they can get as many badges as they can. At the end of the year, they can win something for the entire team.
Although it's not directly through the portal, on a weekly basis, especially if there are active compliance courses, I'm required by the executive committee to submit a weekly report that shows who has not accessed the portal. When I do that, I can send an email to those that haven’t and follow up with them.
The reports are also something that's very helpful from an administrative perspective.
It’s very important that we follow up with those who haven't accessed the correct courses or the portal in general as it's a regulatory requirement. We need to chase people to have them complete what they need to do in a certain period of time. It's primarily from a compliance perspective that we're doing on a weekly basis. It's something increasing with traffic so that people are able to learn by themselves using the portal. That's something that will be prioritized by the incoming learning management. During the pandemic, that's what we wanted to promote, that we don't want them to come to us. The course that they're looking for is actually already available on the platform.
Initially, we only focused on sales capabilities, including training them on products and on how to sell products. However, starting last year, we also migrated all of our leadership development and people development courses. That's something for the sales training team, as well as for HR corporate training. That's also where we saw some improvements as far as where traffic is concerned.
In terms of efficiencies directly impacting operations, it’s not so much of an effect due to the portal being used primarily for skill-building, whether it's sales or leadership skills-building.
We do have a solutions competency feature. That's actually part of my KPI this year and next week I have a meeting with HR to see how we'd be able to maximize the mastery feature and link the competencies with the mastery to each of the courses. That is something that will be done this year.
The solution allows us to enable monitoring and check students in a very efficient way. I don't experience any trouble generating reports. After I've downloaded the raw file, it takes me about an hour to fix it for the purpose of submitting it to the executive committee.
It helped reduce our administrative costs in delivering training materials. Without the LMS, without Campus, people would ask for our training materials, which we're really not comfortable sharing. However, we don't have a choice as we don't have a place where we put these materials. We now have Campus. It's neatly organized. They can always just go back to Campus and review the things that they've seen.
When looking at the time and costs associated with delivering the training material, we’ve seen some savings. However, I really can't put a value on that. What we're doing now is training through MS Teams. It’s coupled with Campus since that's what we use for blended learning. We no longer have to travel. All of our salespeople are scattered all over the Philippines. Before the pandemic and before the LMS, when we trained people in different cities in the Philippines, we needed to travel there. Now, since we're doing everything virtually through primarily MS teams and Campus, we’ve saved a lot, although I'm not necessarily sure exactly how much. It’s a lot, it's really huge.
At any given time, we had four trainers who would go around the Philippines and we had about 300 salespeople who also needed to travel to the focus city where the training was. We’ve saved on the travel costs of about 300 people.
What needs improvement?
I do wish that there could be some formatting option so that I don't have to do some manual work in terms of translating the data into, for example, a PowerPoint presentation. However, each company would have its own way of reporting. That's why CYPHER LEARNING settled with Excel, the CSV file. Although I do know that there is an HTML version for the report. When I looked at it, it was not something that would meet the requirements of the senior leaders. I simply settled for doing manual work. Again, it just takes me about an hour, so that's not really a problem.
Something that was put on the back burner due to the cost was the ability to also access external learning portals, memberships, and subscriptions through CYPHER LEARNING. For example, if you have LinkedIn Learning or Udemy, you can already do that. When I told management about that, they said that's a nice feature, however, we would need to first provide subscriptions to all of the employees so that we would have that connection between Campus, the LMS, and the external learning provider. We haven't really used that, however, if we did, that would have been really great as we don't need to rely on internally produced materials since there is a lot of wealth of resources already out there. For now, we're developing our own materials, due to cost implications.
It wasn't made clear to us how to properly set it up. That's why we ended up with one organization for the entire company. Later on, a year into using Campus, we realized that "organization" can actually represent the different departments inside the company. Right now, I’m coordinating with the tech team on how to smoothly transition to that as there are also reporting and administrative access features. It would be great if the position of the department head would be able to directly monitor the completion of his teams and his own people. We can only do that if the organization is divided into different departments.
Adding packages would be an improvement. They should offer something like bronze, silver, and different packages, and could already include automatic subscriptions to these external learning platforms as well so that it's just a one-time payment to just one company instead of getting a subscription externally and linking it to CYPHER LEARNING.
There's one thing that I've been trying to see if it is doable. We're looking at individual development plans for each employee, something that would be easy to align with what we want to do. Right now, we have a separate way of doing individual development plans for each employee. What we would really love for Campus to be able to do is help us in that area. If we feel that this person is lacking in an area, there should be an employee development feature on the portal which could be set up as a way for managers to actively manage that on behalf of the employee.
For how long have I used the solution?
I've been using the solution since early 2020, right before the pandemic.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
The stability is great. We haven't had any downtime. The only issue that we've had so far is not necessarily related to the system or the platform. It's mainly the internet connection. The internet connection here in the Philippines is rather unstable. When people do complain about them not being able to continue with the course, that it's not budging or it's just buffering, we tell them, "I tested the course on my end and if it works, then automatically that means it's the internet problem." So far, the internet connection is the only problem we've had. We've never had any downtimes or any major issues with it.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
Our business is expanding. Since the business is expanding, we are potentially growing two or threefold and we're hiring people that are not necessarily employees, they're third-party vendors or partners. Salespeople are also franchisees. Just yesterday I told my manager that maybe we can look into eCommerce to give access to the third-party sellers to access Campus, and also somehow learn in the process so that we can manage the headcount as I think we're only paying for five hundred people as part of our plan. We don't have any plans of extending it to the entire population of about one thousand who will come in. We're looking into also doing the eCommerce option.
How are customer service and support?
Customer service is really great. When I ask a question, it would not take a day before I get an answer. Sometimes I get an answer about 30 minutes or an hour after I post the question.
My favorite part is that they assist you very well. DPOs are huge here in the Philippines. I came from a customer service environment and I’ve learned how I would want to be served as a customer. Not only do they answer the question professionally, but they also educate you as to where you can find the information or learn more about the process and anticipate what else you need. Unlike other people who would just answer your question directly and that's it, they really go the extra mile.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
We switched from a different platform.
It was cumbersome and not intuitive. Although we could also brand it, we couldn't do so much with it. It didn't look like it was from the Twenty-first century. CYPHER Learning is very modern-looking, on the other hand. You have the left panel and it's easy to navigate.
How was the initial setup?
The initial setup was straightforward. In fact, part of the package was a learning session. We did go through that, however, it's focused mainly on creating courses, creating reports, involving people, et cetera. We missed that part about the organization being chopped into different departments.
We signed the contract in December 2019, and we immediately started working with the team here in Manila. We launched it in April 2020 and that's only due to the fact that we had to develop the materials for about a month, however, I'd say that in about three months, we would've been already ready if we already had the material. It took us about three months to get used to the entire system.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
We did look at other options. As a requirement in the organization, we needed to look at at least three options and we need to convince the senior leaders as to why we're recommending CYPHER LEARNING. We were looking at two other providers, however, I'm not privy to the other two as I came on board when the contract was already signed.
What other advice do I have?
The solution is cloud-based. We access it through the browser, and it is my understanding that it's in the cloud.
I handle a team, and part of that team is one person who is the administrator and the content developer for LMS. Unfortunately, she left last year. Looking into the solutions rule engine was part of something that I told her to do. Therefore, we haven't fully maximized the rules engine. I'm currently hiring an e-learning manager, so that's something that will be on top of her task list.
I'd advise potential users not to be afraid to test out all the features. There are things that we never thought we would be able to do. Things that we were told were there were not exciting for us in the first place, however, the moment I tried to test it out during my free time, I would tell my manager and he would just tell me, "Okay. Go and try it out and see how the learners would react and if they liked it. Let's make it BAU as part of the process." That's why, this year, we're already looking at all these other features. My suggestion is don't be afraid to play around with it, especially the ability to sell the training program.
I'd rate the solution nine out of ten. The only feature missing that I've heard of is not lacking in the LMS. There's a Learning Experience, LXP. By default, the plans that they provide already include subscriptions to external learning platforms. That means a company does not have to create its own materials. They can trust that learners or employees would be really hungry to learn. Since it's linked to external learning providers, it's easy to provide all the resources to them without even creating your own. The only thing that you need to create in an LXP platform would be compliance courses, which are unique to every company.
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
Docente at San Antonio De Padua Catholic
Allows me to see how much a student is interacting with activities and help with any problems they have
Pros and Cons
- "I mainly use the storage folders that allow students to upload their work in an organized way. By providing a large storage capacity, the system allows students to upload videos and images. I can also rate students and give them feedback with comments or stickers."
- "The vendor could improve on the chat system. Right now, the student only has access to messaging. Maybe it would be good to have a mini chat or the ability to do video calls with teachers if they have any questions about an assignment."
What is our primary use case?
CYPHER Learning is where we upload the class sections and create links so that students can connect to Zoom. These things were mostly done during the pandemic and part-time face-to-face education.
Now that we have returned to full face-to-face education, I still upload the material to the platform but our use of the platform is lower.
How has it helped my organization?
CYPHER Learning was implemented in our institution at the time of the pandemic. Before that, things were quite messy because we had another platform that was used more as a scheduling calendar for the parents. Teachers did not know exactly how to use it and teachers could only send links individually. NEO LMS helped us to organize ourselves, both in terms of class schedules and organizing information about the academic year. It also helped us with direct communication with the students and parents.
Another benefit is that it enables students to have a means of access to school information no matter where they are. For example, if a student is sick or is traveling, the system enables him to have the information he needs, to observe the material, and to see the comments of his classmates live.
Using the platform is interesting and fast. I work with 11 and 12-year-old students who already handle the systems area a bit. It allows me to see how much a student is interacting with the activities. In that way, as a teacher, I can help them with any problems they have.
The main way it helps in this regard is through the direct-message feature. This is the best tool in CYPHER Learning for intervening and correcting. Because my students are 11 and 12 years old, not all interventions can be done through the platform. Most of the time, we do personal meetings by Zoom to provide more active intervention.
Also, during the pandemic, I saved a lot of time on administrative work by using CYPHER Learning, especially since I am a teacher of the same subject in different classes. Thanks to the platform, I was able to share the folders only once instead of having to duplicate or recreate them. I saved about four to five hours a week on administrative work.
What is most valuable?
I mainly use the storage folders that allow students to upload their work in an organized way. By providing a large storage capacity, the system allows students to upload videos and images. I can also rate students and give them feedback with comments or stickers.
For me, the system is quite agile because I have it sorted by grade and sections within the grade. That way, if I want to send a message to the grade, I simply enter and send the message. It also allows me to send messages individually.
I believe that communication is one of the main elements needed for education, whether it is virtual, semi-attendance, or face-to-face. There is not always a way to solve students' doubts immediately, but CYPHER Learning facilitates communication between students and teachers.
I have also used tools such as the discussion forums where students can give their opinions. The forums allow students to compare their answers and to reply to the questions or opinions of their classmates. If they come across an opinion they like better, they can avoid waiting to ask the teacher questions. It has definitely helped on this topic.
These activities are part of our educational goals: that students gain the ability to self-regulate, overcome, and seek better strategies, although during the pandemic it was used more than now in face-to-face education.
But CYPHER Learning still allows them to do these activities. For example, sometimes I upload reinforcement activities and, although the students know that they are not going to be given any score for doing them, they prefer to do them anyway because they can receive an immediate response. They do these reinforcement activities autonomously to have a better idea of the kinds of topics they might see in an in-person exam.
It is a fairly agile and intuitive environment. As the vendor updates things such as allowing sessions to be done only through Zoom, and the ease of manipulating the class sections, I feel more and more confident using the platform.
What needs improvement?
The vendor could improve on the chat system. Right now, the student only has access to messaging. Maybe it would be good to have a mini chat or the ability to do video calls with teachers if they have any questions about an assignment.
Another improvement would be the ability to create groups. Currently, a teacher has to manually drag the names of the students. It would be better if the students themselves could create groups independently.
For how long have I used the solution?
I started using CYPHER LEARNING two and a half years ago.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
It is very stable. In the time we have had it, it has only gone down a few times.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
While we were in virtual education mode, it allowed us as many resources as we needed. Now that we have returned to face-to-face education, our use has decreased a bit, but we will continue using it.
We have about 2,000 users, including teachers, parents, and students.
How are customer service and support?
The technical support is quite good. No matter what time of day it was, when I went to the forums, I always received quick answers.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
This is our first LMS.
How was the initial setup?
For me, the setup was quite simple. It was very automatic and the class sections are quite flexible. It took approximately two weeks.
CYPHER LEARNING offered us an expert who assisted us in making full use of the platform. We had training meetings and practical exercises. The person who trained us showed us how to use it step by step. The training was divided into sections and classes, and if you had any questions, you shared your screen so that the administrators could help you.
Once the face-to-face training was completed, the system administrators were left in charge to advise us when there are questions.
What was our ROI?
Thanks to this LMS we had a more flexible way of managing the period of virtual education. We had the option to save time by uploading folders and grading the students' work. We were able to find everything we needed in a single place.
What other advice do I have?
We are in the process of learning about the whole subject of automation and adaptive learning. We recently had training where they taught us everything about auto-responses, qualifications, and automated messages to facilitate administrative work.
Because my students, aged 11 and 12, are at a very initial level, they are still entering CYPHER Learning only to review the classes that the teacher uploads, so their use of its tools is very basic. During the pandemic, they were slowly directed on how to upload things. They have not yet mastered the platform.
I would tell others who are looking into this product that it is a fairly agile platform, especially in educational management. It also eases the virtual and semi-face-to-face learning process, because it allows you to create independent users, such as parents or students in one area, where they can do a general scan of their academic progress. And the uploading and storage area of data is quite capable.
CYPHER Learning taught me to get closer to my students and allowed me to do so. Now, there is a space where I can comment on any topic at any time. It has allowed me to speed up the process of communicating with them.
Foreign Language:(Spanish)
¿Cuál es nuestra razón de uso principal?
CYPHER Learning es donde cargamos las secciones de clase y creamos enlaces para que los estudiantes puedan conectarse a Zoom. Estas cosas se hicieron principalmente durante la pandemia y durante la educación semi-presencial.
Ahora que hemos vuelto a la educación presencial completa, sigo subiendo el material a la plataforma pero nuestro uso de la plataforma es menor.
¿Cómo ha ayudado a mi organización?
CYPHER Learning se implementó en nuestra institución en el momento de la pandemia. Antes de eso, las cosas estaban bastante desordenadas porque teníamos otra plataforma que se usaba más como un calendario de programación para los padres. Los profesores no sabían exactamente cómo usarlo y solo podían enviar enlaces individualmente. CYPHER Learning nos ayudó a organizarnos, tanto en los horarios de clases como en la organización de la información del curso académico. También nos ayudó con la comunicación directa con los estudiantes y los padres.
Otro beneficio es que permite a los estudiantes tener un medio de acceso a la información escolar sin importar dónde se encuentren. Por ejemplo, si un estudiante está enfermo o está de viaje, el sistema le permite tener la información que necesita, observar el material y ver en vivo los comentarios de sus compañeros.
Usar la plataforma es interesante y ágil. Trabajo con alumnos de 11 y 12 años que ya manejan un poco el área de sistemas. Me permite ver cuánto está interactuando un estudiante con las actividades. De esa manera, como docente, puedo ayudarlos con cualquier problema que tengan.
La forma principal en que ayuda en este sentido es a través de la función de mensaje directo. Esta es la mejor herramienta de CYPHER Learning para intervenir y corregir. Debido a que mis alumnos tienen 11 y 12 años, no todas las intervenciones se pueden realizar a través de la plataforma. La mayoría de las veces, hacemos reuniones personales por Zoom para brindar una intervención más activa.
Además, durante la pandemia, ahorré mucho tiempo en trabajo administrativo usando CYPHER Learning, especialmente porque soy profesor de la misma materia en diferentes clases. Gracias a la plataforma, pude compartir las carpetas solo una vez en lugar de tener que duplicarlas o recrearlas. Ahorré entre cuatro y cinco horas a la semana en trabajo administrativo.
¿Qué es lo más valioso?
Uso principalmente las carpetas de almacenamiento que permiten a los estudiantes subir su trabajo de manera organizada. Al proporcionar una gran capacidad de almacenamiento, el sistema permite a los estudiantes cargar vídeos e imágenes. También puedo calificar a los estudiantes y darles retroalimentación con comentarios o calcomanías.
Para mí el sistema es bastante ágil porque lo tengo ordenado por grado y secciones dentro del grado. De esa forma, si quiero enviar un mensaje al grado, simplemente entro y envío el mensaje. También me permite enviar mensajes individualmente.
Considero que la comunicación es uno de los principales elementos necesarios para la educación, ya sea virtual, semipresencial o presencial. No siempre hay una forma de resolver las dudas de los alumnos de forma inmediata, pero CYPHER Learning facilita la comunicación entre alumnos y profesores.
También he utilizado herramientas como los foros de discusión donde los alumnos pueden dar su opinión. Los foros permiten a los alumnos comparar sus respuestas y responder a las preguntas u opiniones de sus compañeros. Si se encuentran con una opinión que les gusta más, pueden evitar esperar para hacerle preguntas al maestro. Definitivamente ha ayudado en este tema.
Estas actividades forman parte de nuestros objetivos educativos: que los alumnos adquieran la capacidad de autorregularse, superarse y buscar mejores estrategias, aunque durante la pandemia se utilizó más que ahora en la educación presencial.
Pero CYPHER Learning aún les permite realizar estas actividades. Por ejemplo, a veces subo actividades de refuerzo y, aunque los alumnos saben que no les van a dar ningún puntaje por hacerlas, prefieren hacerlas de todos modos porque pueden recibir una respuesta inmediata. Realizan estas actividades de refuerzo de forma autónoma para tener una mejor idea de los tipos de temas que podrían ver en un examen presencial.
Es un entorno bastante ágil e intuitivo. A medida que el proveedor actualiza cosas como permitir que las sesiones se realicen solo a través de Zoom y la facilidad de manipular las secciones de la clase, me siento cada vez más segura al usar la plataforma.
¿Qué necesita mejorar?
El proveedor podría mejorar el sistema de chat. En este momento, el estudiante solo tiene acceso a la mensajería. Tal vez sería bueno tener un mini chat o la posibilidad de hacer videollamadas con los maestros si tienen alguna pregunta sobre una tarea.
Otra mejora sería la posibilidad de crear grupos. Actualmente, un profesor tiene que arrastrar manualmente los nombres de los alumnos. Sería mejor si los propios estudiantes pudieran crear grupos de forma independiente.
¿Por cuánto tiempo he usado la solución?
Empecé a usar CYPHER LEARNING hace dos años y medio.
¿Qué pienso sobre la estabilidad de la solución?
Es muy estable. En el tiempo que lo hemos tenido, solo ha fallado un par de veces.
¿Qué opino de la escalabilidad de la solución?
Mientras estábamos en modo de educación virtual, nos permitió los recursos que necesitábamos. Ahora que hemos vuelto a la educación presencial, nuestro uso ha disminuido un poco, pero lo seguiremos usando.
Tenemos alrededor de 2,000 usuarios, incluidos maestros, padres y estudiantes.
¿Y el servicio de atención al cliente y el soporte?
El soporte técnico es bastante bueno. Sin importar la hora del día que fuera, cuando iba a los foros, siempre recibía respuestas rápidas.
¿Cómo calificaría el servicio y soporte al cliente?
¿Qué solución usé anteriormente y por qué cambié?
Este es nuestro primer LMS.
¿Cómo fue la configuración inicial?
Para mí, la configuración fue bastante simple. Era muy automático y las secciones de clase son bastante flexibles. Tomó aproximadamente dos semanas.
CYPHER LEARNING nos ofreció un experto que nos ayudó a aprovechar al máximo la plataforma. Tuvimos reuniones de capacitación y ejercicios prácticos. La persona que nos capacitó nos mostró cómo usarlo paso a paso. La capacitación se dividió en secciones y clases, y si teníamos alguna pregunta, compartimos nuestras pantallas para que los administradores pudieran ayudarnos.
Una vez finalizada la formación presencial, se quedaron los administradores del sistema como encargados de asesorarnos cuando hubieran dudas.
¿Cuál fue nuestro Retorno de Inversión?
Gracias a este LMS teníamos una forma más flexible de gestionar el periodo de educación virtual. Teníamos la opción de ahorrar tiempo cargando carpetas y calificando el trabajo de los estudiantes. Pudimos encontrar todo lo que necesitábamos en un solo lugar.
¿Qué otro consejo tengo?
Estamos en el proceso de aprender sobre todo el tema de la automatización y el aprendizaje adaptativo. Recientemente tuvimos una capacitación donde nos enseñaron todo sobre respuestas automáticas, calificaciones y mensajes automatizados para facilitar el trabajo administrativo.
Debido a que mis alumnos, de 11 y 12 años, están en un nivel muy inicial, todavía ingresan a CYPHER Learning solo para revisar las clases que sube el maestro, por lo que su uso de sus herramientas es muy básico. Durante la pandemia, se les instruyó lentamente sobre cómo subir cosas. Todavía no han dominado la plataforma.
Les diría a otros que están investigando este producto que es una plataforma bastante ágil, especialmente en la gestión educativa. También facilita el proceso de aprendizaje virtual y semipresencial, ya que permite crear usuarios independientes, como padres o estudiantes en un área, donde pueden hacer un escaneo general de su progreso académico. Y el área de subir documentos y almacenamiento de datos es bastante capaz.
CYPHER Learning me enseñó a acercarme a mis alumnos y me permitió hacerlo. Ahora, hay un espacio donde puedo comentar sobre cualquier tema en cualquier momento. Me ha permitido acelerar el proceso de comunicación con ellos.
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
Product Manager at Genuine Education Technology
Helps school organize content, while gamification awards students and keeps them engaged with learning
Pros and Cons
- "Most LMSs have a fixed template for all the courses and the whole school uses it. When it comes to younger ages, they need fewer features so there won't be a lot of hassle for the teachers and parents. That's what we can do using CYPHER Learning: Just turn off anything that we don't need in a specific course."
- "If the system had some graphing abilities and not just exporting of data to Excel sheets, that would be nice. I would like to be able to run a report on something and get graphs with insightful data. In an Excel sheet, I just have to reanalyze the data."
What is our primary use case?
As a reseller, our use case is for a primary school in Egypt. They use it for uploading material for the students and organizing the content throughout the year. They also use it for adding their grades in the grade book and for communication. They have also tried using the gamification and the certificates and rewarding systems in CYPHER Learning, and it has been a pretty good experience for them so far.
How has it helped my organization?
The school we sold the system to is pretty happy with the organization of the content and the communication with the parents that the solution provides. They were also very happy with the gamification, the automation that happens within the system when a student finishes a specific part of the content or gets a specific score.
CYPHER Learning was also an additional value for that school, something they needed as they were advertising themselves as using the latest technology in education. The system helped with that, thanks to the stability and the strong features it furnishes.
And because it's pretty organized, it helps students keep track of their standing, both in terms of the materials being covered and within the assessments that they get.
It has also helped our client school reduce administrative work. From the feedback that I have gotten, it is saving them a lot of time.
CYPHER Learning has also reduced costs related to printing materials and textbook acquisitions a lot. This is one of the reasons people are going to software. It's not because they find it is much easier. Sometimes they go for the solution because it saves on costs. That's not just true of CYPHER Learning but of many other solutions.
What is most valuable?
What I like most is the usability of the system and the many options that it has. I can make a regular course or I can have the course organized remotely. I can turn off and on any feature that I like. That's what I find most interesting. Most LMSs have a fixed template for all the courses and the whole school uses it. When it comes to younger ages, they need fewer features so there won't be a lot of hassle for the teachers and parents. That's what we can do using CYPHER Learning: Just turn off anything that we don't need in a specific course.
I can also engage with the parents or students on different levels, either via groups, within the course or the forum.
The gamification is a good feature because not all LMSs have a gaming or reward system. The leaderboard makes for competition among the students, especially from ages 10 to 15, and makes them interested in moving forward in the educational process, throughout the game. It's good because students need to be engaged more in the educational process.
I find the gamification process easy, especially if I have something in mind for the game. Many teachers also found it pretty easy, while some didn't, but they weren't familiar with using technology in general. The ones who used it regularly with the students were very satisfied with it. In the end, students using it gain points and certificates or badges, and it depends on what the teacher has in mind for the students to compete on.
It's not hard for students to use gamification because, in the end, they just have to finish the material and upload it to get a specific score on a test. They get a badge, and they can see their progress on the leaderboard. It's very rewarding.
What needs improvement?
Gamification would be much better if there were integrations with LTI tools, or if there were some built-in questions for gamification. For example, if a student achieves a specific score on a test, it would be much better if they were interactive questions added to the assignment itself from within CYPHER Learning. It would be nice if they enhanced this part of the solution. There are many platforms for gamified tests and interactive assignments and worksheets but if these features were within the system, especially the gamification part, it would be great.
For international schools in Egypt, there are certification requirements. They have to have an LMS. But for other schools, it is a value proposition. We have 100 percent face-to-face learning in Egypt, now that COVID is over. There is competition when it comes to having schools use the system and sometimes we face difficulties getting schools, in general, to support this kind of educational process. Having something like gamification helps because students are more engaged with it and are more eager to use the system. That's especially true because they are fully attending classes in the school, nothing is online anymore, other than the materials and assignments in the system. It's good to have something to catch their attention.
Also, customization of report cards is hard to handle, with the grading criteria that specific schools use. It can be done for each course, but in the end, students receive report cards or certificates for their progress throughout the term and the year and it's hard to customize these report cards. They don't have a grading scheme for the Egyptian curriculum.
In addition, if the system had some graphing abilities and not just exporting of data to Excel sheets, that would be nice. I would like to be able to run a report on something and get graphs with insightful data. In an Excel sheet, I just have to reanalyze the data.
For example, if I want to run a report on students' attendance, it doesn't have to be a number for the whole school or a sheet of numbers. It could give me some graphs on different stages or different courses. If I am analyzing a student's time spent within a course, I would like to see how many hours he spent compared to other students. It would help if there were an analytical part to the data obtained from the system.
Also, I have to do a lot of clicking to reach something. When I go back, it just closes all that I did. It collapses everything. It doesn't make it hard to use, but it's disturbing to have to do all those clicks.
For how long have I used the solution?
We studied the product before we finally started introducing it into the Egyptian market in 2021. There is a school contracted with us for it right now so I have almost one year of user experience. We provide training on the system and technical support for the school.
We are a reseller of educational solutions, both hardware and software. They can be learning management systems, school management systems, and interactive, live panels. Sometimes we sell full solutions to a school, and we provide training and follow-up throughout the year. The Egyptian market is a bit hard to compete in, but not many companies resell these products here.
Solutions like these have gone viral with COVID-19 and schools need support and onsite training for the teachers, and this is what we've been providing for the past 12 years.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
It's a pretty good product. In our company, we only resell three products, and CYPHER Learning is one of them. It's pretty reliable and it has a lot of features.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
It could be used on many sites, and it will be even better once we have more schools interested in deploying LMSs in their schools. From what I have seen of the system, it could even be used in colleges and universities.
How was the initial setup?
We are involved in implementing CYPHER Learning. First, we open the account and then pay for the license. Then, we start putting the data of the school on the system. We give them the courses, the users, the links for parents and students, and we start helping them with uploading the material. Sometimes, we help them with the grading process, if needed.
I find the initial setup is pretty easy, but schools here have many things inside things, inside things. It becomes a complicated hierarchy. That's what makes it hard. It's easy to get it done on the system, once we figure out what we want things to look like in the end.
We did the setup ourselves. During the first term, we started getting support from CYPHER LEARNING, and it was pretty good. We learned a few points and they gave us good support.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
We have evaluated many LMSs before. Some are produced locally in Egypt, some are from the greater Middle East, and some are solutions like Blackboard, Classe365, and others. I'm familiar with using different LMSs and have done comparisons between them.
We provide many products to the Egyptian market. Our customers are the ones who choose. We find that CYPHER Learning is a pretty interesting system, full of features, and it's pretty stable. I can see that the product is developing very well and covers a lot of the needs of the Egyptian market. It's also pretty easy to use, especially if you are provided the right training from the company. We feel that there are many selling points to the product.
What other advice do I have?
My advice would be to organize all the work and the output so that you can see how it would be deployed in the system, and not just look for a single output. Using technology, you can have a million outputs with the same value. You can be flexible with the system, and it will give you the results that you need.
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller
Digital Education Manager at a manufacturing company with 501-1,000 employees
Reduced our administrative costs substantially and provides us with numerous must-have features
Pros and Cons
- "E-commerce is still one of the exotic features, meaning that not all LMS providers offer it. It is critical for us. We have had no trouble implementing payment gateways with this system and it works out-of-the-box without any special tricks."
- "There is a great feature that enables self-registration for a user and it comes with an access code. Unfortunately, there is only one access code and it works for all portals. We would appreciate a dedicated access code for different portals."
What is our primary use case?
We were searching for a learning management system that had unusual features to meet our requirements, including the ability to sell our course.
How has it helped my organization?
A significant improvement is the performance we get. Our other system has performance issues. Sometimes, it takes that system ages to upload the content, to set up users and enroll a course, et cetera. With CYPHER Learning, it's just a matter of clicks and the system reacts immediately. And there is definitely very solid IT performance in the back end. It's a huge time saver.
The system is also responsive, which is highly appreciated among our clients and customers, as well as our staff, as they can do everything on their mobile devices.
In terms of administrative work and costs, with CYPHER Learning, they are about a quarter of what they were. In the dental business, it's necessary to have hands-on training, but we also have a lot of remote training activities, so we still have a certain collection of tools to provide everything, but we are on our way to integrating everything under one roof with CYPHER Learning.
What is most valuable?
When looking for a solution, we defined a certain set of must-have features as well as some advanced features that would be good to have. And CYPHER Learning has both.
The core functionality includes
- an intuitive, multilingual user interface
- responsive design
- proper content and user management
- support for blended learning
- flexible testing and assessment options
- integration with customer-relations management
- payment gateways
- reporting and e-commerce functionality
E-commerce is still one of the exotic features, meaning that not all LMS providers offer it. It is critical for us. We have had no trouble implementing payment gateways with this system and it works out-of-the-box without any special tricks. This is probably the most critical feature for us.
It also was important that we have a multi-portal architecture so that we could run several systems under one roof. And stability and performance were important to us. We have another solution to compare it with and we were searching for improvements over that solution's performance.
The system offers a lot of features and they are very well structured. I have been involved in software development for over 30 years and, from that perspective, it's a great system. It would be really challenging to make it simpler. I get along with the system very well, and colleagues of mine, without any IT or software development background, also get along quite well with it. It's very user-friendly.
The advanced features include
- artificial intelligence-driven features
- social learning support
- mobile delivery methods
- real-time learning analytics.
What needs improvement?
So far we have only made one suggestion. There is a great feature that enables self-registration for a user and it comes with an access code. Unfortunately, there is only one access code and it works for all portals. We would appreciate a dedicated access code for different portals. So far, this is the only feature we would appreciate having, but we can live without it.
For how long have I used the solution?
We have been using CYPHER Learning for over 15 months.
We are still in the setup phase, not full deployment. The system is in place and we already have some portals, but we are still not completely alive.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
It has the highest possible stability. We have had no downtime, connections lost, or any data loss. The system is absolutely stable and reliable.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
It's probably the most scalable LMS I have ever seen.
We already have a number of small, dedicated portals for our subsidiary. We also set up a dummy LMS portal for our top customers, to show them how it can work. And we have a little pilot group of 25 people who are testing what we are uploading.
How are customer service and support?
We get great support. We have one person from the sales team who is extremely skilled, and we also have a dedicated technical assistant. He is extremely skilled in all technical questions, but he also provides us with great best practices. We can also get questions answered from the community, which is quite huge, and from help material.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
We had several systems in the house because some providers bound the sharing of content with their own LMSs, so we could only get the content if we took their systems. We still have some old LMSs from a "previous life", so to speak. And we have a learning management system as part of a document management system. But the key needs haven't been covered by these systems and that is why we picked up another one, and we are working on content migration to shut down one of our learning management systems.
How was the initial setup?
One of the reasons we bought this solution was because the system is in place as soon as you enter the credit card number. It's a SaaS and, compared to other systems that are deployed over a certain period of time, we received everything out of the box from the very beginning. It was absolutely straightforward.
The only part that was challenging was a lack of knowledge of best practices, given that there are so many ways to set it up. But from a technical perspective, there were absolutely no issues. We messed up a couple of things, but those were our fault. The system provides extremely good information videos as well as some printed material and documentation. That was more than enough for us.
The deployment itself took about two days. The only thing we had to do was customize the colors and put up some images and that was it.
As I already had some experience with learning management systems, and we have four systems in-house, based on this experience, we knew what to do fairly well. It was a real pleasure to realize that the system provides a better solution, compared to others. We didn't need to cap existing workflows.
For the deployment and maintenance, one person is needed. I was responsible for the overall process: evaluation, negotiation, deployment, and completion.
What was our ROI?
We have already generated so many savings with this platform that it's paid out, and it's not a huge investment. I hardly believe it could be less expensive. The value for money is unbeatable.
What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?
For us, it's great savings in terms of money. The system is not cheap but it's affordable. The pricing is fair. And CYPHER LEARNING has flexible plans, depending on the number of active users there are, and not on the number of licenses. This allows us to cover all our needs with a lower number of users. If we don't have a lot of active users we pay less, and if we have a lot of action in the system, we pay more, which is absolutely fine.
There are no costs in addition to the standard licensing fee. The cherry on top was that we received all the functionality with the simplest plan, the one with the minimal number of users. It couldn't be any better.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
I evaluated 52 systems. After the first round, I selected 16, and in the last round, there were seven. I had extensive hands-on experience with all seven and CYPHER Learning beat them all.
What other advice do I have?
My advice is that you should definitely know what you're searching for because there are so many learning management systems. A good source to start with is first-hand reports. It's also a question of experience. Some people know some learning management systems from previous lives or previous jobs.
The solution enables us to see who has not accessed the portal but that feature is less important for us because the information we provide is for people who are searching for it, so there is no pressure from our side. There is a need on the user's side to access it.
Also, its competency-based learning feature is far beyond our needs. We would like to implement this in the near future because the feature itself is awesome, and the way it's implemented is great, but our needs are more simple at the moment.
I have already had several calls from potential CYPHER Learning customers. it's such a great product and they have such lovely people, so it's a pleasure to help them acquire more customers.
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
Senior Program Manager at a printing company with 51-200 employees
It keeps our students on track but I would like the user reporting and calendar system to be more accurate
Pros and Cons
- "For as long as I have been working with MATRIX (for a few years now), they have the social aspect with groups. The thing that they did not have for years, until earlier this year, was a reply-all feature. I had been asking for that for years and they finally added it this year. That has been helpful because now our students are less frustrated."
- "It brings students together in one place with teaching materials. Also, it has a social capability to it by way of forums and groups. That is definitely important for our programs. There has been a lot of engagement in our programs."
- "We can see who has accessed the portal, but it is not very intuitive. There is an issue with MATRIX user reporting. It is not that useful a lot of the time because we see conflicting dates in the activity and login. I have tried to work with their engineers, and asked, "Well, what's the real deal here," and there is no clarity around it."
What is our primary use case?
We use it for three different programs of varying sizes. For example, one of our programs currently has 2,500 students. Another has about 1,200. So, we use it for varying programs that vary from anywhere from nine months to two years.
How has it helped my organization?
It brings students together in one place with teaching materials. Also, it has a social capability to it by way of forums and groups. That is definitely important for our programs. There has been a lot of engagement in our programs.
What is most valuable?
It is extremely important that dates and times are exact when we follow up with students, as it keeps our students on track.
For as long as I have been working with MATRIX (for a few years now), they have the social aspect with groups. The thing that they did not have for years, until earlier this year, was a reply-all feature. I had been asking for that for years and they finally added it this year. That has been helpful because now our students are less frustrated.
What needs improvement?
We can see who has accessed the portal, but it is not very intuitive. There is an issue with MATRIX user reporting. It is not that useful a lot of the time because we see conflicting dates in the activity and login. I have tried to work with their engineers, and asked, "Well, what's the real deal here," and there is no clarity around it. However, we can tell when people have last logged in.
The user reporting is a mess. It is unclear what I will get from this report. You need to keep tweaking and trying different options in the reports, then you don't know what you will get until you run the report. That is time-consuming and unclear to the user.
The calendar system could be greatly improved. I understand MATRIX is progressing in many ways by way of focusing on integrations with other apps and the whole API world. However, it would be nice if they could revisit their basics, e.g., the calendar system and user reporting, and get those basic things that people use every day to be accurate.
For how long have I used the solution?
I have been using it since December 2019, which has been pretty much two years now.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
On the whole, it is pretty stable, but there have been issues that keep creeping up. I have been reporting them for years, getting temporary solutions. I don't know if they are running updates on their end, but the previous solution will then fall apart. I have to report it again and they have to fix it again. This all has to do with their basics, as far as reporting and calendars.
How are customer service and support?
The technical support is 50-50. You don't know what you are going to get. Sometimes they will resolve it or help you resolve it, then other times you get an answer from someone who says, "It is not capable of doing that." Then, the next day, you might get a response from another technician who says, "Oh, I am sorry. Our system actually does this quite often."
They are hands-off by way of saying, "Oh, we are unable to replicate this." This is even when I am showing them video and screenshot proof of what is happening. Quite often, they say, "Oh, we are not able to replicate this." Then, that is it. They don't really help beyond that.
I would rate the technical support as six out of 10.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
We didn't previously use another solution.
How was the initial setup?
We do cycles with our programs, but I am involved in every setup.
The initial setup is straightforward in some ways. I have a background in LMS development so it is easy to set up and straightforward in that way. Some of it is not straightforward because some of the options are by way of setting up your site. They are not very clear about what they do. Or, some options are just thrown here and there in the settings. It seems not completely organized. It is like, "Well, where should we put this? Let's just put this here." Even though it doesn't quite make sense there, there isn't a lot of flexibility in terms of customizing things in MATRIX.
Deployment time varies per program. We try to allow a lot of space for QA testing and other things. It takes about a month to deploy, but that is not necessarily eight hours a day, five days a week. I am saying a month for internal user testing. Since our programs are very extensive with a lot of materials, it does take time to set them up.
What about the implementation team?
We just purchased this solution from the vendor, then it was built in-house.
There is a team for deployment and maintenance because we have so many students across a few programs. There are at least 10 people. That varies from people getting into the weeds of building the courses, working on the back-end, or just administering it.
What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?
We extensively use it since we use it to deploy our biggest selling courses or programs. It is used year-round and daily by students, and by us as well. We actually want to look at other systems or develop our own system because the cost point of MATRIX is so high. It doesn't feel like we get any value for it.
Take your time and test it out. Forecast how many users you will have. Are they going to be able to keep up with the high cost per user? I would definitely tell them to really dive in and forecast growth. See if you can keep up with this budgetary-wise.
Which other solutions did I evaluate?
I really want to work with our VP of technology and see about developing our own system so we can move away from MATRIX and save on profit.
What other advice do I have?
I would rate this solution as seven out of 10.
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
Staff at San Antonio De Padua Catholic
Favors individual work as well as teamwork, helping students know how to write but also how to communicate
Pros and Cons
- "I have many students in my charge and thanks to the automation provided by CYPHER Learning, it is possible to apply any class to any classroom and, in that way, replicate the same content for all classrooms."
- "There is room for improvement in the way competencies for each area are designated. I would like the exact activities to be specified somewhere to clarify for the students what they need to complete each activity."
How has it helped my organization?
Before CYPHER Learning, our school was very traditional and did not use any type of online documentation. The pandemic made us look for new ways of doing things and that's when CYPHER Learning arrived. At first, it seemed very difficult to understand because we were not used to a student being able to archive their work and manage their learning in such an independent way. But this new modality of having the information online and using the CYPHER Learning application on a cell phone to see your work progress is something that has helped our institution.
It seems to me that CYPHER Learning is very didactic. You can count on forums and teamwork. It greatly favors individual work as well as teamwork. It is very important that students know how to write, but also that they know how to communicate. CYPHER Learning also facilitates socializing through the platform.
The solution has also helped save time, about 40 percent, on intervention strategies for students. For example, I have students who may take time to deliver assignments because they find them more complex. CYPHER Learning enables me to ask a student to do everything in a more creative way, such as by uploading a video or a canvas. In that way, life is made easier for them. Progress is faster thanks to NEO. Students can access a folder designed especially for them, according to their specific needs. NEO allows me to focus on exactly what they need and helps me close the learning gap.
And in terms of administrative work, it helps me do everything faster. Before, I had to see the grades separately. Now I can see them through CYPHER Learning and it helps a lot to consolidate the grades faster.
We also save money on modules and books, and students have the information wherever they are.
CYPHER Learning has taught me how to be organized. It used to be complicated for me to review and correct papers, but CYPHER Learning streamlines the process and provides the option of giving quick feedback, from both students and teachers.
What is most valuable?
In CYPHER Learning, all learning sessions are uploaded so that students can preview them before class, and students can upload their activities in class. We also use the synchronization with Zoom.
The fact that you can organize all the information so that you have an order regarding the topics that the students review, and the way in which CYPHER Learning archives all the work done by the students, seems very useful to me.
I have many students in my charge and thanks to the automation provided by CYPHER Learning, it is possible to apply any class to any classroom and, in that way, replicate the same content for all classrooms.
Each student has different needs. In the comments section, they can express their needs and I, as a teacher, can provide them with some additional detail about what to do in the activity. It is a mini-chat where teachers communicate with students. I can talk privately with the student about those sections of the class where they need reinforcement.
It is very easy for educators to communicate with students using CYPHER Learning. The comments section in the projects makes our lives a lot easier. I can make observations on how to improve their work and if the student has any questions they reply immediately. In this way, there is constant feedback. The student feels fully cared for. Before CYPHER Learning, they had to wait until the next class to see the teacher and communicate with him. It is very important to be able to communicate. That gap that existed before between teachers and students is reduced when the student feels they will get a quick and effective response from the teacher. They feel looked after.
Also, the student has a bar that shows his progress. CYPHER Learning organizes all the evaluations and summarizes things. In addition to that, because we are between virtual and face-to-face classes nowadays, the content uploaded in CYPHER Learning is an advanced type of "information spoiler" about what they are going to do each semester. And the exercises they do give us feedback regarding the level of each student.
What needs improvement?
There is room for improvement in the way competencies for each area are designated. I would like the exact activities to be specified somewhere to clarify for the students what they need to complete each activity.
For how long have I used the solution?
We started using CYPHER Learning in 2020, when the pandemic started.
What do I think about the stability of the solution?
I have never had connection problems. The platform is very stable and has always worked well.
What do I think about the scalability of the solution?
I feel that CYPHER Learning has everything I need, in terms of infrastructure and communication with students. CYPHER LEARNING is always innovating. Recently, they showed us new tools. They care about meeting needs as time goes by.
We have about 1,500 users, including students, teachers, and supervisors. We are using it to its maximum, so there is no way to increase our usage of it.
How are customer service and support?
I haven't had any issues so I haven't had any experience with their technical support.
How would you rate customer service and support?
Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?
The other solution we have is SieWeb but it is just for uploading notes so it's not comparable to CYPHER Learning.
How was the initial setup?
It was complex at the beginning. It was the first time we interacted with a platform of this type. However, it is intuitive and, by exploring, you understand its functionalities.
We had three training sessions, each lasting approximately two weeks, and then teachers began to use it independently. But it really depends on how much the teacher tries to manage and experiment with it. Our older teachers had difficulties.
At first, a small number of teachers were trained, and then general training was given. In each area there was an advisor. And one teacher, who predominated in the platform, advised the rest of the team and shared what they knew about it.
What about the implementation team?
In the general training, there was a CYPHER Learning implementer, but we didn't really need a lot of help because we were able to help each other and answer questions.
My experience with the implementer was quite good. He was very didactic, he tried to answer questions very calmly and make himself understood, and he was very patient.
What was our ROI?
Our ROI is that the students and teachers feel comfortable with the solution. The fact that we are all satisfied with the work means that the investment was worth it.
What other advice do I have?
Look into whether it is useful for your school. CYPHER Learning has fast statistical data and many resources.
The tools for tagging classes and assignments with competencies don't really help me in the subject that I teach. Where it does help is in all the options that the student has to write, such as forums and exercises. Perhaps during the pandemic it was more necessary but now it is used less frequently.
The innovation and deployment of CYPHER Learning was very useful. In our school there are always surveys, and CYPHER Learning is something that everyone sees as necessary.
Foreign Language:(Spanish)
¿Cómo ha ayudado a mi organización?
Antes de CYPHER Learning, nuestra escuela era muy tradicional y no utilizaba ningún tipo de documentación en línea. La pandemia nos hizo buscar nuevas formas de hacer las cosas y ahí llegó CYPHER Learning. Al principio parecía muy difícil de entender porque no estábamos acostumbrados a que un alumno pudiera archivar su trabajo y gestionar su aprendizaje de forma tan independiente. Pero esta nueva modalidad de tener la información en línea y usar la aplicación CYPHER Learning en un celular para ver el avance de tu trabajo es algo que ha ayudado a nuestra institución.
Me parece que CYPHER Learning es muy didáctico. Puedes contar con foros y trabajo en equipo. Favorece mucho el trabajo individual así como el trabajo en equipo. Es muy importante que los alumnos sepan escribir, pero también que sepan comunicarse. CYPHER Learning también facilita la socialización a través de la plataforma.
La solución también ayudó a ahorrar tiempo, alrededor del 40 por ciento, en estrategias de intervención para los estudiantes. Por ejemplo, tengo alumnos que pueden tardar en entregar las tareas porque las encuentran más complejas. CYPHER Learning me permite pedirle a un estudiante que haga todo de una manera más creativa, como subir un video o un lienzo. De esa manera, la vida se les hace más fácil. El progreso es más rápido gracias a CYPHER Learning. Los alumnos pueden acceder a una carpeta diseñada especialmente para ellos, según sus necesidades específicas. CYPHER Learning me permite concentrarme exactamente en lo que necesitan y me ayuda a cerrar la brecha de aprendizaje.
Y en cuanto al trabajo administrativo, me ayuda a hacer todo más rápido. Antes tenía que ver las calificaciones por separado. Ahora puedo verlos a través de CYPHER Learning y ayuda mucho a consolidar las calificaciones más rápido.
También ahorramos dinero en módulos y libros, y los estudiantes tienen la información donde sea que estén.
CYPHER Learning me ha enseñado a organizarme. Antes me resultaba complicado revisar y corregir trabajos, pero CYPHER Learning agiliza el proceso y ofrece la opción de dar feedback rápido, tanto de alumnos como de profesores.
¿Qué es lo más valioso?
En CYPHER Learning, todas las sesiones de aprendizaje se cargan para que los estudiantes puedan obtener una vista previa antes de la clase y los estudiantes puedan cargar sus actividades en clase. También usamos la sincronización con Zoom.
Me parece muy útil el hecho de que puedas organizar toda la información para que tengas un orden respecto a los temas que revisan los alumnos, y la forma en que CYPHER Learning archiva todo el trabajo realizado por los alumnos.
Tengo muchos alumnos a mi cargo y gracias a la automatización que brinda CYPHER Learning, es posible aplicar cualquier clase a cualquier aula y, de esa manera, replicar el mismo contenido para todas las aulas.
Cada estudiante tiene necesidades diferentes. En la sección de comentarios, pueden expresar sus necesidades y yo, como docente, puedo brindarles algún detalle adicional sobre qué hacer en la actividad. Es un mini-chat donde los profesores se comunican con los alumnos. Puedo hablar en privado con el alumno sobre aquellas secciones de la clase en las que necesita refuerzo.
Es muy fácil para los educadores comunicarse con los estudiantes usando CYPHER Learning. La sección de comentarios en los proyectos nos hace la vida mucho más fácil. Puedo hacer observaciones sobre cómo mejorar su trabajo y si el estudiante tiene alguna pregunta, responde de inmediato. De esta manera, hay una retroalimentación constante. El estudiante se siente totalmente atendido. Antes de CYPHER Learning, tenían que esperar hasta la próxima clase para ver al maestro y comunicarse con él. Es muy importante poder comunicarse. Esa brecha que existía antes entre profesores y alumnos se reduce cuando el alumno siente que obtendrá una respuesta rápida y eficaz por parte del profesor. Se sienten atendidos.
Además, el estudiante tiene una barra que muestra su progreso. CYPHER Learning organiza todas las evaluaciones y resume las cosas. Además de eso, debido a que hoy en día estamos entre clases virtuales y presenciales, el contenido subido en CYPHER Learning es una especie de "spoiler informativo" avanzado sobre lo que van a hacer cada semestre. Y los ejercicios que hacen nos retroalimentan respecto al nivel de cada alumno.
¿Qué necesita mejorar?
Hay margen de mejora en la forma en que se designan las competencias para cada área. Me gustaría que las actividades exactas se especifiquen en alguna parte para aclarar a los estudiantes lo que necesitan para completar cada actividad.
¿Por cuánto tiempo he usado la solución?
Empezamos a usar CYPHER Learning en 2020, cuando empezó la pandemia.
¿Qué pienso sobre la estabilidad de la solución?
Nunca he tenido problemas de conexión. La plataforma es muy estable y siempre ha funcionado bien.
¿Qué opino de la escalabilidad de la solución?
Siento que CYPHER Learning tiene todo lo que necesito, en cuanto a infraestructura y comunicación con los estudiantes. CYPHER LEARNING siempre está innovando. Recientemente, nos mostraron nuevas herramientas. Se preocupan por satisfacer las necesidades a medida que pasa el tiempo.
Tenemos alrededor de 1500 usuarios, entre estudiantes, profesores y supervisores. Lo estamos utilizando al máximo, por lo que no hay forma de aumentar nuestro uso.
¿Cómo son el servicio de atención al cliente y el soporte?
No he tenido ningún problema, así que no he tenido ninguna experiencia con su soporte técnico.
¿Qué solución usé anteriormente y por qué cambié?
La otra solución que tenemos es SieWeb, pero es solo para cargar notas, por lo que no es comparable con CYPHER Learning.
¿Cómo fue la configuración inicial?
Fue complejo al principio. Era la primera vez que interactuábamos con una plataforma de este tipo. Sin embargo, es intuitivo y, al explorarlo, comprendes sus funcionalidades.
Tuvimos tres sesiones de capacitación, cada una de las cuales duró aproximadamente dos semanas, y luego los maestros comenzaron a usarla de forma independiente. Pero realmente depende de cuánto el maestro intente manejarlo y experimentar con él. Nuestros maestros mayores tenían dificultades.
Al principio, se capacitó a un pequeño número de maestros y luego se impartió capacitación general. En cada área había un asesor. Y un docente, que predominó en la plataforma, aconsejó al resto del equipo y compartió lo que sabían al respecto.
¿Y el equipo de implementación?
En la capacitación general, hubo un implementador de CYPHER Learning, pero realmente no necesitábamos mucha ayuda porque pudimos ayudarnos entre todos y responder preguntas.
Mi experiencia con el implementador fue bastante buena. Era muy didáctico, trataba de responder a las preguntas con mucha calma y hacerse entender, y tenía mucha paciencia.
¿Cuál fue nuestro Retorno de Inversión?
Nuestro retorno de inversión es que los estudiantes y profesores se sienten cómodos con la solución. El hecho de que todos estemos satisfechos con el trabajo significa que la inversión valió la pena.
¿Qué otro consejo tengo?
Mira si es útil para tu escuela. CYPHER Learning tiene datos estadísticos rápidos y muchos recursos.
Las herramientas para etiquetar clases y tareas con competencias realmente no me ayudan en la materia que enseño. Donde sí ayuda es en todas las opciones que tiene el alumno para escribir, como foros y ejercicios. Quizás durante la pandemia era más necesario pero ahora se usa con menos frecuencia.\
La innovación y el despliegue de CYPHER Learning fue muy útil. En nuestra escuela siempre hay encuestas, y CYPHER Learning es algo que todos ven necesario.
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Updated: December 2024
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Thank you so very much for your review and feedback! We are sorry to hear you have had a frustrating time with your support issues.
At CYPHER LEARNING, we strive to work closely with our customers to resolve their concerns and will continue to be responsive to your needs. In the future, should you experience any further issues, do not hesitate to contact your ACE Representative directly, as they are always happy to assist in any way they can.
Kind regards,