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Senior Chief Engineer at ministry of electricity
Real User
Stable, fair cost, and supports multi-user environments and all kinds of virtual machines and operating systems
Pros and Cons
  • "It is a stable solution. It is wonderful for multi-user environments, and it supports different virtual machines and operating systems. You can go for any kind of virtual machine. It has many features, especially for a call center. You don't have the issue of computers going down from time to time. You just need to copy the virtual machine to deploy it. You also don't need many people to maintain computers. With Horizon 7, you just need one or two people."
  • "It is a little bit complex. You need a little bit of experience with ESXi installation and VMware before using this solution. You cannot directly jump to this solution. It also requires training. After you get trained, you can do anything with Horizon 7. In terms of features, it has been sufficient for my needs, but it can always have more features. They can maybe merge the servers. They can give the Horizon 7 server in one package with ESXi."

What is our primary use case?

We used this solution for a complaint management and support system. The project was a combination of Horizon 7, VMware, Oracle Database, Apex, and GlassFish. Most of them were deployed on Linux or Windows, and we implemented a center to manage the VMware cluster.

The main software, based on Oracle Database, gave the operator a terminal and different kinds of forms for entering the data that they got from the customers. The virtual machines were based on Horizon 7. We completed this project in 2018, and it is still working.

What is most valuable?

It is a stable solution. It is wonderful for multi-user environments, and it supports different virtual machines and operating systems. You can go for any kind of virtual machine.

It has many features, especially for a call center. You don't have the issue of computers going down from time to time. You just need to copy the virtual machine to deploy it. You also don't need many people to maintain computers. With Horizon 7, you just need one or two people. 

What needs improvement?

It is a little bit complex. You need a little bit of experience with ESXi installation and VMware before using this solution. You cannot directly jump to this solution. It also requires training. After you get trained, you can do anything with Horizon 7.

In terms of features, it has been sufficient for my needs, but it can always have more features. They can maybe merge the servers. They can give the Horizon 7 server in one package with ESXi.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It is stable. We didn't have any issues.

Buyer's Guide
Horizon 8
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about Horizon 8. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

If you are a small business, and you can easily grow from, let's say, 10 people to maybe 30 or 60 people. You can buy and scale based on your needs.

In terms of the number of users, we have four groups of operators who use this solution. Each group has six to seven users.

How are customer service and support?

Their technical support is good. We faced an issue after deploying the product, and in less than 24 hours, we got a response from VMware. Everything was good.

How was the initial setup?

You need to get trained and have a license to be able to deploy it.

What about the implementation team?

We deployed it on our own. I take care of its maintenance.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Its cost is fair. You can go for a free trial, but for initializing a project, you need to purchase a license. There are different types of licenses.

What other advice do I have?

You should know why you need this solution. Before working with Horizon 7, you should have at least three to six months of experience with VMware and ESXi. You also need to get well trained in Horizon 7. 

I would rate VMware Horizon 7 an eight out of ten. It is a stable and feature-rich solution at a fair price.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Andrea Andrea - PeerSpot reviewer
Real User
Top 5
The stand-out three-dimensional acceleration is really important for enhancing the performance for certain clients based on their scenarios
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature in this solution which really helped for my use case was the stand out three dimensional acceleration. It was really important for enhancing the performance for certain clients based on their scenarios."
  • "We have seen and face notable challenges in the configuration aspect specifically while creating and assigning groups which have proven to be a very cumbersome and tiring process. Apart from this the Reliance on the Active Directory as the only directory has its own limitation, which include the requirement to purchase a windows server for an environment outside the standard set up."

What is our primary use case?

Our current use of the solution involves the two specific projects in Arreaspace Kiasat, which involves catering to both the needs of the client and the server's functionalities with a Linux based approach.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature in this solution which really helped for my use case was the stand out three dimensional acceleration. It was really important for enhancing the performance for certain clients based on their scenarios.

What needs improvement?

We have seen and face notable challenges in the configuration aspect specifically while creating and assigning groups which have proven to be a very cumbersome and tiring process. Apart from this the Reliance on the Active Directory as the only directory has its own limitation, which include the requirement to purchase a windows server for an environment outside the standard set up.

For how long have I used the solution?

We have used VMware Horizon since 2021.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability is also reliable and the solution gives a very constant performance with a rating of 8 out of 10.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

In our case, the scalability is average as it serves its purpose effectively but only caters to the needs of 100 clients only, so I will rate it 5 out of 10. Horizon is best suited for enterprise level companies especially considering the benefits in terms of pricing as VMware is now under Broadcom's ownership.

How are customer service and support?

I am incapable of providing direct feedback on the tech support of VMware as we have channelized our support to the first line through Fujitsu, our OEM.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Compared to competitors, Horizon outperforms Citrix in recent years due to Citrix facing security issues. As an alternative, when cost is a concern, we occasionally turn to the open-source solution Waccamola, although it lacks the extensive functionalities of Horizon.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Pricing for Horizon is relatively high, earning a rating of one out of ten.

What other advice do I have?

Overall, the solution itself deserves a solid seven to eight rating out of 10.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller
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Horizon 8
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about Horizon 8. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Sandor Nilsson - PeerSpot reviewer
Project Leader and IT Transition Manager at Data Communication & Software i Grondal Aktiebolag
Real User
Top 5
Stable solution and accessible from home or remote locations
Pros and Cons
  • "From my standpoint, the desktop is the most valuable feature."
  • "What I would like to see improved is not so much about the product. It's more about how to get information about products. It's always too much sales pitching and fancy works and stuff."

What is our primary use case?

In our case, it's for our own internal use. Let's say I am at home, and there's an issue with our customer. Something has happened. I can connect using Secureline and log on to this virtual desktop, accessing the system from there. So it's only for internal use.

What is most valuable?

From my standpoint, the desktop is the most valuable feature. 

What needs improvement?

What I would like to see improved is not so much about the product. It's more about how to get information about products. It's always too much sales pitching and fancy works and stuff. This helps you improve this and that but doesn't tell me how. 

It's just hard to find information when you want to set up a system or find what can be good for a specific customer. You want to find something. That's where the documentation comes in, and explains how it will improve. So that's my biggest problem with everybody who makes a product. 

It says this will make your life so much better. Yes, but how would it make it better? That's the hard part to find. That kind of information is hard to find, really. So it makes it hard to find products. 

Therefore, I always have to call the vendor and ask for a meeting, and they have to make a demonstration. The process becomes so lengthy and exhausting sometimes because you have to make notes for everything. "Okay, this works like this," and "You can use it for that." And then you have to talk to the next one, compare. So I would like that to be my opinion. If they could think from the perspective of a technician, he doesn't want to hear all this fancy talk. That's my opinion. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using this solution for over half a year. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I've only used it a few times, and it was very stable. The performance was good.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

About 15 of us in our organization are using the solution. Our current size is sufficient.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is easy. It's a remote desktop, not that fancy. It's easy to manage with just one guy.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I have used Citrix. 

What other advice do I have?

Overall, I would rate the solution a ten out of ten. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Aleksei Grishutin - PeerSpot reviewer
Team Lead at a retailer with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Top 5
Allowed us to organize our call center remotely so users could work from home
Pros and Cons
  • "I like that it updates quickly and allows users to have virtual desktops."
  • "I would like to see more useful monitoring within users and a more useful help desk."

What is our primary use case?

We use it in our call center, in the warehouse where we prepare products for stores, and in the warehouse.

We have 1,000 users in my organization. It's deployed on-premises. We stopped updating it in 2013 and 2017 because we used Windows 7. 

How has it helped my organization?

When COVID-19 started, we organized our call center remotely. The solution allowed our users to work from home.

What is most valuable?

I like that it updates quickly and allows users to have virtual desktops.

What needs improvement?

I would like to see more useful monitoring within users and a more useful help desk. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have used this solution for about six years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We haven't had any problems with the infrastructure. There haven't been any bugs, but there have been glitches in the newer versions.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We haven't had any problems with scalability. It works quickly and we can scale up our infrastructure within about 10 minutes.

How are customer service and support?

For technical problems, support has been fast. They were critical for implementation and installation.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I have also used Citrix.

When we started using Horizon, Citrix was more user-friendly and integrate-able. But we've found that the new version of Horizon is more useful and user-friendly with each new feature.

How was the initial setup?

For Horizon and all other VMware products, setup isn't easy, but it isn't hard. Maybe the problem is with the documentation and consultation. After consultation with my colleagues in other companies, they gave me answers to all my questions.

In previous years, the documentation was not a problem. With the latest version,  there's too much documentation compared to their last available version.

It took about two or three weeks to set up. We worked to prepare images and tools for our several user groups, which was used as a test to prepare for switching.

There were two people involved in deployment: me and a network administrator.

There haven't been any maintenance requirements.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate this solution nine out of ten. 

My advice is that users are interested in relevancy, and the version is not important to integration.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Abbasi Poonawala - PeerSpot reviewer
Chief Enterprise Architect at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Top 10Leaderboard
Stable, with a straightforward setup, but could offer better pricing
Pros and Cons
  • "The initial setup is pretty straightforward."
  • "The solution isn't quite mature yet. It needs more time to mature and to get more market recognition."

What is our primary use case?

Horizon basically protects you're VMware and your Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). BYOD connecting to your network and these can be secured using VMware Horizon.

With COVID there is a very big impact. There is a hybrid kind of workforce model now. People will be able to connect using their own devices. If it is BYOD case, the number of assets is going to increase. It will almost double the number of the secured assets out there. This means that as the asset size grows, there's a lot of traffic. If you talk about the Horizon it is Zero Trust Architecture plus Micro-segmentation. It has to level both into one platform.

You then need to physically test that your endpoints are all secured so that there is no way for somebody connecting from their own device or laptop to accessing the network with any kind of malicious code. You're protected.

What is most valuable?

The solution is quite stable. The performance is good.

The scalability has been very good. It's easy to expand it to more endpoints.

The initial setup is pretty straightforward.

What needs improvement?

The solution could be more secure. Horizon is a recent addition in the sense that, due to COVID, we're working from home and those off-network devices also have to get secured. It's not only on-premises and the cloud infrastructure anymore. Your connectivity from the endpoints from the employees who are logged in from home also has to get brought in.

The solution isn't quite mature yet. It needs more time to mature and to get more market recognition.

The solution needs to work on its pricing. Compared to VMware Workspace ONE it should not be more in terms of cost.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using the solution for more than four years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The solution is stable. It offers good performance. There aren't crashes and it doesn't freeze. there aren't bugs or glitches. It's been good overall.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability is excellent. If you need to extend it to more endpoints, it's possible to do so, and it's not difficult in terms of a process. If a company needs to expand the offering, it can do so with ease.

We have a hybrid workforce, with 8,000 or so users who likely have both their work and home devices on the system.

We do plan to continue to use the product going forward. We have no plans to move away from it.

How are customer service and support?

Our end-user support is our level end-user computing, EUC. EUC is a separate kind of support model, and there is dedicated support if we run into issues. So far, we have been satisfied with the level of support.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

VMware worked with Workspace One, which has been upgraded into Horizon.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is not overly complex. It's easy. It's a part of the VMware Workspace segment which makes it quite simple. A company should have no issues with the implementation.

Normally, the process from beginning to end only takes a couple of hours. It's a pretty quick process.

For maintenance, we have a team called EUC - End User Computing - that inspects all the upgrades and handles all the maintenance.

What about the implementation team?

I handled the process of implementation myself. If did not need an outside consultant or integrator. We were able to manage everything in-house.

What was our ROI?

There is a good ROI.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

We do have a licensing fee that we need to pay. Horizon is expensive if you were to consider EDR. I cannot speak to the exact cost of the product, however.

EDR itself is a big investment. If you're investing in EDR be prepared to pay a bit. There are two platforms that we are using - Windows and Linux. In the Windows platform, basically, we can secure it using the Windows Defender. In the case of Windows Defender, we don't need any separate EDR. For Linux, however, we need it. That said, mostly the users are all Windows users. More than 60% to 70% of the users are Windows users and so we don't need the EDR product across the board. That saves some costs for us.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I did evaluate multiple EDRs before choosing this solution.

What other advice do I have?

We use the latest version of the solution at this time. It's the most up-to-date option.

From the COVID impact, the number of vulnerabilities has gone up. That means there are other challenges of coping with the security in recent times due to the deluge of more assets, basically, made on one level because people are bringing their own devices into the mix. So far, we've been able to secure everything, and we've been able to stand back and say that we're fine and, even with this new hybrid work model, we are secure and back to normal, so to speak.

The solution is a recent edition that is not been fully adopted and it is still slightly immature. It's not reached a stage where it is saturated. For that reason, I'd rate the solution at a seven out of ten.  

I would recommend the solution.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Vidyasagar Guntupalli - PeerSpot reviewer
Infrastructure Architect at a security firm with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Top 5
An end-to-end solution for managing and delivering virtualized or physical desktops
Pros and Cons
  • "VMware Horizon is beneficial because it reduces bandwidth consumption when accessing VDI or the virtual infrastructure. It's more secure compared to accessing a Windows desktop using RDP. It enhances security, provides better app utilization, and improves performance using graphic-intensive tools like Photoshop or 3ds Max. Using the Horizon Client makes it easy to work on those tools."
  • "Along with the high pricing, the profile synchronization mechanism also needs improvement."

What is our primary use case?

The VDI access in my private cloud involves encapsulation in VMware Horizon. It also reduces the network traffic bandwidth if you're accessing Linux virtual machines using the native clients since it uses a lot of bandwidth.

What is most valuable?

VMware Horizon is beneficial because it reduces bandwidth consumption when accessing VDI or the virtual infrastructure. It's more secure compared to accessing a Windows desktop using RDP. It enhances security, provides better app utilization, and improves performance using graphic-intensive tools like Photoshop or 3ds Max. Using the Horizon Client makes it easy to work on those tools.

What needs improvement?

Along with the high pricing, the profile synchronization mechanism also needs improvement. Citrix has a feature that allows profiles to be stored in a network location and synchronized across multiple desktops, but Horizon doesn't have this. Also, Horizon lacks support for ARM clients and native clients for Windows 11. Adding these features would enhance its functionality.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been working with VMware Horizon for the past two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability of the product is also high, and I would rate it a nine. There are no significant issues.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

For scalability, I would rate it a nine.

How are customer service and support?

I haven't contacted VMware technical support directly because most resources are available online. I assume it might be challenging to reach vendor support.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I believe the main competitors for VMware Horizon are Microsoft and Citrix. According to Gartner, Citrix is the top solution and has been in this space for more than ten years. Horizon is still evolving and has issues like a lack of support for Windows 11 and ARM clients.

How was the initial setup?

Setting up VMware Horizon is straightforward. I have experience with deployment through VMware Horizon, and it is satisfactory. VMware Horizon offers features like clone technology, including instant clones, and I’ve used them successfully in my deployment process.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The license cost has increased significantly, so we’re helping some customers with Azure VMware desktop solutions to save on licensing.

What other advice do I have?

VMware Horizon integrates well with other products, including Azure and different vendors, especially within the VMware suite.

It should evolve and support all kinds of client environments. The current pricing structure might not be a favourable investment for clients. I recommend Horizon because it improves security and performance and reduces bandwidth consumption.

Overall, I'll rate VMware Horizon an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Integrator
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Information Technology Specialist at a government with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Top 5
Offers USB redirection and Unified Access Gateway (UAG) feature with impressive scalability
Pros and Cons
  • "The USB redirection is one of the valuable features of VMware Horizon"
  • "There are some licensing issues in VMware Horizon"

What is our primary use case?

Our organization is a national cybersecurity agency in Qatar, and we need virtual machines that automatically erase once the user logs out. The solution also enables access to our organization's secured environment through the Internet. For instance, you can be anywhere in the world and still access the on-premises infrastructure securely. 

What is most valuable?

Once our organization upgraded to the latest version of VMware Horizon, we eliminated the delayed login times we had faced in the prior version. The USB redirection is one of the valuable features of VMware Horizon.

Using the aforementioned feature, I have allowed access to certain types of USB models, and only these authorized models by the employer are accessible in the VDI environment, therefore any USB outside the whitelisted manufacturers won't function in our organization's environment. 

I also find the solution's Unified Access Gateway (UAG) feature useful as it makes administration tasks easier. For instance, if I want to enable a particular network device to access VMware Horizon, UAG makes such processes quick and easy.

At our organization, we are also using VMware Workspace ONE for endpoint management, which facilitates the employees' ability to bring their own devices, which can be used to access the on-premise infrastructure and the applications present on it. 

What needs improvement?

There are some licensing issues in VMware Horizon, but I believe that the vendor will be able to resolve them soon. Our agency is used to traditional licenses, and when Broadcom acquired the product, they made some changes in the licensing. In the long term, the latest product licensing model might be more beneficial. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using VMware Horizon since 2018. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I would rate the stability a ten out of ten. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I would rate the scalability a ten out of ten. The solution can be effortlessly scaled unless and until there are issues with the on-premise infrastructure. Presently, our organization has 2,500 VMware Horizon users. 

How are customer service and support?

Our agency has production support from VMware, but there have been very few instances where we needed to reach out to customer support, which were some rare issues that our team couldn't troubleshoot on their own. Only in instances similar to zero-day vulnerabilities did our agency contact customer support. I would rate the customer support a ten out of ten. 

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Previously in our agency we were using SCCM from Microsoft but VMware Horizon is easier to manage. But both aforementioned vendors have some interdependence when deploying either of their products. For instance, when you want to deploy VMware Horizon you need to use some Microsoft products such as Active Directory and DNS. For end users in our agency, we use Microsoft products and for applications, Linux servers are used. 

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup process is extremely simple, you just need to run the domain controller and active directory and the rest of the setup is related to network communication. The clear and concise documentation from VMware Horizon further assists in the seamless setup process. Any professional with a couple of years of experience in system administration can effortlessly deploy the product. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

VMware Horizon and other products from the vendor are not aimed at small businesses; it's rather ideal for mid-scale and enterprise businesses. VMware Horizon can be considered to be slightly expensive. 

What other advice do I have?

The solution's instant clone technology is used in our organization, which facilitates the auto-deletion of machines once the user logs out. Upon logging in again, a new machine with a new hostname is assigned. 

VMware Horizon can be easily integrated with other tools due to the presence of effective documentation that is easy to access and comprehend. The employees and the end-users of our agency are highly satisfied with the product. 

VMware Horizon supports both on-prem and VDI cloud-based deployment models. I would rate the product a ten out of ten. I would definitely recommend the solution to others, especially for every VDI use case. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Bart Brakel - PeerSpot reviewer
Owner at Innovisie
Top 5
Helps deploy complex applications with ease and handles security and compliance well
Pros and Cons
  • "The product helped us deploy complex applications."
  • "The tool is not future-proof anymore."

What is our primary use case?

We put our client-server applications on Horizon.

How has it helped my organization?

The product helped us deploy complex applications.

What is most valuable?

The product’s scalability makes the deployment easy. It is important to us. The product handles security and compliance in the virtual infrastructure well.

What needs improvement?

The tool is not future-proof anymore.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been working with the product for about ten years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I have a good impression of the tool’s stability.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I have a good impression of the tool’s scalability. We have five users.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is complex. It is not easy to deploy. It could be much easier. The vendor must build a SaaS solution. The deployment takes too long.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The license could be cheaper.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Everyone is working with Teams after COVID-19. Relatively, Teams is a bit better than VMware Horizon View. I believe there is no future for VMware Horizon View.

What other advice do I have?

I will not recommend the solution to others. Overall, I rate the product an eight out of ten.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller
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Download our free Horizon 8 Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
Updated: September 2024
Buyer's Guide
Download our free Horizon 8 Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.