Total Asset Optimization Ivanti Neurons for ITAM tracks your IT assets to make them work harder for you. The solution's configurable design helps you define and follow your own workflows, or implement out-of-the-box processes.
Get the IT Asset Management Buyer's Guide and find out what your peers are saying about Ivanti Asset Manager, ServiceNow, Device42 and more!
Ivanti Asset Manager is the #18 ranked solution in top IT Asset Management solutions. PeerSpot users give Ivanti Asset Manager an average rating of 3.0 out of 10. Ivanti Asset Manager is most commonly compared to ServiceNow:
Ivanti Asset Manager vs ServiceNow. Ivanti Asset Manager is popular among the large enterprise segment,
accounting for 53% of users researching this solution on PeerSpot. The top industry researching this solution are professionals from a
computer software company, accounting for 18% of all views.
As of March 2025, the mindshare of Ivanti Asset Manager in the IT Asset Management category
stands at 0.9%, down from 1.1% compared to the previous year, according to calculations based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
IT Asset Management
Key learnings from peers
Valuable Features
"The product's stability in terms of uptime is generally good; it is always operational."
"The solution is easy to setup."
Room for Improvement
"Queries fail to retrieve the correct information, and the discovery tool does not accurately reflect the details of devices."
"The synchronization between the ITAM and Neurons should be restored."
"The solution is reasonably priced."
These insights are based on the in-depth reviews provided by peers to help you make a better buying decision.