Valuable Features:
Traceability across architecture domains - business architecture and data technology. All of them can connect the dots, and get an end-to-end view of the architecture landscape. That is one of the powerful strengths of the tool. The second strength is the ability to query and mine for information. There is also a valuable portion of the tool, where you can query, navigate through, break down, and find more information. These are at least three things that stand out.
With the amount of information that we can store, and the meta-model that is out there, we invest a lot of time in building the meta-model. Right now, it is vendor-specific. We moved away from industry standard. It makes it that much more harder for us to take this data and put it in some other tool. We've got a lot of investment in the meta-data that's out there.
Improvements to My Organization:
Architecture modeling - since it's repository-based, it's a lot easier for people to query, create their diagrams, and check for modeling rules. That's another good feature that is available. It's easy for us to enforce standards. That's also a powerful feature which we are leveraging.
Room for Improvement:
The process side love the tool. It helps them to build their current operating model and also to get to the target operating model. That has been helpful and successful. We're still struggling with challenges on the application and technology / data architecture side. That is one area where we would say there is room for improvement. Data architects certainly don't see the tool being their first choice
In terms of features that are available, data architecture, pretty much like the big data and other unstructured content coming in, or for that matter Cloud. Cloud has been around for some time. Definitely if the tool provides more out-of-the-box features, they'll be helpful. My team is responsible for promoting this tool within the enterprise, so we're actually acting as a vendor for our own consumers. We don't control the features of the product, therefore we have to rely on the vendor to provide all these features. All we can do is provide guidance. One thing certainly would help, if the industry is already going towards Cloud computing and big data, why is the product lagging behind in terms of those features? We lose out on time to market.
Let's say I want to create a visualization or I want to bring my own portal page. I have to rely on the vendor to do that. That takes away my time to market. I have all these parts that I want to present, but if it is more than 3 or 4 clicks, that's it, I lose the audience right away. If there is a way for us to accelerate and create a user profile-based user interface, like each role would have its own template. They only get to see the relevant details, and I don't have to rely on the vendor to configure and make that available to my customers. That would definitely help me.
Stability Issues:
We started off with the web interface and ran into that performance, stability-related issues, so we were directed towards Windows. We made the switch, but certainly in terms of session management or in terms of user transaction management and stability itself, like having a consistent experience, there is a desire or appetite for improvement.
Performance is not consistent, it could be a lot of factors. The user experience is some days better than others. We've been partnering with the vendor to find out, to get to the lower-level details as to what's going on and how they can improve the platform features. Certainly the presentation aspects, the usability of the tool does require people to be savvy with the product before they can derive the value. That's why in my experience I've seen a lot of the senior guys (I'm not talking about executives) such as portfolio architects, don't want to log into the tool. They think it's too hard for them to navigate. Personally, I don't find it hard. I find the tool very helpful, but I'm having difficulty selling that to my peers and to my superiors in my company.
Initial Setup:
When I joined they had rolled out MEGA 2009 (the previous version). In 2011 I started off with adoption. My primary role was to ensure that the tool was adopted. We recently upgraded to HOPEX, so pretty much we had to start all over again.
Other Solutions Considered:
We are kind of right now looking into the other vendors. It's going to be a tough choice for us, considering that half of our user community like the tool and they've gotten used to it. For us to bring on a different tool would be a little more challenging. It's not like the other tools right now are standing up. Each tool has its strengths, but when we look at it overall, we are still going to struggle with any tool that we pick.
Other Advice:
Rating: 5-7 (out of 10). Primarily because of time to market. For instance, before we moved to HOPEX, reporting was meant to be a big thing. They said, "Hey, HOPEX is going to solve most of your reporting problems." We moved to HOPEX, we are still not there yet in terms of what our customers want. In terms of innovation and time to market, we would see a lot of improvement. The core competency from the product is great. Just marketing it and getting it in the hands of the people that will be using the tool, is still a struggle, at least in my enterprise.
Other advice to users: get a handle on the common features of the tool. Most people don't do that, so they essentially struggle if they don't go through that training process. I wish there were videos available from the vendor which we could use to bring people quickly onto the toolset. I would like to have them look at YouTube videos and say "In 15 minutes, you know how to get in, how to navigate and understand." That is something that is lacking, so for me, to give the tool to someone, there is a little bit of hesitation right away, because it puts more burden on me to train them, or my colleagues to train them.
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.