NAVEX. Building a safer, stronger, and sustainable future through intelligent risk management. We believe confidence in tomorrow begins with smart risk & compliancedecisions today. With more than 13,000 customers worldwide, we offer the mostcomprehensive tools and support to help them better understand their risk andcompliance health, and to manage their GRC program more simply and efficiently.
Our NAVEX One Platform offers solutions that are built on the world’s largest database of risk intelligence information. It enables organizations to create more effective and efficient governance, risk, compliance and ESG programs. NAVEX One provides the holistic view of risk, automated processes, and insights needed to promote strong cultures, protectagainst unwanted risk and preserve the environment through sustainable practices.
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GRC Buyer's Guide and find out what your peers are saying about NAVEX One, OneTrust GRC, NAVEX Global and more!
NAVEX One is the #7 ranked solution in
top IT Governance solutions, #16 ranked solution in
top IT Vendor Risk Management solutions, and #18 ranked solution in
top GRC solutions. PeerSpot users give NAVEX One an average rating of 7.0 out of 10. NAVEX One is most commonly compared to OneTrust GRC:
NAVEX One vs OneTrust GRC. NAVEX One is popular among the large enterprise segment,
accounting for 72% of users researching this solution on PeerSpot. The top industry researching this solution are professionals from a
financial services firm, accounting for 11% of all views.