We use this product for engagement to critical outages, so we use the smart bridge functionality. All of our entire support staff is in Everbridge. Anybody and everybody that we need to get ahold of from a production perspective is in Everbridge, and we use it to engage them. This can be both singularly as an individual or as a group, and it has a calendar that escalates up the chain.
If a primary or secondary don't respond within a given amount of time, it'll go all the way up to, in our case, the VP, which is what's required by our organization.
We also use it to send out notifications to support staff, if they have a ticket in their queue that hasn't been assigned to somebody after given an allotment of time. I think it's about 30 minutes. So, if a ticket is sitting unassigned, it'll notify that team saying, "Hey, you've got a ticket out there", and they can actually respond to that particular text message saying, "yes, I accept".
At that point, Everbridge will then tell ServiceNow that this support person has accepted the ticket, and ServiceNow will then assign that ticket to that person. So, they don't even have to log into the system in order to do that.
We also are using it under certain conditions for critical alerts. If we've got a set of alerts set up such that if one of these is triggered, something imminent is going to happen, then it will engage both a SWAT team and my incident command team at the same time, stating that a bridge needs to be set up immediately for this particular issue. Everbridge does all that for us.
It also does incident subscriptions. For example, if you want to be alerted for a given platform, for a given priority, it'll send you a notification saying, "Hey, there's an issue in your platform". We send communications through it, which are self-serve from the business perspective, stating that, again, what type of platform or application that you want to be notified on. If there's an issue in that particular platform or app, you will get the notification, again, that something is going on and all of the details thereof.
It is also selected by priority, so if you want only to know about the priority one, twos, you can select just those. Or if you want to know about the non-majors, threes and fours, you can also opt into those.
The most valuable feature is the support calendars.
In the past, in my previous company, we actually did a survey and we spent over 45 minutes trying to notify and engage personnel for any given major incident. Everbridge has managed to actually reduce that to under three minutes.
Even in my new company, our engagement time is sitting right around three minutes to engage personnel to a critical outage. This means that we don't have to spend time finding out who the on-call is, or find out what their contact information is. If they don't respond, we don't have to look up their manager or their director or their VP. Everbridge does that all behind the scenes and quickly.
We are just getting into smart orchestration, which I don't have much experience with yet but I am pretty sure that I will be learning a lot about it within the next year. To this point, it has saved us time compared to my previous experience with deployment.