Our use cases for ManageEngine Desktop Central MSP are for configurations, updates, patching, and automating the patching. It is easier based on the rings that we want to update. It is much easier to update the deployment settings so any critical patches can get automatically updated. Certain patches can go through a particular sequence or test and be approved and also for software configurations or self-service portals for certain software or software license management. We also use it for MDM. MDM plays a good role with modern management and other aspects. That's a really good feature. Also the system tools are easy to manage and to maintain on any computer.
The other good aspects of it are its system tools. It comes with system tools which are really helpful for easily managing and maintaining the computers. We can schedule system activities, defragment activities, or any other sort of system maintenance activities quite easily. And then the other elements with the tool are deployment. So for any bare metal deployment where we have Dell or HP, we can have a golden image that can be deployed to multiple machines in bulk. That's another aspect of it.
One important element I would like to highlight is about the endpoint security aspects of it. We do have a good visibility and transparency on the vulnerability, threats and patches, any zero day updates. We can mitigate such risks quite easily with vulnerability management as part of the endpoint security, and the solution does have device controls. So any USB or any devices that may be be vulnerable can be protected. We have device controllability in the application solution.
It also has application controls. So any white listing, black listing or gray listing audit or enforcement mode can be easily achieved with the application manager. And I reckon we have two more. One is on the browser security, because a lot of vulnerabilities are happening based on plugins, add-ons, extensions, browser extensions, and other things. It also allows for managing multiple browsers in one go and keeping it up to date and making sure it's all protected. The bit locker management is the other element that's part of the solution.
So the whole suite is handy.
I have it both on-premises and cloud because as part of my day to day job, I need to demonstrate both based on the customer needs and requirements. So we have the SaaS solution and also we have it as an on-premises solution. The on-premises solution is preferred mostly by very security conscious organizations, but the majority are also opting for maximum security. The majority are going for SaaS based endpoint management and security solutions.
One important thing it does is protect the customers' security forte - making sure all the work station server applications are up to date and patched to mitigate any risk. That's one key element. The other one is about reducing the efforts involved. Say a customer, or we, spend quite some time doing this task, the effort has been reduced quite a lot and the efficiency improved significantly, and it saves a lot of money. The rate of return on investment is quite high with this.