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Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Logo

Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN pros and cons

Vendor: Cisco
4.0 out of 5
Badge Leader
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Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN offers scalability, supporting everything from SMBs to large enterprises.
It is known for exceptional policy configuration and traffic segmentation.
Integration with cloud services and existing hardware is seamless and efficient.
Centralized management allows monitoring of network activity across multiple locations.
Technical support is highly responsive and effective.


Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN is expensive, making pricing a concern.
Better access to a knowledge base or online documentation is needed.
Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN should include a fully functional firewall at no extra charge.
The licensing model is complex and needs improvement.
Technical support could be more helpful and responsive.

Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Pros review quotes

May 15, 2021
It is very stable with very good firmware.
Samuel Romero - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 17, 2023
Cisco products are rated to handle the heat and are very rugged, making them a good corporate standard.
Sep 23, 2020
Using SD-WAN to combine services can result in better up time, higher speeds, and much lower costs.
Learn what your peers think about Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Aug 17, 2023
The cloud environment, including cloud security integration, is very valuable because of the many API integrations with the SD-WAN.
Dec 28, 2022
The most valuable features of Cisco SD-WAN include the DIA and its integration with Cisco Umbrella for DNS security.
VENKATESHREDDY - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 10, 2022
It is very stable.
Ehsan Emad - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 25, 2021
Customizing SD-WAN is very easy because you can define two colors. You can define two different operators. You can deploy a partial mesh, a full mesh, or hub-and-spoke totally differently. If you want to do this on a DMVPN solution, that's really hard.
Malith Chandrasekara - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 3, 2021
From my observations, Cisco has been rolling out new features every other day, so I would say their speed of innovation is one of the most valuable aspects for me.
Feb 2, 2020
The segmented traffic it provides is the best in the industry right now.
Mar 5, 2020
Cisco is an industry leader, so customers have a high level of trust with the brand more-so than with some newcomers that might have some more revolutionary solutions, but no name recognition.

Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Cons review quotes

May 15, 2021
Some competitors are much faster in providing out-of-the-box solutions, more innovative solutions. In terms of innovation, in many cases, they're lagging behind.
Samuel Romero - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 17, 2023
The initial setup is complex and can be improved.
Sep 23, 2020
Cisco could do more to offer bundling of the SD-WAN and other solutions.
Learn what your peers think about Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
801,394 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Aug 17, 2023
I would like to see revision cycles to be more stable.
Dec 28, 2022
One area for improvement in Cisco SD-WAN is reporting. The report needs to give more visibility to the customer. The security feature in Cisco SD-WAN also needs improvement, particularly if Cisco wants to challenge other brands, such as Fortinet.
VENKATESHREDDY - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 10, 2022
We need them to start focusing on the SD-WAN compatibility with other environments and not being so vendor locked with Cisco environments.
Ehsan Emad - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 25, 2021
In the next release, Cisco should focus on simplifying the configuration of SD-WAN. SD-WAN has a lot of room to grow.
Malith Chandrasekara - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 3, 2021
One of the major areas that Cisco can improve on with their SD-WAN offering is their security features. When compared with Fortinet, who have what they call their 'security pillars' (e.g. firewall and security features built-in to their SD-WAN solutions), Cisco generally comes up short. With Cisco, if you need a security component, you have to pay more to get it done. So if they could add more security features that come part and parcel with their existing solutions, then I think Cisco could be very aggressive in the market.
Feb 2, 2020
Cisco's router and voice gateway has not been available since the launch of SD-WAN.
Mar 5, 2020
The client portal needs to be improved in order to make the solution much better.