Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration vs Trend Vision One - Cloud Security comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 2, 2023

Categories and Ranking

SentinelOne Singularity Clo...
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (5th), Cloud and Data Center Security (7th), Container Security (6th), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (5th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (5th), Compliance Management (4th)
Check Point Harmony Email &...
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Email Security (7th), Data Loss Prevention (DLP) (5th)
Trend Vision One - Cloud Se...
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (12th), GRC (3rd), Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS) (9th), Anti-Malware Tools (8th), Container Security (8th), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (6th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (6th)

Market share comparison

As of June 2024, in the Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) category, the market share of SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security is 1.7% and it increased by 88.8% compared to the previous year. The market share of Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration is 1.0% and it decreased by 18.1% compared to the previous year. The market share of Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is 1.5% and it decreased by 32.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Unique Categories:
Vulnerability Management
Email Security
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Application Security Tools

Featured Reviews

Sathvik Kallepalli - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 11, 2024
Provides visibility, saves time, and automatically maps networks
We renewed our contract with PingSafe for another year because it's extremely easy to use. The user-friendly UI, along with its integration with Jira and the ability to consume alerts through Slack, make it a valuable tool for our team. Evidence-based reporting facilitates addressing complaints related to mandatory controls. PingSafe offers an option for high-alert items to be kept publicly available if we're confident we have appropriate controls implemented. PingSafe's agentless vulnerability scanning has identified a significant number of vulnerabilities. PingSafe's evidence-based reporting, particularly its proof of exploitability, is highly valuable. For example, their recommendations significantly reduce investigation time and allow us to easily research vulnerabilities using tags. This targeted approach helps stakeholders prioritize and address critical vulnerabilities efficiently through the dashboard. We utilize the offensive security engine, but fortunately, it doesn't detect many vulnerabilities. It primarily identifies publicly known patch versions and the exposure of the SMTP service. On the other hand, I would rate the ASM functionality an eight out of ten. IaC scanning has been effective in identifying code-level issues whenever infrastructure as code is scanned. PingSafe automatically populates and maps our network, identifying any misconfigurations within the first two hours of deployment. It has reduced false positives by around 90 percent. Our mean time to detection has been improved, especially for critical areas. Our mean time to remediation has been improved as well. PingSafe has improved our risk posture by providing visibility into our cloud infrastructure. PingSafe improved the collaboration between the cloud security application developers and the app security team. It helped our developers save time.
Mar 2, 2023
Good security and integration but needs better documentation
Our corporate environment requires business protection for email and our collaboration tools to avoid threats, spam, and ransomware, among other threats coming in through email. This could have great effects on our systems and equipment. With Check Point, we can protect our data in the cloud with…
Troy Riegsecker - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 30, 2024
Improves our traffic visibility, saves us time, and identifies blind spots
The biggest problem was that I couldn't see our East-West network traffic between our endpoints. However, I could see North-South traffic, meaning anything that went up to the firewall and back. This meant if, for example, a coworker and I were sending something malicious to each other, I wouldn't be able to see it or tell where it was coming from. I might get an alert saying suspicious activity was detected, but wouldn't have specific details. Implementing an XDR system changed this. Now, I can see all East-West traffic and set up rules for specific actions if certain events occur. I can also filter the information to focus on what's most important. Every day, I review XDR alerts, investigate them, and determine if they're suspicious or not. We use Trend Vision One - Cloud Security across all our endpoints, including PCs, laptops, and servers. The coverage it provides is extremely important. We leverage Trend Vision's XDR capabilities for enhanced threat detection and response. Additionally, we utilize the Trend Vision One - Cloud Security app security solution. We have Trend Vision One - Cloud Security as a service, and I also manage TippingPoint. Our cybersecurity posture is significantly stronger than it was four years ago. Back then, we were hit by a ransomware attack, which exposed vulnerabilities in our security measures. We were only spending around eight thousand dollars annually on cybersecurity, and as the company grew rapidly, investments in cybersecurity weren't prioritized. While achieving absolute security is impossible, we are demonstrably more secure than ever before. Trend Vision One - Cloud Security provides centralized visibility. Every day, I log into Vision One and the first thing I check is my risk score. Based on my score, I take action. For example, if my score jumps from 36 to 50, I investigate the change in Vision One. Vision One tells me what caused the increase and offers specific recommendations. I can then easily see what actions will reduce my risk. For example, I might see that fixing a specific vulnerability will lower my score by six points, but another fix won't help. Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is a powerful tool, and that's just a glimpse of its capabilities. It shows me my OS vulnerabilities, application vulnerabilities, and even critical business exposures. For example, it might alert me to an Adobe CBE and tell me which devices are affected. This allows me to quickly identify and patch vulnerable devices. Furthermore, I can directly initiate patching from Vision One. Additionally, I can use integrated products like Container Security for AWS to gain comprehensive security insights across different environments, all within the same platform. Every day, I start by logging into the Executive Dashboard. It's the first thing I check, as it provides me with my risk index and a summary of potential issues. Furthermore, I can view information about our devices, risk levels, and other relevant data points. After reviewing the Executive Dashboard, I transition to the Operations Dashboard for a more granular look at individual devices and their associated risks. Before XDR, I could spend hours trying to track down the issue behind an alert. Now, everything is at my fingertips within Vision One. I simply click on the link, and it gives me all the information I need: who the user is, the PC name, and relevant context depending on the alert type e.g., a suspicious email. So, instead of spending hours figuring out the source of the alert, I can now resolve it in just a couple of minutes. With the managed XDR service, I have peace of mind knowing that if they find something suspicious, they will alert me immediately. They can even call me and say, "Hey, we found some unusual activity and stopped it. Do you want us to continue investigating or revert to the previous state?" I can then confidently say yes and trust that they are handling the situation effectively. I've received calls in the past late at night about suspicious activity, and I'm grateful that I don't have to be the one monitoring everything 24/7. Now, I have a team of experts who do it for me, providing a significant advantage over-relying on a single person. They only alert me when something serious arises, allowing me to focus on other matters. The managed XDR service has freed up our team's time by eliminating the need for 24/7 on-call duty with Vision One. This allows us to focus on other tasks instead of spending hours diagnosing potential issues. Now, we're able to resolve concerns in minutes, freeing up additional time for projects and other responsibilities. While I find the Attack Surface Risk Management module to be a valuable addition to the executive dashboard, I don't utilize the Attack Surface Discovery feature as frequently, maybe once a week. This is primarily because I rely on the XDR management system to monitor for potential threats and alert me to anything critical. Manually reviewing the detailed discovery overview doesn't add significant value at present, as I trust the XDR system to flag any urgent issues. The Attack Surface Risk Management module helps to identify blind spots in our environment, especially where assets are highly exposed. It presents explainable CDZs and provides a rich asset score for each PC or device. This allows me to easily identify high-risk devices and investigate further. For example, when I saw a server with a suspicious file flagged as a 96 high-risk alert, I could investigate and find that it was an Excel file with a macro, explaining the risk. I can then determine if it's a false positive and communicate this appropriately. The module's continuous learning ensures improved accuracy over time. Implementing the managed XDR has significantly reduced our time to detect and respond to threats. Previously, I received security alerts via email, which could be delayed. Additionally, I often needed to manually review logs and scan results, which was time-consuming and inefficient. Now, the managed XDR provides timely alerts directly in the platform, streamlining my workflow and keeping me informed promptly. This has saved me one to two hours per day. Implementing a managed XDR solution has significantly reduced the number of false positives I encounter. This allows me to identify and address real issues much faster. Instead of spending 45 minutes tracking down potential threats, I can now simply click a link and determine if an alert is legitimate within three minutes. We use playbooks that have certain rules and are set up to automatically take action when they find something suspicious. This way, I don't have to sit there and make judgment calls every single day. If a certain event occurs, or if we discover something unexpected, I can create a playbook to automatically start looking for it everywhere on the network.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature is the ability to gain deep visibility into the workloads inside containers."
"The most valuable feature of PingSafe is its integration with most of our technology stack, specifically all of our cloud platforms and ticketing software."
"Cloud Native Security is user-friendly. Everything in the Cloud Native Security tool is straightforward, including detections, integration, reporting, etc. They are constantly improving their UI by adding plugins and other features."
"It used to guide me about an alert. There is something called an alert guide. I used to click on the alert guide, and I could read everything. I could read about the alert and how to resolve it. I used to love that feature."
"The solution is a good alerting tool."
"PingSafe offers an intuitive user interface that lets us navigate quickly and easily."
"Atlas security graph is pretty cool. It maps out relationships between components on AWS, like load balancers and servers. This helps visualize potential attack paths and even suggests attack paths a malicious actor might take."
"The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best features."
"This product enhances faster and more secure sharing of information among colleagues from different departments."
"Its characteristics are adapted to the most modern threats."
"The feature I find to be most valuable is very much the zero-touch provisioning. I was able to be up, operational, and 100 percent functional in less than a half an hour."
"The API is its most valuable feature. On the API side, relative to the rest of the market, Check Point is decades ahead of its competitors."
"Its total protection has been the greatest aspect since it completely protects all the mail from the cloud."
"It fully protects colleagues from visiting insecure sites and browsing in unhealthy environments."
"The product is reliable and sturdy."
"The most valuable features would be its ability to intercept phishing emails and emails laden with malware, viruses, false links, etc."
"The most valuable features are intrusion prevention and anti-malware capabilities."
"The security is good."
"Trend Vision One - Cloud Security's best features are security analysis, remote access security, and driver security."
"Vision One is versatile and can be integrated with many SIEMs. You're not limited to only one SIEM, such as Microsoft Sentinel. The API integrations are seamless, and we have all the documentation needed to integrate Vision One via API."
"The the most valuable feature is the scanning engine. It does not impact server performance. It's very lightweight."
"The tech support is excellent. They really know their products. They also know a lot of about the integrations between different solutions."
"It has the best EDR functionality for cloud and typical endpoints."
"Virtual patching is one of the key features, which is executed with their IPS."


"There's room for improvement in the graphic explorer."
"I'd like to see better onboarding documentation."
"The Infrastructure as Code service available in PingSafe and the services available in AWS cloud security can be merged so that we can get the security data directly from AWS cloud in PingSafe. This way, all the data related to security will be in one single place. Currently, we have to check a couple of things on PingSafe, and we have to validate that same data on the AWS Cloud to be sure. If they can collaborate like that, it will be great."
"Whenever I view the processes and the process aspect, it takes a long time to load."
"The Kubernetes scanning on the Oracle Cloud needs to be improved. It's on the roadmap. AWS has this capability, but it's unavailable for Oracle Cloud."
"PingSafe can improve by eliminating 100 percent of the false positives."
"Crafting customized policies can be tricky."
"While PingSafe offers real-time response, there is room for improvement in alert accuracy."
"if a phishing email were to get through and bypass the product — which very few do — it would be nice if, when a user clicked on that phishing email, they got a second-chance opportunity, a chance to double-check that they really wanted to proceed to that website."
"We understand that false positives are always there, but sometimes the notifications are more than expected."
"A phishing simulator would be helpful as a user training module."
"It's not fully integrated with Google Workspace, and the statistics don't update in real-time."
"Check Point's technical support is very much of a low level, especially with respect to other vendors and OEMs."
"Some files are not scanned thoroughly due to occasional network failures."
"Some undefined threats can bypass the security system when there is a networking failure in the organization."
"They could help us be integrating features with solutions from third parties."
"The pricing can get high."
"There are also some loopholes because it's a new product that they have recently migrated to the cloud. We do see some issues with the policies we have assigned when it comes to a particular account. There are some issues with system support, such as a particular server kernel version that is not supported."
"While it provides some data protection within its security framework, it doesn't allow users to customize policies or create their own for specific needs."
"The initial setup can be complex for the inexperienced."
"Trend Vision One - Cloud Security should address threats automatically without having user input."
"The dashboard should be a bit more intuitive."
"The firewall configuration should have been automated based on the understanding of the application, utilities, and protocols."
"Securing S3 using Trend Vision One - Cloud Security can cost too much. Trend Vision One - Cloud Security has a tool that requires lots of privileges. From my understanding, it's only for static application testing, so they need to add dynamic application testing, and there should be more collaboration with the application testing tools on the market. We have not used this product, and I don't know if they plan to decommission it or something. They should focus on application security because this tool's unique feature is multi-cloud support. However, they should improve integration with tools for these kinds of use cases, especially application security and dynamic scanning. For example, I would like it to support Dell SecureOps. I'd also like to see some enhancements to API gateway security."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is cheap."
"As a partner, we receive a discount on the licenses."
"It was reasonable pricing for me."
"The pricing for PingSafe in India was more reasonable than other competitors."
"I understand that SentinelOne is a market leader, but the bill we received was astronomical."
"For pricing, it currently seems to be in line with market rates."
"PingSafe falls somewhere in the middle price range, neither particularly cheap nor expensive."
"Pricing is based on modules, which was ideal for us."
"Reasonable cost, quick and easy implementation, and transparent."
"The product’s price is very high."
"You can get CloudGuard as part of Infinity. When you do the solution through Infinity, it's a per user type of license cost."
"One of the nice features is that the licensing model is elastic, so if you go over your license count, you can add users during your billing cycle and true-up later."
"The product is expensive compared to some competitors, especially for the SME segment."
"I rate the platform’s pricing a seven and a half."
"The pricing and licensing are always negotiable."
"The product is expensive."
"Pricing for Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security in the corporate market is okay."
"The pricing for Cloud One is reasonable because my costs scale up and down based on my infrastructure usage."
"While Trend Vision One - Cloud Security was a cost-effective solution for us in 2021, we've noticed a recent price increase that makes it less affordable."
"With everything I deal with, Trend Micro Cloud One's pricing is somewhere in the middle."
"The is price is 25% cheaper than it was a couple of years ago, which is good."
"The price could be lower. That is a bit of a consideration."
"One year ago, Trend transitioned to a credit system for licensing, which has confused users."
"It's a slightly expensive product."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Real Estate/Law Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Energy/Utilities Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about PingSafe?
The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best featu...
What needs improvement with PingSafe?
When I joined my organization, I saw that PingSafe was already implemented. I started to use the tool's alerting feat...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Check Point Harmony Email & Office?
The product is expensive compared to some competitors, especially for the SME segment in India. On average, it's arou...
What is your primary use case for Check Point Harmony Email & Office?
We use the product to address core, perimeter, and administrative security requirements for firewalls within our envi...
What do you like most about Check Point Harmony Email & Office?
The product offers good and easy integration capabilities with other products.
What do you like most about Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security?
The the most valuable feature is the scanning engine. It does not impact server performance. It's very lightweight.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security?
The is price is 25% cheaper than it was a couple of years ago, which is good.
What needs improvement with Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security?
The local agent should be able to show more logs. At present, the logs are only available from the web console and no...

Also Known As

Check Point CloudGuard, Check Point CloudGuard SaaS , Check Point Harmony Email & Office
Trend Micro Cloud One , Cloud One Workload Security, Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security, Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security, Cloud One File Storage Security, Cloud One Network Security, Cloud One Conformity



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Helvetia, Denham Capital, Daymark Solutions, Neopharm Group
Find out what your peers are saying about Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration vs. Trend Vision One - Cloud Security and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
787,061 professionals have used our research since 2012.