Exabeam vs Splunk Enterprise Security comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) (5th), Security Incident Response (7th), Threat Intelligence Platforms (21st), Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) (13th), AI-Powered Cybersecurity Platforms (4th)
Splunk Enterprise Security
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Log Management (1st), IT Operations Analytics (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) category, the mindshare of Exabeam is 0.5%, down from 1.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Splunk Enterprise Security is 10.8%, down from 12.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Unique Categories:
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Security Incident Response
Log Management
IT Operations Analytics

Featured Reviews

Apr 26, 2020
Good at security logging in our infrastructure but be prepared for problems if you start with a large implementation
We had RSA earlier, we were a mature client, we had a big bang kind of start. Exabeam was really prepared there. We had some issues that we were able to sort out. They sent very experienced engineers to help us with the issues we had. Now we have a technical account manager. We are very pleased with it. Now, it looks much better but it's a large implementation. If you have a large implementation with lots of data you can expect a few issues and problems. If you start off with a small implementation then it would be a different story. We started off with loads and loads of data that we wanted to ingest. After a couple of months, things look a lot better.
Jun 13, 2024
Reduces MTTR, improves efficiency, and centralizes everything
AI is everywhere, and I feel we need to discover AI for cybersecurity. For the last five years, I myself have been setting up a product and evaluating AI, but I did not do it directly in Splunk because there was some fear about the performance on the platform. That is why we chose to build our own platform based on S3 and AWS to execute and run all the algorithms and send the data back into Splunk. We now have a good base with innovation. We have a better base to directly include machine learning use cases in Enterprise Security, but they need to provide more capability and autonomy to the customers because there is so much to do. When you are lucky enough to have a team of data scientists, they want to have free hands, so a balance has to be found between giving a lot of autonomy and putting enough control so that they do not do something stupid on the platform, which can impact the performance of the standard use cases as well. There is a compromise there. However, AI is growing so fast that you absolutely need to give autonomy to the team to manage and utilize AI. This means providing easy access to a new library to build machine learning. They need to give us some flexibility, and it seems that with the new toolkit, it would be okay. Data scientists love to have freedom. Splunk Enterprise Security provides us with the relevant context to help guide our investigations, but it would be interesting to add even more context, for instance, in order to raise the level of risk. That is something that can be implemented. For instance, when it comes to data loss prevention, it is known that somebody who is about to leave the company is much more likely to take data. If you have this information soon enough, because the person will tell HR in advance, you can increase the level of risk for data loss for that user, but you do not always get to know that in advance. In such cases, some indicators in the behavior of the users who are leaving could be connected to AI. For instance, if you are using natural language programming, you can grab emails with words like farewell. There are plenty of keywords that you can catch that would give you an indication that the person is about to live. When you have internal and external partners, they can leave at any time. You do not always get the information in advance, but there are always farewell parties or goodbye emails. You can use this kind of information to raise their risk on the specific alert. It is efficient in the sense that you decrease your false positive rate. To me, AI is something that can help them accelerate and improve on what they are already doing. Splunk Enterprise Security is very costly. Pricing is probably its weakest spot.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I have customers that like the EUBA functionality of it. The solution has the ability to build a session, basically. It pulls a lot of information together, for example, everything a user does in a specific timeframe. It's quite helpful."
"Timeline based analysis; good platform support"
"The advanced analytics has a really great overview of user behavior."
"The most valuable feature of Exabeam Fusion SIEM is the easy-to-use user interface."
"It's a very user-friendly product and it's a very comprehensive technology."
"The way it can connect with AWS is very useful, and the integrations are pretty good."
"Exabeam Fusion SIEM has a good performance and more advantages than traditional solutions."
"The solution's initial setup process is easy."
"Splunk Enterprise Security offers two valuable features: the Common Information Model and arrangement modules."
"We can do things in minutes instead of days."
"It follows MITRE ATT&CK and Cyber Kill Chain frameworks. There are certain notable events for which we can configure our security posture."
"The connections to the database are very good and updating the data files is simple to do. The dashboards are useful and user-friendly."
"The tool helps with advanced reports and keeps the system scalable and flexible. It provides a clear picture of the current status of any incidents. As a CISO, I see a lot of potential for future innovation, which is interesting. I've noticed better performance, especially with the reports."
"It has virtual visualization, and other products do not."
"Its integration is most valuable. Its UI is also pretty much easy."
"Splunk's visualizations make it easy for users to understand the data."


"They need to focus on more of the MITRE ATT&CK Framework and coverage. They claim they cover about 70 to 80%. I'm not sure if it's really quite that much, however."
"The organzation is rigid and not flexible in the way they operate"
"The initial setup of Exabeam Fusion SIEM is complex because it needs to integrate with the SIEM solution, but after this is complete it is straightforward."
"We had a large volume right from the beginning and they weren't quite prepared for that. That's something that they should think about when it comes to customers that have a large volume to start off with."
"Adding to the number of certifications that they have, for example, ISO 27001, would be helpful."
"We still have questions surrounding hardware deployment."
"I believe if it were more flexible it would be a better product."
"They should provide detailed information about detecting phishing emails."
"Splunk can improve its third-party device application plugins."
"Given the ever-increasing number of threats, I would like Splunk to update its threat signatures more frequently."
"The configuration had a bit of a learning curve."
"We'd like to have the number of devices covered under the license to be increased."
"You do need a lot of training and certification with this product."
"This is a costly solution."
"This is not really a monitoring solution."
"While scheduled reports can be embedded, Splunk dashboard can not be embedded directly without enabling cross origin."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"They have a great model for pricing that can be based either on user count or gigabits per day."
"There is an annual license required to use Exabeam Fusion SIEM. The price of the solution should be reduced."
"The solution is expensive."
"Exabeam Fusion SIEM's pricing is reasonable."
"It is economical than other solutions."
"We have an unlimited one, and we pay yearly, but I don't know how much it costs. Previously, I worked for a startup, and when they started building it up, it was complicated for them because they didn't have the budget for that many licenses. It was very costly for them. So, startups might find it a little bit problematic because of the licensing, but for bigger companies, there is no issue."
"The solution is costly."
"The pricing model is based on the number of gigabytes that you ingest into the Splunk system. So it can be an expensive solution."
"This solution is costly. Splunk is obviously a great product, but you should only choose this product if you need all the features provided. Otherwise, if you don't need all the features to meet your requirements, there are probably other products that will be more cost-effective. It's cost versus the functionality requirement."
"Splunk Enterprise Security is expensive but the solution is equipped with a lot of features."
"While some clients find the cost of Splunk Enterprise Security to be on the higher end, its pricing is comparable to other SIEM solutions."
"Licensing is a yearly, one-time cost."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions are best for your needs.
790,361 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

Feb 26, 2015
HP ArcSight vs. IBM QRadar vs. ​McAfee Nitro vs. Splunk vs. RSA Security vs. LogRhythm
We at Infosecnirvana.com have done several posts on SIEM. After the Dummies Guide on SIEM, we are following it up with a SIEM Product Comparison – 101 deck. So, here it is for your viewing pleasure. Let me know what you think by posting your comments below. The key products compared here are…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What are the biggest differences between Securonix UEBA, Exabeam, and IBM QRadar?
It mostly depends on your use-cases and environment. Exabeam and Securonix have a stronger UEBA feature set, friendlier GUI and are not licensed based on capacity (amount of logs and information in...
What do you like most about Exabeam Fusion SIEM?
The solution's initial setup process is easy.
What SOC product do you recommend?
For tools I’d recommend: -SIEM- LogRhythm -SOAR- Palo Alto XSOAR Doing commercial w/o both (or at least an XDR) is asking to miss details that are critical, and ending up a statistic. Also, rememb...
What is a better choice, Splunk or Azure Sentinel?
It would really depend on (1) which logs you need to ingest and (2) what are your use cases Splunk is easy for ingestion of anything, but the charge per GB/Day Indexed and it gets expensive as log ...
How does Splunk compare with Azure Monitor?
Splunk handles a high amount of data very well. We use Splunk to capture information and as an aggregator for monitoring information from different sources. Splunk is very good at alerting us if we...

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Sample Customers

Hulu, ADP, Safeway, BBCN Bank
Splunk has more than 7,000 customers spread across over 90 countries. These customers include Telenor, UniCredit, ideeli, McKenney's, Tesco, and SurveyMonkey.
Find out what your peers are saying about Exabeam vs. Splunk Enterprise Security and other solutions. Updated: June 2024.
790,361 professionals have used our research since 2012.