Exabeam vs Swimlane comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Sentinel
Ranking in Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) (2nd), Microsoft Security Suite (5th)
Ranking in Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) (28th), User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) (5th), Security Incident Response (7th), Threat Intelligence Platforms (21st), AI-Powered Cybersecurity Platforms (4th)
Ranking in Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) category, the mindshare of Microsoft Sentinel is 22.4%, up from 20.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Exabeam is 1.6%, down from 2.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Swimlane is 4.9%, up from 3.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)
Unique Categories:
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Microsoft Security Suite
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Nov 10, 2023
It's a plug-and-play solution, so you can start seeing benefits quickly using the out-of-the-box analytics rules and use cases
The SOAR playbooks are Sentinel's most valuable feature. It gives you a unified toolset for detecting, investigating, and responding to incidents. That's what clearly differentiates Sentinels from its competitors. It's cloud-native, offering end-to-end coverage with more than 120 connectors. All types of data logs can be poured into the system so analysis can happen. That end-to-end visibility gives it the advantage. Sentinel's AI and automation capabilities make our SOC team's job easy. When logs come into Sentinel, the AI engine analyzes, contextualizes, and correlates them. The AI is correlating the data from multiple log sources and giving us alerts. We depend on that. We also perform automated remediation based on our SOAR playbooks.
AYOUB ECH-CHKAF - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 10, 2023
An easy-to-use solution, but its data lake features could be simple to understand
We use the solution to investigate incidents and create rules for use cases The solution provides an easy-to-use platform to create rules for use cases. The solution's data lake features could be easier to understand for end users. They should also provide detailed information about detecting…
Srikanth Nuthalapati - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 30, 2023
Great support, scalable, and easier to code
The stability of the solution has room for improvement. I would like Swimlane to provide a single space where we can go to code, build, and automate. Where we have a provision to create tables, playbooks, and tables to produce results, connect all the dots, and make the flow automated. This would make it much easier to navigate than having to jump to different places. I would like to have a single button to click that would start me on the journey of creating my own code from the ground up, from the workflow algorithm to the automation process. This would be simpler than what I had with Splunk Phantom, where I had to piece things together and connect the dots to get the full picture. With this new feature, I could create the full picture with just one button click.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The features that stand out are the detection engine and its integration with multiple data sources."
"The Log analytics are useful."
"Sentinel has an intuitive, user-friendly way to visualize the data properly. It gives me a solid overview of all the logs. We get a more detailed view that I can't get from the other SIEM tools. It has some IP and URL-specific allow listing"
"Sentinel pricing is good"
"Sentinel's most important feature is the ability to centralize all the logs in one place. There's no need to search multiple systems for information."
"I believe one of the main advantages is Microsoft Sentinel's seamless integration with other Microsoft products."
"The data connectors that Microsoft Sentinel provides are easy to integrate when we work with a Microsoft agent."
"Sentinel also enables you to ingest data from your entire ecosystem and not just from the Microsoft ecosystem. It can receive data from third-party vendors' products such firewalls, network devices, and antivirus solutions. It's not only a Microsoft solution, it's for everything."
"The advanced analytics has a really great overview of user behavior."
"The setup is not difficult. It was easy."
"Exabeam Fusion SIEM has a good performance and more advantages than traditional solutions."
"Timeline based analysis; good platform support"
"The user interface and the timelines they use are the most valuable features. The price model is very simple so that one can understand it easily and there are no surprises within it."
"The most valuable feature of Exabeam Fusion SIEM is the easy-to-use user interface."
"The way it can connect with AWS is very useful, and the integrations are pretty good."
"The solution's initial setup process is easy."
"It provides us with a single portal for our logs from different solutions."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is the support."
"The technical support from Swimlane is very good."


"There is some relatively advanced knowledge that you have to have to properly leverage Sentinel's full capabilities. I'm thinking about things like the creation of workbooks, how you do threat-hunting, and the kinds of notifications you're getting... It takes time for people to ramp up on that and develop a familiarity or expertise with it."
"Sometimes, we are observing large ingestion delays. We expect logs within 5 minutes, but it takes about 10 to 15 minutes."
"We'd like also a better ticketing system, which is older."
"If I see an alert and I want to drill down and get more details about the alert, it's not just one click. In other SIEM tools, you just have to click the IP address of the entity and they give you the complete picture. In Sentinel, you have to write queries or use saved queries to get details."
"Add more out-of-the-box connectors with other SaaS platforms/applications."
"At the network level, there is a limitation in integrating some of the switches or routers with Microsoft Sentinel. Currently, SPAN traffic monitoring is not available in Microsoft Sentinel. I have heard that it is available in Defender for Identity, which is a different product. It would be good if LAN traffic monitoring or SPAN traffic monitoring is available in Microsoft Sentinel. It would add a lot of value. It is available in some of the competitor products in the market."
"Microsoft Sentinel should provide an alternative query language to KQL for users who lack KQL expertise."
"I would like to be able to monitor applications outside of the Azure Cloud."
"Adding to the number of certifications that they have, for example, ISO 27001, would be helpful."
"The organzation is rigid and not flexible in the way they operate"
"The only problem is that the UI is not very impressive."
"They need to focus on more of the MITRE ATT&CK Framework and coverage. They claim they cover about 70 to 80%. I'm not sure if it's really quite that much, however."
"We had a large volume right from the beginning and they weren't quite prepared for that. That's something that they should think about when it comes to customers that have a large volume to start off with."
"Updating the new release of Exabeam Fusion SIEM takes time and slows our performance."
"We still have questions surrounding hardware deployment."
"The initial setup of Exabeam Fusion SIEM is complex because it needs to integrate with the SIEM solution, but after this is complete it is straightforward."
"We faced a lot of issues with the product’s stability."
"The stability of the solution has room for improvement."
"The initial setup and deployment are complex."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The combination of the ease of accessibility and the free cost of the service is great. But we buy storage based on our events per second and on how many sources are integrated into the solution."
"I have had mixed feedback. At one point, I heard a client say that it sometimes seems more expensive. Most of the clients are on Office 365 or M365, and they are forced to take Azure SIEM because of the integration."
"I'm not happy with the pricing on the integration with Defender for Endpoint. Defender for Endpoint is log-rich. There is a lot of information coming through, and it is needed information. The price point at which you ingest those logs has made a lot of my customers make the decision to leave that within the Defender stack."
"Sentinel is fairly priced and pretty cost-effective."
"There are no additional costs other than the initial costs of Sentinel."
"For us, it is not expensive at this time, but if we start to collect all logs from our on-premise SIEM solutions, it will cost more than QRadar. If we calculate its cost over the next five or ten years, it will cost more than what we paid for QRadar."
"Microsoft Sentinel is expensive."
"Sentinel is expensive relative to other products of the class, so it often isn't affordable for small-scale businesses. However, considering the solution has more extensive capabilities than others, the price is not so high. Pricing is based on GBs of ingested daily data, either by a pay-as-you-go or subscription model."
"Exabeam Fusion SIEM's pricing is reasonable."
"The solution is expensive."
"There is an annual license required to use Exabeam Fusion SIEM. The price of the solution should be reduced."
"They have a great model for pricing that can be based either on user count or gigabits per day."
Information not available
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

Is there a common threat intelligence tool that aggregates multiple threat intelligence sources?
Yes, Azure Sentinel is a SIEM on the Cloud. Multiple data sources can be uploaded and analyzed with Azure Sentinel an...
What is a better choice, Splunk or Azure Sentinel?
It would really depend on (1) which logs you need to ingest and (2) what are your use cases Splunk is easy for ingest...
Which is better - Azure Sentinel or AWS Security Hub?
We like that Azure Sentinel does not require as much maintenance as legacy SIEMs that are on-premises. Azure Sentinel...
What are the biggest differences between Securonix UEBA, Exabeam, and IBM QRadar?
It mostly depends on your use-cases and environment. Exabeam and Securonix have a stronger UEBA feature set, friendli...
What do you like most about Exabeam Fusion SIEM?
The solution's initial setup process is easy.
What do you like most about Swimlane?
It provides us with a single portal for our logs from different solutions.
What needs improvement with Swimlane?
We faced a lot of issues with the product’s stability. Sometimes we find bugs in the plug-ins. We experience some lat...
What is your primary use case for Swimlane?
I use the solution for receiving alerts and case creation. It is used as a ticketing system.

Also Known As

Azure Sentinel
No data available
No data available



Sample Customers

Microsoft Sentinel is trusted by companies of all sizes including ABM, ASOS, Uniper, First West Credit Union, Avanade, and more.
Hulu, ADP, Safeway, BBCN Bank
LinkedIn, TransUnion, Citrix, Aetna, Perspecta
Find out what your peers are saying about Exabeam vs. Swimlane and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
790,637 professionals have used our research since 2012.