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Microsoft Defender for Cloud vs SentinelOne Singularity Complete comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 7, 2023

Categories and Ranking

SentinelOne Singularity Clo...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (6th), Cloud and Data Center Security (5th), Container Security (5th), Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) (5th), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (4th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (4th), Compliance Management (4th)
Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (8th), Container Management (11th), Container Security (4th), Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) (3rd), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (3rd), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (3rd), Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) (3rd), Microsoft Security Suite (3rd), Compliance Management (2nd)
SentinelOne Singularity Com...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (2nd), Anti-Malware Tools (2nd), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) (3rd), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Featured Reviews

Andrew W - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 29, 2024
Tells us about vulnerabilities as well as their impact and helps to focus on real issues
Looking at all the different pieces, it has got everything we need. Some of the pieces we do not even use. For example, we do not have Kubernetes Security. We are not running any K8 clusters, so it is good for us. Overall, we find the solution to be fantastic. There can be additional education components. This may not be truly fair to them because of what the product is going for, but it would be great to see additional education for compliance. It is not a criticism of the tool per se, but anything to help non-development resources understand some of the complexities of the cloud is always appreciated. Any additional educational resources are always helpful for security teams, especially those without a development background.
Nicolo-De Jesus - PeerSpot reviewer
May 12, 2023
The solution's unified portal is essential for managing and providing visibility across our hybrid and multi-cloud environments
We use Microsoft Defender for Cloud to natively support Azure Cloud. Microsoft Defender for Cloud's ability to protect our hybrid environments is definitely critical because we are on the journey of transitioning from hybrid to the cloud. In order to do that, we need a platform that can help us through the transition. The solution's unified portal is essential for managing and providing visibility across our hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Visibility is something that every security operation needs and it gives us leverage to improve our security posture. This is great. The single pane of glass view is critical for our organization. This is because we previously used a different platform, so we are all familiar with its features and how to improve upon them. Our heavy investment in Microsoft products made Defender for Cloud a natural choice. Our goal is to increase our secure score. As we take steps to mitigate risk, our secure score will increase, giving us the feeling that our cloud resources are secure. Microsoft Defender for Cloud significantly improves security operations. Instead of having to look at multiple windows or portals, it provides a single pane of glass for the investigation and remediation of cloud resource risks. Microsoft Defender for Cloud helps us proactively discover unknown threats and defend against known threats. It also helps us improve our security posture and defend our cloud resources. We do not normally have external Internet-facing resources, but when we do, Microsoft Defender for Cloud helps us meet compliance requirements.
May 29, 2024
Saves us time, improves security, and reduces alerts
I am an MSP and provide service on behalf of SentinelOne. I manage the incident logs from SentinelOne for our clients We integrated the SysLog server with SentinelOne without any issues. SentinelOne Singularity Complete saves clients time by offering a comprehensive security solution that…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable features of PingSafe are the asset inventory and issue indexing."
"It's positively affected the communication between cloud security, application developers, and AppSec teams."
"Cloud Native Security offers a valuable tool called an offensive search engine."
"As a frequently audited company, we value PingSafe's compliance monitoring features. They give us a report with a compliance score for how well we meet certain regulatory standards, like HIPAA. We can show our compliance as a percentage. It's also a way to show that we are serious about security."
"The mean time to detect has been reduced."
"It is advantageous in terms of time-saving and cost reduction."
"Cloud Native Security offers attack path analysis."
"Our previous product took a lot of man hours to manage. Once we got Singularity Cloud Workload Security, it freed up our time to work on other tasks."
"With respect to improving our security posture, it helps us to understand where we are in terms of compliance. We can easily know when we are below the standard because of the scores it calculates."
"The most valuable features are ransomware protection and access controls. The solution has helped us secure some folders on our systems from unauthorized modifications."
"The solution is up-to-date with the latest updates and identified threats."
"It's quite a good product. It helps to understand the infections and issues you are facing."
"It works seamlessly on the Azure platform because it's a Microsoft app. Its setup is similar, so if you already have a Microsoft account, it just flows into it."
"When we started out, our secure score was pretty low. We adopted some of the recommendations that Security Center set out and we were able to make good progress on improving it. It had been in the low thirties and is now in the upper eighties."
"We can create alerts that trigger if there is any malicious activity happening in the workflow and these alerts can be retrieved using the query language."
"We saw improvement from a regulatory compliance perspective due to having a single dashboard."
"For me, the most valuable feature is the Deep Visibility. It gives you the ability to search all actions that were taken on a specific machine, like writing register keys, executing software, opening, reading, and writing files. All that stuff is available from the SentinelOne console. I'm able to see which software is permanent on a machine, and how that happened, whether by registry keys or writing it to a special folder on the machine."
"It has saved us from a couple of ransomware attacks already."
"The terminating or killing remediation process that they use is top-notch. Pretty much anything that is even remotely malicious gets blocked by it within seconds. That is important for us. We have thousands of endpoints with tens of thousands of users. It is hard to do good security for that many people without some kind of automated detection and response. That is what SentinelOne does for us. It helps us automate that process."
"SentinelOne has helped us to improve our security by fine-tuning our current use cases and creating new ones."
"The most valuable features of SentinelOne are the endpoint detection of threats, and it does not only rely on signatures for detection."
"The rollback feature is the most valuable aspect of the solution."
"The visibility component is the most valuable feature."
"The setup is very straightforward."


"A vulnerability alert would appear, and we'd fix it, but then the same alert would return the next day."
"One of our use cases was setting up a firewall for our endpoints, specifically for our remote users... We were hoping to utilize SentinelOne's firewall capabilities, but there were limitations on how many URLs we could implement. Because of those limitations on the number of URLs, we weren't able to utilize that feature in the way we had hoped to."
"The integration with Oracle has room for improvement."
"One area for improvement could be the internal analysis process, specifically the guidance provided for remediation."
"Currently, we would have to export our vulnerability report to an .xlsx file, and review it in an Excel spreadsheet, and then we sort of compile a list from there. It would be cool if there was a way to actually toggle multiple applications for review and then see those file paths on multiple users rather than only one user at a time or only one application at a time."
"I'd like to see better onboarding documentation."
"I request that SentinelOne investigate this false positive, as SentinelOne has a higher false positive rate than other XDR solutions."
"The categorization of the results from the vulnerability assessment could be improved."
"The overview provides you with good information, but if you want more details, there is a lot more customization to do, which requires knowledge of the other supporting solutions."
"I felt that there was disconnection in terms of understanding the UI. The communication for moving from the old UI to the new UI could be improved. It was a bit awkward."
"For Kubernetes, I was using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). To see that whatever is getting deployed into AKS goes through the correct checks and balances in terms of affinities and other similar aspects and follows all the policies, we had to use a product called Stackrox. At a granular level, the built-in policies were good for Kubernetes, but to protect our containers from a coding point of view, we had to use a few other products. For example, from a programming point of view, we were using Checkmarx for static code analysis. For CIS compliance, there are no CIS benchmarks for AKS. So, we had to use other plugins to see that the CIS benchmarks are compliant. There are CIS benchmarks for Kubernetes on AWS and GCP, but there are no CIS benchmarks for AKS. So, Azure Security Center fell short from the regulatory compliance point of view, and we had to use one more product. We ended up with two different dashboards. We had Azure Security Center, and we had Stackrox that had its own dashboard. The operations team and the security team had to look at two dashboards, and they couldn't get an integrated piece. That's a drawback of Azure Security Center. Azure Security Center should provide APIs so that we can integrate its dashboard within other enterprise dashboards, such as the PowerBI dashboard. We couldn't get through these aspects, and we ended up giving Reader security permission to too many people, which was okay to some extent, but when we had to administer the users for the Stackrox portal and Azure Security Center, it became painful."
"From a compliance standpoint, they can include some more metrics and some specific compliances such as GDPR."
"Microsoft Defender could be more centralized. For example, I still need to go to another console to do policy management."
"The product must improve its UI."
"After getting a recommendation, it takes time for the solution to refresh properly to show that the problem has been eliminated."
"One of the main challenges that we have been facing with Azure Security Center is the cost. The costs are really a complex calculation, e.g., to calculate the monthly costs. Azure is calculating on an hourly basis for use of the resource. Because of this, we found it really complex to promote what will be our costs for the next couple of months. I think if Azure could reduce the complex calculation and come up with straightforward cost mapping that would be very useful from a product point of view."
"We had some stability issues when we started working with SentinelOne."
"Singularity Complete's process stream has room for improvement."
"All they need to do to improve it is for it to grow further. The hackers don't sleep. If the hackers don't sleep, the solution continually needs to be updated. They need to keep ahead of the hackers."
"I would like to see a better mobile app so that I could look through my phone at the alerts and not have to go to the website. They should make it a little more mobile-accessible."
"SentinelOne Singularity Complete needs more connectors for integration with more solutions."
"The process of uninstalling and reinstalling older agent updates needs improvement."
"With respect to product patches, it should have the ability to patch directly from SentinelOne, rather than be presented with a list and have to do it separately."
"The solution needs better reporting on new threats and malware. The reporting is present, but I can't find the information easily."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"PingSafe is not very expensive compared to Prisma Cloud, but it's also not that cheap. However, because of its features, it makes sense to us as a company. It's fairly priced."
"The pricing for PingSafe in India was more reasonable than other competitors."
"I am not involved in the pricing, but it is cost-effective."
"Its pricing is okay. It is in line with what other providers were providing. It is not cheap. It is not expensive."
"I am personally not taking care of the pricing part, but when we moved from CrowdStrike to PingSafe, there were some savings. The price of CrowdStrike was quite high. Compared to that, the price of PingSafe was low. PingSafe is charging based on the subscription model. If I want to add an AWS subscription, I need to pay more. It should not be based on subscription. It should be based on the number of servers that I am scanning."
"The features included in PingSafe justify its price point."
"Their pricing appears to be based simply on the number of accounts we have, which is common for cloud-based products."
"The tool is cost-effective."
"The price of the solution is good for the features we receive and there is an additional cost for Microsoft premier support. However, some of my potential customers have found it to be expensive and have gone on to choose another solution."
"This is a worldwide service and depending on the country, there will be different prices."
"Security Center charges $15 per resource for any workload that you onboard into it. They charge per VM or per data-base server or per application. It's not like Microsoft 365 licensing, where there are levels like E3 and E5. Security Center is pretty straightforward."
"I am not involved much with the pricing but the bundle offering is good."
"Defender for Cloud is pretty costly for a single line. It's incredibly high to pay monthly for security per server. The cost is considerable for an enterprise with 500-plus virtual machines, and the monthly bill can spike."
"Azure Defender is definitely pricey, but their competitors cost about the same. For example, a Palo Alto solution is the same price per endpoint, but the ground strikes cost a bit more than Azure Defender. Still, it's pricey for a company like ours. Maybe well-established organizations can afford it, but it might be too costly for a startup."
"Pricing depends on your workload size, but it is very cheap. If you're talking about virtual machines, it is $5 or something for each machine, which is minimal. If you go for some agent-based solution for every virtual machine, then you need to pay the same thing or more than that. For an on-premises solution like this, we were paying around $30 to $50 based on size. With Defender, Microsoft doesn't bother about the size. You pay based on the number of machines. So, if you have 10 virtual machines, and 10 virtual machines are being monitored, you are paying based on that rather than the size of the virtual machine. Thus, you are paying for the number of units rather than paying for the size of your units."
"It is bundled with our enterprise subscription, which makes it easy to go for it. It is available by default, and there is no extra cost for using the standard features."
"The licensing is convenient, straightforward, and very clear."
"The product's pricing is at par with what you see among major competitors. It's higher than McAfee, yet cheaper than CrowdStrike."
"SentinelOne Singularity Complete is a fair price."
"The pricing for SentinelOne Singularity Complete is competitive."
"The tool's price is reasonable."
"When we were checking out different platforms, we did get a price from Microsoft, and it was unreasonable. SentinelOne was definitely reasonable and worth the money."
"The price is costly compared to what we were previously paying with Microsoft Defender and McAfee."
"The per-seat cost is low, but you have to commit to a certain number of licenses for a year."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about PingSafe?
The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best featu...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for PingSafe?
I am personally not taking care of the pricing part, but when we moved from CrowdStrike to Singularity Cloud Native S...
What needs improvement with PingSafe?
They can provide some kind of alert when a new type of risk is there. There can be a specific type of alert showing t...
How is Prisma Cloud vs Azure Security Center for security?
Azure Security Center is very easy to use, integrates well, and gives very good visibility on what is happening acros...
What do you like most about Microsoft Defender for Cloud?
The entire Defender Suite is tightly coupled, integrated, and collaborative.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Defender for Cloud?
The solution is expensive, and I rate it a five to six out of ten.
Cortex XDR by Palo Alto vs. Sentinel One
Cortex XDR by Palo Alto vs. SentinelOne SentinelOne offers very detailed specifics with regard to risks or attacks. ...
Which is better - SentinelOne or Darktrace?
Which solution is better depends on which is more suitable specifically for your company. Darktrace, for example, is ...
What do you like most about SentinelOne?
The AI solution makes it easy for customers to detect and manage policies, as well as documents that help customers m...

Also Known As

Microsoft Azure Security Center, Azure Security Center, Microsoft ASC, Azure Defender
Sentinel Labs, SentinelOne Singularity

Interactive Demo

Demo not available
Demo not available



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Microsoft Defender for Cloud is trusted by companies such as ASOS, Vatenfall, SWC Technology Partners, and more.
Havas, Flex, Estee Lauder, McKesson, Norfolk Southern, JetBlue, Norwegian airlines, TGI Friday, AVX, Fim Bank
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Defender for Cloud vs. SentinelOne Singularity Complete and other solutions. Updated: September 2023.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.